RE: #IntroduceYourself - Howdy! Th' Name's Ashi! ✮
Haha okay, thanks!
I'm mostly using Krita, but it's only good for very short things. It lacks so many capabilities. You can't even duplicate animated layers, or loop short animations. Or copy paste something from an animated layer to another animated layer. It drives me nuts if I want to do something more than just a rough pencil animation.
I tried OpenToonZ once when it came out for free. My head exploded. It was overly complicated. At least back then. I think it was...2.5 years ago.
Never know about clip studio paint. Maybe I'll have a look.
Sometimes I animate in Photoshop with video layers. In some points it's better then Krita and in others it's worse. But I seem to have a bug lately where my pen pressure suddenly jumps to 100% at random which makes it impossiblie for me to draw in photoshop.