Greetings Steemians! (08-08-2016) Is it really possible to "give it away" AND get paid?

Picture of Joe

Hi, I’m Joe Plummer (not to be confused with “Joe the Plumber”), and I’m what you might call a “conflicted writer.” You know the type. I’m the guy who enjoys earning money from writing (because money makes it easier to get food, keep the wife happy, and smell good), but I’m not “money motivated” enough to let it block access to what I’ve written. So, whether I work on something for a couple of hours or a couple of years, I’m posting that shit.

Basically, I do what I do because I want to contribute value in some way. Whether it’s by exposing our unbelievably corrupt economic and political system, or by offering tips for staying sane, healthy, and happy, I want my work to help. If there’s a paywall that prevents people from accessing the information, I fail in my primary objective. …And seriously, who likes to fail?  

Fair enough.

Now imagine my complete astonishment when I first heard about Steemit. Could it really be true that there’s now a platform where writers can both give away their work AND get paid for doing so? …A platform that allows readers to “pay writers” from a pool of money that the readers themselves didn’t have to earn? A platform where the readers themselves get paid for “liking” their favorite content?  Talk about a cool idea. Talk about game-changing awesomeness! If this concept of backing a crypto currency with high-quality content proves itself over the long haul, the impact will be huge.

I guess my biggest question at this point is for the Steemit community: What should I post here? Should I just post short articles? Should I post books that I’ve written? (If authors see that book posts are popular, it could encourage them to post their books for free too; increasing access to lots of great information.) I’m new here. You guys know better than me, so please leave some suggestions in the comments below.

In the meantime, here’s a 2-minute video that explains my most recent book and where you can go to read it for free. If you’ve ever expected that “representative government” is just a carefully managed con game, this book is for you.

Oh, and one more thing: If you like this kind of stuff, be sure to follow me. Thanks!




Welcome Joe!!
I read Tragedy and Hope 101 a couple weeks ago. Awesome work : )
You really did a lot of quality research. Now we just have to get the population up to speed on how corrupt the system is. If we don't restore rule of law we are all toast ô¿ ô Best, Gary

Hey, Joe. Thanks for turning me on to Steemit. Love all your books and always promote them on my website.
Still trying to figure Steemit out. A bit confusing. For instance, someone suggested new people post a pic of themselves with their name and date. Haven't seen anything on Steemit about that.
Have you found the best resource to explain how to use this?

Thanks, Neal. I've really enjoyed some of your videos (F**k the FED, they're lyin, how the game works...all good stuff! ) Regarding the photo with name and date, it seems to me that a scammer could easily take your picture and "photo shop" a different date (so they could pretend to be you). If it was a short video ("Hi, I'm Neal Fox, it's August 9th, 2016") that would work better IMO. That said, I didn't do either...I'm hoping the Facebook verification of my identity is enough.

One more thing, if you want a short and inexpensive primer on Sttemit, there's a 99 cent Kindle ebook called "Steemit 101" at Amazon. It's got some decent info.

joeplummer, Tragedy & Hope 101 is an excellent book and I recommend whenever I can. Thank you. Glad to see you here.

Welcome to the site.

It's no secret the US is an oligarchy, not a democracy, run mainly by a small group who have large political influence. Do you have links to any shorter articles you've written uncovering things or is it all in your books?

Also, it's customary for new users in introduce yourself by either a link from your twitter ir a photo of you with a handwritten note.

I've written quite a few articles over the years, but I definitely prefer to send people to the books. That said, I've considered condensing everything down further (chapter summaries that could act as articles), and I might end up doing that. In the meantime, you can always check out the first few paragraphs of a chapter (say, chapter 1 of "Tragedy & Hope 101") and you'll get a good idea of what's covered. (www.tragedyandhope.INFO).

Regarding the "note," I wasn't aware of that. Is it for verification or something? (If so, just curious, what's to prevent somebody from snagging the pic and posting it as me?) Thanks.

Will check it out when I get home (currently on a long car ride, wanted something easier to access on phone)

Include the date in your picture so it cant be reused!

hi welcome to steemit. there is no golden rule on what to post i've seen long well researched articles do well and very short thrown together pieces do well.

Joe, I think that your book could be posted as a multi-part series on Steemit and I would love to see you profit deservedly for all your efforts. I love your book and recommend it to every network I am a part of. I would be happy to do the same for your Steemit series.

Thanks, Tom. I really appreciate it, man. The book is actually doing pretty well (and that's because of people like you.)

For some reason, I kept getting an error when I tried to update my post, so I'll put my verification video here:

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