Hiya, I'm Kirsty and welcome to the sabotage show!

in #introduceyourself7 years ago (edited)



My name is Kirsty and I am a self confessed self sabotager. I rarely do the things I am supposed to do, and I often do things I shouldn't really. I take too long to make decisions. I sleep too long and stay up too late. I take on too much at once. I don't try hard enough at things, because whats the point if I am already going to be doing a bad job. Even in the taking of this picture I thought "I SHOULD wait until there is good lighting and I'm wearing day time clothes... that will make for a better introduction picture rather than lamplight and fluffy pyjamas.", but did I listen to me? No. No, I did not.

Here's the thing, I'm going to try this year to be better at not doing the whole self sabotaging thing. I have a bunch of New Years Resolutions that I am going to try to stick to in hope that they will make me a better person or something. What's that I hear you say? "But Kirsty, it's already the end of January, why are you posting about New Years Resolutions now?" Good question, reader. The reason for this is because I don't believe in January. Well, I believe in it as far as yes - I know it exists, but I don't believe it has any power. January is a trial month. February is the real deal. February is when it all begins. I am going to use steemit to share the stories about me trying to stick to my New Years Resolutions, and maybe I'll include some nice pictures and videos of Scotland to keep you interested.

Even that last paragraph was a bit of a self sabotage because it is not why I am writing this post, I am supposed to be #introducingmyself or something right now. I am a 26 year old Scottish human living in Glasgow. I grew up in Stornoway, on the Isle of Lewis in the Western Isles of the Outer Hebrides of Scotland. I moved to the mainland in 2009 to go to university. I went to university for six whole months before dropping out because I was diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis (at age 18, below average as usual!). That was okay, I took a few months to come to terms with it and recover from my relapse (I lost the use of my arms and legs, it was a bit of a drag tbh) and then I started back at uni in September 2010. I graduated 4 years later with an MA (Hons) in linguistics. THEN there was a little thing in Scotland called the Scottish Independence Referendum. I worked on the Yes Scotland campaign and put everything I had into trying to secure a Yes vote for Scotland. And we lost. A few years later I worked on another referendum campaign for the European Referendum. I worked with the Stronger In Europe campaign to try to secure Scotland's place in the European Union. AND we lost. Can you say #brexit?

So I am a two time referendum losing, linguistics graduate with a brain disease... what else is interesting about me? Oh! I am a vegan.
"How do you know if someone is vegan?"
"Don't worry they will let you know!"

I went vegan in 2013 and it is one of the best things I have ever done, I couldn't be happier with my decision, and no I have never considered going back on it... also in case you were wondering what would happen if I was stranded on a desert island? I would probably just die. And no I don't miss cheese.

So I am a self righteous, two time referendum losing, linguistics graduate with a brain disease. What else? I am a SPOKEN WORD ARTIST. I write stories and poems and perform them on a stage in front of audiences. What an attention seeker, amirite? I write about politics and pop culture. Once I was in a competition for the BBC and I got to be on the radio or something, and another time I was on BBC News because I wrote a poem that I performed in a video where I was meant to be talking about how great a charity I volunteer for is, but instead I totally sidetracked the video and talked about me. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/av/disability-37725873/the-poem-sending-shivers-down-spines
I have some other recordings of my poetry on the interwebs but they aren't very good and I am about 2 stone heavier so I won't link them here, feel free to try and find them yourself though. Maybe I will try and get some better footage of my poetry as part of being on this whole steemit thing.

So I am an attention seeking, self righteous, two time referendum losing, linguistics graduate with a brain disease... Pleased to meet you?


Hi Kirsty how are you? Welcome to steemit by the way, you know I love doing some prank with my older sister and I love being feisty sometimes lol.
I wish you luck and congratulation for being a part of steemit. =)

Hello I am great thank you! I love pranks too, haven't done a good prank in a while. As long as nobody is hurt or upset then it's all good fun :) Thanks for the luck and congratulations!

