Let me Introduce myself - My name is John.
Hi~~ World Steemers !!
My name is john kim, @kimsungmin
I was born in seoul in korea. And now, I'am 44 years old.
My family consists of my wife and two sons.
My sons like play basketball and solve the cube.
I'll post the sons on the next post.
I've lived in the Philippines for 10 years with my family.
We didn't have any plan to live in the Philippines for long time.
Just 2 to 3 years were out plan but,
We still live here in the Philippines. Wow !!
Anyway, I love both Korea and Philippines now.

My hobbies are playing golf, playing tennis and playing computer games.
I'll also try to post it in detail next time.
The more you know, the more you like this steemit.
I really want to share what I don't know, and I really share what you want.
I hope we can improve as we continue our steemit.
I love Steemit. Steemit Forever~~
팔로우 & 투표는 저에게 큰 힘이 됩니다 !!
Follow & Upvote is a great strength for me !!
Welcome @kimsungmin
Here are few tips for you to start fast in Steemit.
Firstly, follow me @suggeelson and be subjected to wonderful posts that would help you grow in the platform
Secondly, sign up for steemit chat to help promote your post reach a wider audience
thirdly, engage(upvote, comment, resteem) other people posts to help guide your growth. I wish you happy posting.
Thank you for giving me good information.
I hope you like steem, lets be friends, a big steemit family! :)
I wish so that. Thank you~~
Welcome to Steem @kimsungmin I have sent you a tip
Thank you so much~~~
Hi, i'm new here. You can check my posts about food, travel and random stuff. Follow me and i'll follow you back, enjoy!! :)
I really want to be a good friend. Thaks~~
Nice to have you.
So how's the mood over there in respect to American meddling and their proxy army Isis fighting the government.
And do you have any idea the mood is South Korea condidering the Americans are essentially putting the South Koreans on the front lines.
Thank you for visiting~
Welcome to Steemit))) Up))
Thank you very much.
Welcome to Steemit, @kimsungmin!
Hope you enjoy being here!
This message was written by my
bot.Thank you for visiting.
No problem. You're welcome!
Hi @kimsungmin I hope you enjoy your time here, its a great community :) Nice post, i will follow your account, please follow me at @khunfarang
Of course. Thank you for visiting.
@kimsungmin, Welcome to Steemit my friend. your introduction was cool. I loved the photo of your family and with the kids. They are very cute. what are their names?
You have some expensive hobbies, playing golf and tennis :).
I am from India and I am a marine surveyor and a long distance motorcycle rider. I am 9 years elder to you :) and been here for 12 days now.
Welcome again. all the very best to you. May you prosper here . God Bless
Thank you very much for your sincere remarks. My two sons are Kevin and Edward. My hobby is that I live in Philippine.It's a lot cheaper. If I lived in Korea,
I can't ^^
@kimsungmin. Philippines is a nice country.
But then now you are here in steemit. once you write quality blogs and get well paid, I am sure you can afford to live in Korea.
steemit can change lives.
Hard work and persistence pays always :)
Yes, I will try~~~~ try~~~
Congrats !!!! on the joining on STEEMIT; it is demanding AND rewarding. Here a sample of one of my posts.
Make a FOLLOW and let’s keep the dialog going on.
Good luck.
Thank you very much.I'll check the link.
Hope you have fun and enjoy !!! rgds.
I hope you have a good time as well. I followed U~~