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RE: I'm just your average queer, anarcho-communist, atheist...[whatever that is]

in #introduceyourself9 years ago (edited)

"I'm just your average queer, anarcho-communist, atheist...[whatever that is]"

I can tell you "whatever that is":

What you are is an SJW douche who isn't cool, edgy, or original but who has managed to encapsulate every boring, trendy, modern-leftist cliche in his introductory post title...congrats!

You're 'queer', how nice for you! How brave of you in the year 2016 to let your fag-flag fly!

You're a 'communist', guess you gave away all of your possessions then, eh?

And you're an atheist, wow, edgy-to-the-max bro! In the year 2016 you don't believe in imaginary sky-gods, woo-hoo!

That you self-identify as an "anarchist" almost makes me want to stop using the label myself...


What you are is an SJW douche who isn't cool...

I have no reason to feel offended by being labeled a social justice warrior. In no way does it feel insulting to be associated with social justice. If anything, I wear SJW as a badge of pride.

That you self-identify as an "anarchist" almost makes me want to stop using the label myself...

You and all the other self described "anarcho-capitalists" definitely should do that. Anarchism and capitalism are fundamentally incompatible. Capitalism cannot exist without the state existing as the vanguard of capitalist property relations.

You're a 'communist', guess you gave away all of your possessions then, eh?

In the absence of full communism, It isn't practical for me to give up all of my resources unilaterally as I can't expect the same support from others. However, if you read my article you would know that I said.

I try my best to be a principled anarchist and communist, I share freely of my resources to the extent that I can, with no jealous attachment to material value, giving to the homeless and those in need as I can (of course I know the mainstream paternalistic thinking which is that that doesn't help the big picture, but it helps that person individually) and acting against instances of misogyny, racism, and general bigotry as they happen around me.

I have no real attachment to material things or aspiration to accumulate vast wealth. I therefore share freely of my resources to those around me in greater need, I literally have shared of my own resources all the way until I could barely support myself despite having a decent amount more resource-power than the average person, because I can't even bring myself to hoard further resources after my needs are met.

From my experience, those who put "social" in front of other words are usually talking about the opposite of the word which comes after it (in this case "justice"), "social justice" in reality means "no justice".

Well, I hope to live to see an anarchist world in which I can be an AnCap and you can be an AnCom...because I'd love to see how AnCom's deal w/the economic-calculation problem absent a system of prices/profit and the fact that different people have different ability/value levels. The reason we don't see many voluntary collectives today is because they simply don't work and aren't compatible w/human nature. Those who want to level society down to the lowest-common-denominator are the ones who will always need an agency of violence ("the state") to do so.

Yeah, its easier to SAY you're a communist than to actually BE one, isn't it?

From your last paragraph here it REALLY sounds like you're a guilt-ridden upper-middle-class white person (your pic/name seems hispanic tho)...and I'm guessing you DO have an attachment to material things like everyone else, but are simply virtue-signaling in order to appear 'cool'.

As someone who came from actual poverty (albeit 1st-world poverty which really isn't poverty at all) I feel no shame in 'hoarding' as many resources as I can acquire...and I understand that people generally end up deserving what they get.

And, why did you feel the need to say you're a "queer"? Why does it even matter and isn't it a personal thing?

I've not met a hetero yet who feels the need to prominently display his/her sexual orientation the way homo's always seem to do...I would never think to say "I'm just your average hetero, AnCap, atheist", it'd just be silly.

I remember when homo's used to say how being gay wasn't a choice but just the way they were born, but now all the fuckers can talk about is being if an alleged accident of birth is their entire identity. Its kinda sick...

I've not met a hetero yet who feels the need to prominently display his/her sexual orientation

That's because that's the assumed sexuality in our heteronormative society


Heteronormativity is the belief that people fall into distinct and complementary genders (man and woman) with natural roles in life. It assumes that heterosexuality is the only sexual orientation or only norm, and states that sexual and marital relations are most (or only) fitting between people of opposite sexes. Consequently, a "heteronormative" view is one that involves alignment of biological sex, sexuality, gender identity and gender roles. Heteronormativity is often linked to heterosexism and homophobia.

Its not being a splinter group to come to conclude that we live in a society which is heteronormative; You would know that from life experience if you were LGBTQIA.


Maybe I'm getting old, but I sure am getting tired of what seems to be an increasing urge to endlessly divide society into more and more specific really is silly the issues that have gained prominence...

why did you feel the need to say you're a "queer"? Why does it even matter and isn't it a personal thing?

Well, this is a #introduceyourself and the way I see it anybody can and should be understood both in the context of their

  • gender
  • race
  • sexuality
  • religious affliation
  • politics
  • class
  • age

Given that we live in a culture which is biased strongly by all those variables it makes sense for people to talk about themselves within the general frame of these ideas. Especially given that being their are systems of oppression which work against many minorities in these categories including but not limited to

  • the patriarchy
  • racism
  • hetero-normativity
  • Religious fundamentalism
  • fascism
  • classism and economic hierarchy itself
  • ageism

It really doesn't make sense for you to attack me for expressing my identity in an introduceyourself, I'm trying to give people context with which to attempt to understand me. Besides which, its not like I'm out in public telling everybody I'm queer, I'm saying it in a discussion specifically about myself. If you had bothered to read more than the title you would know I even said

I am not closeted and generally don't try to hide being queer but I also don't tell people who don't ask so I have known some people for years that found out I am queer and were genuinely surprised/shocked. To be honest, I dont talk about it alot for the dual reason of it being uncomfortable to be asked to explain your sexuality and that I feel it shouldn't be necessary.

also, I just read your comment clarifying you read further and did see a bit more common ground. So kudos for trying to understand me.

Took a little more time/effort to read you bio (my fault that I quickly scanned thru it earlier)...we actually have a fair amount in common (I'm an introvert, came from a Democrat household, had social difficulty in high school/found it hard to fit it, adhere to some pretty unpopular ideas, am an anarchist-atheist)...main difference, I'm assuming, is age-wise between us (I'm 42, guessing you're under 30).

You down-voted me on another thread & it pissed me off, so sorry if I got a bit hot-under-the-collar. Take care bro, we've got some differences, but at least you seem open-minded and see the state as a major negative.

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