Hello Hello ! Mari from Tokyo

in #introduceyourself7 years ago (edited)


Hi Steemians ! I am excited​ to post my very first article on Steemit.
I am Mariko Yamada, from Japan. Please​ call me Mari.

Since I knew Steemit, the vision attracted me because I have a lot of things​ that I want to express. My brain & heart are like ... filled with sparkle fireworks. Maybe colorful gems and flowers in these too.
Therefore, Steemit might be great medicine to cure my sweet illness. Which​ named Sparkle Fireworks Diamond Flower syndrome​. (In my research​, many Japanese have the illness... That's why we create tons of anime & manga.​hmmm​m)

So!​ Today I introduce myself to​ you.

What I love

Travelling​ + Fashion

There are too beautiful ​things​ on​ this planet. I love traveling​, and somehow I feel happy when my outfit much​ with the place...It works for a ​photo shoot​​, isn't it?

BE47DC93-1038-45D0-BAFB-B2FAF057390A 2.jpg
*photo by dal : I'm wearing white lace swimdress

Last year, I made a travel & style blog​ named 京(kyo).​ 京's theme is '' Showing my love for traditional Japanese beauty'' and ''Taking​ snippets of Japan from both ancient times and the present''.

スクリーンショット 2018-03-13 20.01.48.png

On steemit, I want to show you my travel diary that has more description than 京 blog. Focusing on details, writing​ my impressions, more photos...and so on.


Simple drawings are my thing. I love the ​various range of expression such as​ cute one from ironical (but smart) art.
Sometimes I collaborate drawings with my photos. In future, I want to make collage post. For example​, dress (drawing) with a ​naked body(photo)...Anyways I'm so happy because I can use here as a special art gallery​!


Right now I have been working as a freelance fashion writer/illustrator​ 2 years. Before the ​current job, I was working for a ​modeling​ agency. Taking an advantage​ of these experience, I'm blogging for the ​Japnese woman to let them notice their natural​ beauty​. One of my popular​ post ''Single eyelid are beautiful '' (Written in​ Jan 2017) hits 110,920PV so far. I am interested in education for young girls living in IT era - Because they try to imitate idols, models, TV talents and celebrities​ so easily and lost their original​ charm. But they are not happy at all evenif they copied someone's apperence. Then girls( my blog readers) asking me an advice. '' I hate myself. How can I be beautiful? ''
So this is another​ reason I appear​ myself online...I want to show them the style not following celebrities, just following my heart. And to eat good food, live healthily​.

These are what I love and my works. Hope you know who am I :)

Mari's Dream (near future)

・travel more
・go to 厳島神社
・go to Sardinia
・take an​ extraordinarily​ beautiful​l cherry​ blossom fashion photo
・Publish books for girls (About natural beauty)
・drawing more
buy KALITA dress

My details

・30years old (I know I look​ young​...)
・Speaks Japanese, a ​bit of English
・Totally Introvert
・Loves dancing

Social Following
Twitter - 1056 Followers

I'm happy to contribute to the community using English and Japanese.
My topic will be travel, art, and my life journal.
Feel free to follow me, ​comment on my post <3

Have a good day!



そう、だからつまり、Steemitはそんな私のクレイジーな症状を治してくれる特効薬みたいに思えるんです。この病気は、アウトプットを止めてしまうと辛くて辛くて仕方なくなっちゃうんですね。病気の名前は… Sparke Fireworks Diamond Flower シンドロームと名付けましょう。 (私の独自の調査によると、実は多くの日本人がこの病気にかかっているみたい…だから、この国には漫画とかアニメがいっぱい生まれるんですねぇ、ふむふむ)




去年私は、トラベル&ファッションブログ 京(kyo)をスタートしました。​ 京のテーマは「流行に左右されないジャパニーズビューティー像を表現」と「現代〜古代まで、日本をタイムスリップしているような記事を作ること」なんです。よかったらぜひのぞいてみてくださいね。





今、私はフリーランスファッションライター&イラストレーターとして働いています。その前の仕事はモデルのマネージャーでした。それらの経験を生かして、日本人女性へ向けたビューティーブログTrueBeautyを運営しているのですが、これはただの美容ブログじゃないんです。「ありのままのあなたの魅力を大切にしてね」っていう内容がメインなんです。TrueBeautyの人気Postのひとつに「一重まぶたは素敵だよ」という記事があります。去年の1月に投稿したその記事は現在 110,920PVヒットしていて、幅広い世代の女性たちから感謝の声を頂いています。IT時代に生きる女性たちは(いや、男性もですね)とにかく様々な情報にさらされているので、TVタレントや雑誌のモデル、遠い国の誰かと自分を必要以上に比べすぎる傾向があります。そのことがみんなを不幸にしている。そういうことを美容ブログの方では重点的に書いていて、啓蒙してる感じです。下は学生さん上は主婦の方まで幅広い年齢の読者さんからお悩み相談のメールもよくいただくので、いずれこの内容は本にして出版するのが夢です。



KALITA のドレスを買う(好き…かわいい)



Social Following
Twitter - 1056 Followers

Have a good day!


Welcome to Steemit @marikoyamada!

I wish you much success and hope you find Steemit to be as rewarding and informative as I have.

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Introbot is hosted and managed with donations from @byColeman to help make your journey on Steemit be truly rewarding. Your feedback is always welcome so that we may improve this welcome message.
Oh yea, I have upvoted you and followed you. Many blessings from @introbot & @bycoleman

hello hello @introbot & @bycoleman thanks for voting! ;)

Recibe una cordial Bienvenida a Steemit, es un placer poder compartir contigo.

Hola @luisal314 ! Thanks for commenting :)
I can't read Spanish but I know few words... Arigato mucho!

welcome to steemit, good luck and keep working as much as you can, and do not forget to support other friends.

hi francoojy, thank you for your kind words. It encouraged me :)!

Hi Mari, nice to meet you!
I look forward to see your next posts :)

Hello Mari! I'm Shei... Welcome to Steemit! ^^ Your drawings are so cute and you're so pretty~!!! ^^ See you around! ^^

Hello Shei! Thaks for commenting​ :) Arigato~~!! I'm so happy :)

どういたしまして!I'm looking forward to reading more of your posts... ^^

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Thanks for commenting! :)


amblogさんはじめまして!フォローありがとうございます :)
これからもどうぞよろしくお願いいたします ;)

For only your first that sure was a great article! Check me out as well! Much blessings to you!

Hello izzy! ;) I appreciate your kind note :) Yatta~ ;)


moromaroさんこんばんは! はじめまして〜!



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