Cryptogaming! Devblog #1 introduction ,finance, roadmap plans

in #introduceyourself7 years ago (edited)

My name is Jeff and my former username is korpo but i've changed it to Cryptogaming, for a reason of course! 

For a very long time I was thinking about combining two of my hobbies, gaming and cryptocurrencies. I've thought about writing an interface for exchanging cryptos for gamecards, but the value of the cryptos is to volatile for this service. Could have use tether for it but I don't have any feelings for tether. Also it's not unique in my opinion.

Also I've thought a long time about skipping the whole gaming scene and focus on mobility. Car-sharing or currency for charging electrical cars. I love cars but I felt a big no since I don't want to start a war with all the big oil companies. Call me a conspiracy theorist for being afraid, I know better myself haha. Maybe later if I can be as Elon Musk, who knows!

The plans for all this are in my head at the moment and I'm working them out on paper and I will be open about the whole process from head to product. I will start on Steemit since I hope I get a lot of community feedback along the way which is the most important for me to create a product for a large audience. I will not create 1 single game, I'm focussing on several to keep most gamers happy!

Financials and plans!

First and foremost, financials, money, income, cashflow, you name it. On our Earth everything runs on money. This project will cost a lot of it in the future. Something I don't have a lot of in life is, you guess it, money. I`m living in the Netherlands and i`m having a fine daytime job in IT which can maintain my family-needs no problem.  Also i`m a fresh dad so most of my time is spent on working, traveling and caring for my little boy.  Also most of my money is spent on that. Problem which has to be solved is, financials.

I simply am not rich enough to quit my daytime job and start fulltime managing and developing this plan and product. For this issue a lot of solutions are available lucky enough.  Only, which solution is best for me, my future team and for the customers\players? Was thinking about the following solutions.

- Create a smaller game which will be a pay and play title
- Donations in crypto's
- First create the currency to have an ICO
- Premine created currency and sell on the market when value is settled

Those options are in order of preference though.

A little explaination of my opinions:

Creating a smaller game to sell for creating cashflow is a serious option for me. I was thinking about a RPG which is story based upon this whole project (including enough fantasy to keep it a fun game). This is time-consuming but not impossible for me to do without quitting my daytime job already. Problem is, if that game sucks, the image of this project will also start more negative then I would like for it to happen.

Donations also have their pro's and con's for me. I am not the type for receiving donations since I like to work hard for my projects. Also i`m very depended on the amount which will be donated and customers will get nothing in return and don't have any reason to donate a new project from a man from the Netherlands without any state of service in this industry.

I think an ICO will be too much of an hassle since there is a lot of regulation going on lately and the pressure will be pretty high. It is possible to do but I need to have an ICO which will cover my life-expenses for the following couple of years so I can quit my daytime job to go fulltime developing and expending.

Premining is also an option but the image of premined coins is "scammy" and my maingoal is to be open and honest. I really don't know the exact truth since I never spent any time following premined coins going succesfull, doubt there are many of them.

Whats next?

In the upcoming period I will focus on creating a roadmap if I`m happy with the preffered way to finance future products but I almost sure I will start creating a little but nice RPG. Also, the whole project is based on a new to be created cryptocurrency but that will be discussed in devblog #2. I really don't know if I will use a token from a proven coin, will fork a existing or will create a new one. I will simply NOT use a existing coin because I want to have control over the amount of total coins etc before I launch it. Goal is that 1 coin will make sense, so new gear or something will not cost 0,00023124 or something like that. Therefor total coin supply will be very important but I will need to do some market research for that.


Steemians!  Please give me as much feedback and suggestions as possible!  Every Devblog will contain more and more information about in depth items and eventually we will discuss the first things of the new game.

Donations are always welcome, I will put all donations in my savings or power up my steempower again. Voting = also a very big thanks for your kindness, ill take this also as donation!

For all donating directly 2SBD/2STEEM or more before the end of May I will create a character based on you. Please put in the memo the name you would like and 4 words about the characters character.


Firstname.Lastname , funny, faithfull, ADHD, loyal
Firtname.Lastname, evil, mean, leader, fighter

Maybe ill contact for additional information though!

Thank you for taking the time reading this and I hope I will get a lot of interaction with you all.


Wow nice post her comrade from the many posts I visited this post that gives inflation for me a good post my friends always enjoy this post

Thank you for your support!

sounds like a very bold plan! but i feel like the plan's missing some details. i'm not sure how the game will be linked to crypto other than donations and ico (which can be done completely independent from the game itself). an rpg game also sounds kinda vague. not to mention most modern rpgs require a lot of developers. i support you. i don't wanna sound too negative. these are just few questions because i'm interested.

Thank you for your response! Depending on the choice of financing the first step will be likely a smaller rpg game if a ICO or premine or no option. This first game will not have cryptointeraction other than buying it for a small fee. This money will cover my costs for future steps of building a mmo platform with crypto integration. On that platform every game will use a new to be created coin for all currencies in game. On the other hand you can earn credits ingame by for example selling your processed items or gear.

My first priority with this is to prevent pay to win as far as possible though.

Another example would be a racing game where you earn coins for racing to spend for ingame cars, tuning etc.

What you earn in game can be used on exhanges or to other people, you name it! Every devblog will sortlike also be a braindump and they will clearify every aspect bit by bit. Everyone can give feedback, ask questions and support the whole process

wow. sounds even bigger than i thought! it's going to be one GIGANTIC project. tbh i think it's a bit too much. but you can always prove me wrong. keep posting updates pls!

It is really a too big of a project for me alone for sure! But besides living expensis I will invest everything I have in expanding the business. Goal is to have a team of at least two persons per skill when starting the larger project and who knows how many will be eventually.

I`m not a big game developer myself, lot to learn for me and I do not hesitate to hire professionals for jobs I don't have 100% professional skills for. Luckely I have a lot of connections and my managing skills are just fine. I've done very large projects for customers which containted skills I don't personally have.

All my employees, partners etc can count on 1 thing when working for me, that is that I will make them as happy and proud as possible. That is a priority for me and my life-philosophy :)

i see what you're saying. i wish you luck on this project! 👍

A video game for PS4 that pays out Crypto will be a game changer and could one day make video gaming a career without the need for streaming or sponsors or tournaments. I see you don’t have a Steemit Profile Picture I made a contest post on the bottom is link that will teach you, then after you make yours feel free to enter the contest to create mine. here

Coin Marketplace

STEEM 0.13
TRX 0.23
JST 0.031
BTC 82716.06
ETH 1812.57
USDT 1.00
SBD 0.72