Thank you, I am pleased to make your acquaintance! And thanks for being my first ever comment too! :)

Welcome To Steemit Kirtsy. Oh, And I'm A Vegan Too! 😇

Thank you! That's brilliant, slowly we will take over the world and everyone will be as excellent as us! ;) x

A vegan pajamas wearing Scot eh?
Welcome to the Steem World!
I have recently made an orientation video that will help you in your journey here - and will hopefully answer all the questions that took me months to figure out.

I wish you all the best here on Steem!

I will also use the tag : @originalworks for this post, this will summon a robot that, if you wrote this original article, will give you an additional upvote. :)

Aw brilliant, thanks so much! I will make sure to watch your video! I like how you have turned yourself into some flotsam/jetsum. (I guess you would be jetsum since you put yourself there deliberately? I am never quite sure of the differences between the two but I think jetsum is stuff that was thrown in the sea on purpose.) And thanks for summoning a robot to my aid! Are there lots of robots on here? I would love some robot pals.

There is a lot of bots on here. Most are upvote bots that you can pay to get upvotes from (people have different views on whether that is ok) but we have a few anti spam ones along with the somewhat crazy ones (like cat facts and crypto prices).

That's so weird! The only bots I have ever really come across before were on twitter. Once I wrote a post about a broken toe and this not dedicated to retweeting posts about broken toes retweeted me. It was all very strange.

welcome in the community :)

Thank you so much! I am excited to be here :)

Welcome to Steemit! I hope you enjoy your time here and be sure to check out DTube, Dsound, and DLive as well. These are the video and audio platforms that are based on the Steem Blockchain and are great additions to your Steemit world. As well, I hope you will look over some of my content and consider following along! Kindest regards.

Thank you for your encouragement! I have heard of Dtube and Dsound, but DLive is one I haven't heard of so I will look that up! I have given you a wee follow there too :)

Dear Kristy,

Don't reply to this post now... go to bed!
In the morning, however...

Welcome to Steem!

I'm part of The Fresh Five, which is here to help new Steemians (that's you) get a feel for the platform.

I've featured you in a Welcoming Post to introduce you to everyone.

The Fresh Five is a new Steemian curation effort, geared toward rewarding new Steemians who deliver interesting, fun, thought provoking, or just plain silly introduction posts.

We invite you to come to our Engagement Post and comment and say hello and ask any questions you might have about Steem or this platform, we're always happy to help!

Thank you so much for including me in your post! I will definitely endeavour to be fun and silly, though I can't guarantee interesting and thought provoking, especially if I continue to post at silly o'clock in the morning. I am going to go comment on those engagement posts now. I have never commented before (except in reply to comments on here) so this is all very thrilling! I might even do one of those resteem thingys. I'll be a pro by the time February hits. Thanks for your encouragement :)

Hi Kirsty! Welcome to Steem!

The Fresh Five is a new Steemian curation effort, geared toward rewarding new Steemians who deliver interesting, fun, thought provoking, or just plain silly introduction posts.

We invite you to come to our Engagement Post and join the comment thread where we hope to encourage engagement and interaction with your fellow Steemians.

Each week we go out and invite new Steemians to our weekly engagement post, where you can get to know some other new Steemians, and some more established folks who like to welcome new members of our community. We hope to see you there!

Looking forward to seeing you dig in to Steem and join the community!

Hello! Thank you, I am so grateful to be part of the late January Fresh Five! I am feeling much more prepared to dig in now, and by tomorrow I'll be raring to go. :)

Hi Welcome to Steem. Congratulations! It's an awesome community. I followed you. Please follow back. Good Luck.82dac99-285x300.jpg

Hello! Thanks for following me :) I will certainly follow you back since you are here with me at the beginning of my exciting steemit journey :)

"I rarely do the things I am supposed to do, and I often do things I shouldn't really."

Seems to me that posting on Steemit is something you should be doing. And you are!

It is something I should be doing, but maybe not a 2am before a really important day at work... Thanks for encouraging me though, I hope to keep it up! :)

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