The RISE and FALL (and hopefully rise again) of the Dutch Lion

Did I grab your attention ?


Please allow me to introduce myself... The name is Henk, Personal Trainer, Entrepreneur and Life's little B!tch.

photo Henk.jpg

YES, my fellow Steemians, life can take you to beautiful places and dark corners. It can lift you up to see the rainbow or crush you under it's gigantic testicles.
Life is what you make of it; it is often said that it is not the circumstances in life that define the person you are but your ability to deal with them. So I plan to deal with this, the best I can.

Let me start with the beginning and tell you that I had the best possible start in life and still am very blessed. I will therefore try not to over-dramatize this intro. I am in Perfect Health, have an Awesome kid, a Job I love and can pretty much start any word with a Capital letter. However life has thrown me a couple of curve balls that I am trying to deal with. The biggest one is my separation. Which kinda came out of nowhere.
OK, not completely out of nowhere, I was spending way to much time concentrating on work that I ended up negleting everything else. Fair is Fair, that was on me. I learn though and grow due the mistakes I have made.

Fast Forward, where am I now?
Well, I am writing this from a home that is quarter of the size I was living before, in a country with no family, dating a woman that is married and living overseas....
If i had one word to describe my life as it is right now..... COMPLICATED the one that comes to mind.

But this is all going to change..


Because I am an ambitious little f*cker, that is why.

and I want everyone to join me in my mission to be Healthy, Wealthy and Fit as F*ck.
My contribution is going to be that last bit. I will provide you with kick-ass exercise programs that will shape you up like a boss. Because that is what I do and I do that well.
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In return I will trust you, Steemians of the world, to teach me how to crypto like a king and introduce me to life's many mysteries. Let me know in the comments if you know any good steemit people to follow. leave me a link to your blog, so I can check you out as well.

I will leave you with the words of Tenecious D

"Just like the phoenix, we will f*cking rise again"

Now lets kick some butt.


Nice post!
Welcome to Steemit @marion-pt

Thank you, good to be here

Welcome to steemit, I already follow you, successful.

awesome mate

welcome to steemit.. hope you enjoy here and it takes a lot of effort and patience before the recognition.. don't hesitate to ask me if you have concerns.. I am willing to help as long as I can manage that questions.. just steemit.. don't forget to enjoy most of the time..

I will, tahnks for the support

Welcome to Steemit mate!

Welcome! Nice to have you!

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