Well, here we are. First day on Steemit and I am already thoroughly and genuinely surprised in the most pleasant of ways. Can't we all agree to how amazing and wonderful this idea is? No preposterous money grabbing personnel in sight and a world of information at mine fingertips as well as yours. Perhaps it is the nebulous and limbo-like state of it all that is of the most desirable pull to anyone like myself who wishes to obtain thoughts, ideas and perspectives from all corners of the globe. And, I wish and plea to you that you are of the same mindset but not of the same character as I, thus creating many wonderful and beautiful collaborated discussions, which brings me to my main point.
Ahh yes, the main point, what good is an idea without a main point? May I propose to you all jolly good folk that I wish to extend an olive branch to each and every one of you so that we may all become better acquainted. Of course time must play its part as we all build trust and friendship but nonetheless it shall happen. I look forward to meeting all of you wonderful and reserved peoples, as well as those characters whom the rest of the world refers to as not so pleasant characters. After all, someone here is bound to have a fantastic idea and who am I to judge whom that brilliant idea is birthed from. Perhaps we should all reach an accord as to welcome all those whom mean no direct harm but are of good spirit. And may we all understand that even though some may mean no harm, harm itself is inevitable by its very nature.
So, I conclude that I myself am of good nature and spirit and mean no harm to you wondrous people and look forward to meeting you all. I am not quite sure as to how all of this works, but if you can follow one another then please follow me and I will do my best to give you a follow as well. Feel free to contact me and chat about ideas (remember the sky is the limit). May you all find what you are looking for here and best of luck to you all.
John Gault
I am glad this didn't come out like 5 years ago, because the big wigs at YT, FB, SC, IG and others would have sucked it up in the social media vacuum and then ruined it for everyone. This is going to be big! Have fun and welcome!
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Welcome to Steemit. I am following. I wish you much success on the Steemit Board.
w e l c o m e!:)
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Welcome John. You sound like you have an interesting personality. Followed you and am wishing you good luck! My 2 cents: start using pictures)