Introduce My Self | I'am Junaidi


Heloo Steemit... Saya Junaidi, saat ini umur saya 43 tahun, sudah berkeluarga dengan 3 orang buah hati,. Saya bekerja sebagai pegawai pemerintahan, tepatnya di Dinas Kesehatan Kota Langsa Aceh Indonesia, sebagai tenaga perencanaan.
Saya mulai tertarik dengan Steemit dari teman saya @willyfavindy, awalnya saya hanya melihat dan mendengar apa yang disampaikan oleh @willyfavindy, namun setelah mendengar lebih detail tentang Steemit, saya mulai terarik dan bergabung. Hal ini didasari oleh keinginan berbagi infromasi kepada sesama, sehingga informasi yang saya dapat berguna bagi teman-teman Steemit.

Sedikit mengenai tempat tinggal saya yaitu Kota Langsa. Kota Langsa merupakan Kotamadya yang bergerak dalam bidang jasa. Kehidupan masyarakatnya yang heterogen membuat Kota Langsa layak dijadikan sebagai tempat tinggal, mengingat kondisi dan situasi Kota Langsa yang kondusif.

Keberagaman penduduk Kota Langsa yang menjunjung tinggi toleransi antar suku, agama dan ras, menjadikan Kota Langsa nyaman dan aman sebagai tempat tinggal.

Demikian sekilas yang dapat saya informasikan. Terima Kasih kepada Komunitas Steemit Indonesia, semoga dengan bergabungnya saya dalam komunitas ini, saya dapat memberikan informasi-informasi positif dan membangun juga bermanfaat bagi teman-teman Steemit khususnya dan masyarakat luas pada umumnya.


Heloo Steemit ... I am Junaidi, now I am 43 years old, I have a family with 3 son and daughter. I work as a government employee, precisely in Health Office of Langsa City of Aceh Indonesia, as a planning staff.
I got interested in Steemit from my friend @willyfavindy, initially I just saw and heard what was said by @willyfavindy, but after hearing more details about Steemit, I started to pull and join. This is based on the desire to share information with others, so that information can be useful to my friends of Steemit.

A little about where I live: Langsa City. Langsa City is a municipality that is engaged in services. The life of the heterogeneous community makes Langsa City worthy of residence, considering the condition and situation of Langsa City is conducive.
The diversity of Langsa residents who uphold the tolerance between ethnic, religious and racial, make Langsa City comfortable and safe as a place to live.

So glance that I can inform. Thanks to Steemit Indonesia Community, hopefully with my joining in this community, I can provide positive information and build also benefit to friends of Steemit especially and society at large in general.


Welcome to family :) Follow me back and I will surprise you on August 1 ;)

Hello!! Glad to see more people like you - here joining steemit! Becoming a steamian is a great adventure! Here you can win money while bloging! At the beginning it wouldn't be easy, but it isn't impossible. So just write from your heart and everything will be allright. Wish you much luck! Cheers!
Greetings, @duhov!

Thank You, Nice to know you and wish you luck too. Cheers..

Welcome to Steemit, @junaidikl!

Hope you enjoy being here!

This message was written by my introduceyourself bot, but I'm a real user :)

Shall you have any questions, feel free to reply to me. I'll gladly answer your questions :)

You can also go to and chat with the Steemit Community over there!

Welcome to Steem @junaidikl I have upvoted and sent you a tip

Thank you for upvoting my introduce, kind to be a member of Steemit...

Welcome Rakan To Steemit. Please follback vote n comment @hadimemories. Salam Steemit Indonesia. Thanks

 Welcome to this incredible platform, hope everything will work out for you. Being here it’s not easy but not difficult neither only an extra effort will go a long way, engagement is the key good luck I’m @tinashe Start by Following ,Upvoting &Resteeming people and they will do the same. 


Thank you


Welcome bg bro
Folback n upvote back yaa @kakilasak

Ok Bro...Makasih Ya...I have Followed You

Welcome @junaidikl thanks for the intro

Ok. You're wellcome

Hello dan selamat datang. Ti be successful, It is very important to produce quality content.

Selamat datang di komunitas steemit @junaidikl saya telah follow dan upvote di post pertama kamu
Saya harap kamu follow kembali @razzirean dan memberikan upvote pada post saya terimakasih atas kerjasamanya
Salam hangat komunitas steemit indonesia, saya tunggu post kamu selanjutnya selamat berkaya semoga sukses selalu :)

Terima kasih kembali @razzirean atas upvotenya...

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