Just a little bit about little old me...

in #introduceyourself8 years ago

"" Yep thats me..."

A Bit About Me

My name is Jason middle name Paul and Rocks is my married name. Hence my handle here jprocks. My wife always said she would never take my name and I had always said I would never marry a woman who would take my original family name. I quite like it myself but understand why a woman should not. The original name is Saggs... Think about it for a minute what women would want to be known as saggs. Just has far too many connotations. My mum agreed with this decision and said she hated being known as Mrs Saggs, bless her. My dad has passed on so he did not have a say. My two sister-in-laws were quite irate because guess what their Saggy Saggs. Wife and I decided on the name Rocks as it's kind of cool??? As you can see from the picture that is me verifying myself and I will state right here and now my writing is pretty bad. I mean not just bad but more or less unreadable. My typing on the other hand, well thats pretty quick. More than 50 words per minute. I was bright enough in school to take the typing class. Not that I fancied becoming an expert typist but because I fancied a few of the girls in the class, oh and guess what I knew I would be the only boy! :) Typing teacher was pretty old school and this was before the days of the internet. Yep here is a clue to my age the class was 1984. I asked him what the "@" symbol meant. He was correct when he said "at". He was incorrect to state that because it is hardly used they will probably remove it from future keyboards...

Focus Focus Focus

"Which way which way..."Focus great word, I am having none of it. When someone tells me to focus I just look at them like their mad. I just do not have it. I was diagnosed with the great ADHD in my thirties. Bit late for school because every single report was "Could do better if focused more."
Trust me just this little bit of writing has taken a bit of time.
They gave me that drug Ritalin it was the most disgusting drug I have ever taken. I took it and my brain just sort of stopped working. I felt like a zombie and my normal quick remarks had vanished, simply gone. I never went back to the shrink and voila still here quite happy in my thought process even if it does mean forgetting a ton of stuff that I should be getting on with. Now where was I? Thats right the dumbing down of peoples thought process is just not correct I strongly believe. Unless of course it's like bad voices telling people to do bad things, that's not right either. Those people should have their thought process changed. Which leads me onto something else that's not quite right with me...


Yep my pancreas is not quite right fails to produce that insulin. Now I have gotten used to living with this condition mainly because it all happened when I was two and half years old odd. I of course know no other life so in a strange kind of way I count myself blessed as you cannot miss what you never had. There are a lot of words going on up there and when most people find out you are a diabetic they almost always assume at some point you will need sugar and that is when you are suffering from your diabetes... Hmmmm well not really. Yes if you have a severe hypo it is quite disturbing, convulsing and losing consciousness is not a pleasant thing I can inform you. However if you just have a mild one, you know you catch the feeling early enough, there is no suffering. For me it's a buzz. The need for sugar and lots of it is quite overpowering. Yes I have eaten spoonful after spoonful of the stuff followed by chocolate, followed by yogurt, followed by cake. I am sure you get the drift... If you look at the words above you will notice the word "Hyperglycemia". That ladies and gentleman is the real bitch, at least for me. That results in my getting irritable, stomach cramps and a thirst that is so great no liquid can quench it. It results in me feeling sluggish as if my whole inside have turned into a sticky mess and in a way it has. Your body has way too much sugar in it and is trying it's best to cope with it. The other word there "Ketoacidosis" is a horrible horrible feeling. In short your liver is overflowing with glucose and is throwing into your urine. Yes I have urinated sugar.Complications are way too many to list here in my introduction but how complications happen is because of blood sugar levels. If we have too much sugar in our body for too long it begins to clog up the system. Vulnerable places are the eyes and the feet. I thankfully have no complications and have been diabetic as you now know for quite some time.I eat like everybody else, I drink, I have taken drugs (Not injected) and remarkably the drugs have not effected my blood sugars one bit, the drink does though. Before we leave the drugs part alone, way back when I was 14 I was offered some cannabis to smoke. I did not want to do that because of my diabetes so I went down the library, no internet back then remember. I found a book written by a medical professional and the read was quite interesting, it said that cannabis could have an effect on blood sugar level by lowering the blood sugar. I smoked some the next day, perhaps that's why people get the munchies???

Bye for now...

Thats it for now, I am lucky enough to live in Portugal. Even having diabetes I have led a well travelled life and hope to bring entertainment and information right here in Steemit... Cheers JPRocks who aims to...
Always leave you happier and more informed than when we met...

@jprocks, welcome to the wild west of social media. I just passed my 2 month mark and what a crazy ride it's been. A recommendation from @runridefly, is to jump in and just start reading post and leaving comments. Create a dialogue with other users. You have a cool User name, and it will be easy to remember. I use the @ quite often now because of steemit. I'm @runridefly, and i will follow you.

Yeah its not a bad name :)

Welcome @jprocks!! I'm so impressed by you taking your wifes name. I look forward to reading your content. Diabetes is a subject I only really understand the basics of, so I would love to better understand it. Might make a niche subject here on steemit, coming from somebody who lives it.

If you have any questions on the diabetes just shoot me over a question...

Welcome @jprocks. I like you!

The superior man cannot be known in little matters, but he may be entrusted with great concerns. The small man may not be entrusted with great concerns, but he may be known in little matters.

What do men talk about when there are no women around?

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