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RE: My Intro
Thanks bro! You're exactly right. In the book "The Four Agreements" it talks about not taking anything personally because everyone acts a certain way because of their own short comings. And no I haven't talked to her about that. I've tried, but she's a very proud person. She doesn't like to open up and be vulnerable.
You're welcome. The four agreements is a great book. 👍 What is the one book that had the biggest impact on you? I feel you man, my mother is the same way.
Geez, idk. That's a tough one! Success-wise, I'd say "Think and Grow Rich". But for all around life and spirit, "The Power of Now" is incredible. What about you?
If I could choose two. The law of success by napoleon hill, which is just a longer version of think and grow rich. My second would be, the magic of believing by Claude M. Bristole