
Hello welcome to steem 🐋👌🏻

Hey Lee! Welcome to Steemit! Thanks for sharing your intro post!

Welcome to steemit @leeforder I'm happy to see you joined this awesome platform. =)
How many cats do you have? I have actually 2 clingy and playful cats named Bacon and Oreo. =)

Only one. Poor Cece has no choice but to like me, because I'm her only friend, haha. I think all the time that I should probably get her a cat-companion one day. BUT I'm sure she enjoys the undivided attention she gets now, too.

I just checked out Bacon and Oreo now and it's instant cuteness overload! There aren't many things in this world I will openly declare love for, but siamese cats are one of them. An ex of mine had a siamese named Tobias, and I still miss that little bugger to this day. I bet Bacon and Oreo are super close now. Every pair of siamese I've ever known are inseparable!

Thanks for the warm welcome, and for giving me an excuse to talk about cats. =)

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Welcome aboard. Thoughts on Jordan Peterson?

Haven't read his book, but I've been watching his interviews and parts of his lectures. Definitely taking some good general life-lessons away from it--mostly in the area of avoiding being a useless manchild. Lol. :)

Beyond that, it's just nice to hear a rational and intelligent take on some of the insane ideological positions of the day. He has a nice way of summing things up, and alternating between eloquence and terseness to make his points stick.

I just recently came across the first position of his that I really can't support. The prescription of antidepressants came up in an interview, and he seemed concerningly devout about their merits. He even said (I'm paraphrasing) "much of my time spent with clients is months or years of convincing them to try an antidepressant". He also went on to make it sound like there are no risks, and everyone considering medicating should just try it for a month to see if it works.

I'm sure psychological meds are helpful for some people, but I also think their overuse is a major and understated problem in the west today. And I'm very skeptical about anyone minimizing their potential side effects. There's a lot of data out there suggesting a strong link between antidepressants and suicide; but I realize deconflating correlation from causation can be tricky.

Personally I think the combination of ADHD medication and antidepressants could be at least part of the reason we see more mass shootings these days. But I have no research to back that up.

What do you think would be a better (if that is the right word) way to treat depression if you were to go the non-medicated route?

Welcome @leeforder! I'm going start off by addressing the quiet clue you have placed in the lead picture to your post here. That is a roll of toilet paper floating next to your head n'est-ce que pas? You my friend are in the crapper (please say yes!), taking photos nontheless. And the reason for the thumbs up? I feel like you are fucking with us here, what's the deal bro, help me out! Did Cece put you up to this? I feel better now having addressed this, I'll move on.

I like your mining rig, very nice looking. At some point I'd like to do the same....ahhhhh, never enough time. What are you mining?

You'll love Steemit, it's a blast here! I'm quite new as well and still trying to get oriented. I write fiction @danielshortell, most of it is rubbish, but every now and then i get lucky. Stop by, say hello.

Alright, best of luck to you!

Bahaha, yeah. It's true. I was taking photos in the crapper. You deserve more than this 12 cent upvote.

Truth be told, the lighting in this house is horrible (not that I know enough about photography to understand lighting). And I photograph... very badly. Somehow, the desperate struggle between these two sinister forces ended with a bathroom photoshoot. Life is strange. :D

Right now the rig is on ETH. Pulling 22 MH/s out of this 1060 which I think is standard. But it looks like ZEC will actually be much more profitable than ETH when the 1070s arrive-- IF prices and difficulty remain similar to now. Of course in crypto it's probably ridiculous to assume things won't change quickly.

Thanks for the welcome. I really do appreciate it.

EDIT: I forgot to address the thumbs up. I think this was a method to hack my face-controling neurons into an almost pleasant state, distracting them from what would've certainly otherwise been a camera induced paralysis.

I knew it! I salute you sir, well played.

Well, since we're all being honest here, I simply grabbed a photo of myself from 20 years ago and plopped it up on my intro page. Now, nobody has reason to think I'm some tubby, middle aged pervy looking guy with a very unorthodox receding hairline. The internet is cool.

Yep, good god, never know what the prices are going to do nowadays. I guess just be ready to toggle back in forth between coins with the markets moves. Good luck!

EDIT (TO ADDRESS YOUR EDIT): Apathy is a motherfucker, anything that can be done to trick humans out of this lamentably natural state thereby spreading love and joy far and wide is good. You continue to earn my respect with these sort of thoughtful yet pragmatic mechanisms.

EDIT (unprovoked this time): The cat bot sure did rape the hell out of your comment area. I want to be bothered by it, but god damn, some pretty interesting stuff there....oh shit, did I just....

Welcome to steemit bro. But, ur reputasion 48. Hihihi. Just happy bro

Hope to see more of you, fantastic choice of words, welcome.

Welcome! Always good to see great intro posts. Even though I’ve been here for a few months, I’m still pretty new to crypto life and trading, looking forward to keeping up with you. Best of luck here!

Welcome to steemit dude.U must be fun at party.

Are you sarcasmemeing on me? Because it's true. I'm a nerd.

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