Helloooooooooo Steemit community! Animator in the house~

in #introduceyourself7 years ago (edited)

So, when my buddy @zeroooc first told me about steemit a couple of months ago, it went something like this:


Then, yesterday, because he is awesome and a stubborn, determined, relentless kinda guy with Yoda-esque wisdom and patience, who loves his friends fiercly and wants only the best for them, he finally managed to get through to me.

That is, after he attempted to explain what blockchain technology was and why it is awesome, because my general reaction was:


I'm still rather terribly confused about a lot of things, but I sincerely hope getting to know all you lovely people will go a long way towards enlightening me about steemit, how it works, cryptocurrency, and all that jazz.

Now, since this is an introduceyourself post, let's talk about one my favourite topics:

Mah Humble Lil' Self

I know, I know. It's technically the 4th of January but I totally started this post on the 3rd.

I am a bubbly, life-loving, sometimes-moody but mostly happy and slightly kooky Animator and Artist from the beautiful city of Vienna, Austria.

I love, love, luuuuuurve animation in pretty much all its shapes and forms, and for me, being an Animator isn't just a job, it's part of who I am as a person. Meaning I have the best job ever and I can't believe my fricking luck sometimes.

It also means I tend to have big reactions and talking to me is like watching a cartoon of questionable quality sometimes.

IMG_0009.jpgSeriously, I'm not kidding.

I also love to draw (errr.. duh?), I love books (novels mainly, and predominantly fantasy & sci-fi), I'm a bit of a globe trotter and a day dreamer, I love music, food, life, people and cats. And lots of other things.

But you'll probably get to know all of that once I start creating some content. :D

I'm hesitant to go into more detail because if I start talking about things I love, I won't stop anymore and this post will become a ginormous beast filled with random ramblings.


But if you'd like to know more, just go ahead and ask. :)

What I'd like to do here

My interests are a bit all over the place and I'm a bit chaotic by nature, so I can't promise you a completely homogenous series of posts. There will be bits of this, bobs of that, and a little dash of that over there, with some nonsense in-between.

Basically, I'll post whatever tickles my fancy, staying true to my chaotic, complicated, many-faceted self.

But mainly, I'm hoping to make lots of #animation related content and showcase my own #art and animation stuffs.
I haven't found very much good animation related content in my first browse, and actually, not much animation content in general.

Maybe I'm searching wrong (I'm a noob here after all), maybe there isn't really an audience for this kind of thing yet, I have no idea. But I would like to try and change that or at least contribute somehow, to firmly put animation on the Steemit map. huzzaaah!

A lofty goal perhaps, but there's a reason it says "professional Star Catcher" in my profile. ;)


I've also always wanted to create a bunch of drawing and animation related tutorials / informative posts, and perhaps, with some luck, a good amount of elbow grease, and a little bit of help from some of you who are interested, I'll finally make it happen. Let's create something awesome together~! <3

On that note:
please, please, please let me know if there's something you've always wanted to know about animation (whether it's 3D, VFX or traditional hand drawn animation), or if you're just generally confused and want to know how the hell it works, or have a specific question or area of interest.
Your feedback will enable me to create content that is relevant and interesting for you guys.

And although I am of course by no means an expert on everything, I have a few years of experience in the industry, I've worked in games, TV as well as VFX and am constantly trying to keep up to date with what's going on in the industry.
If there's something I don't know the answer to, I believe that most likely I will know someone who does or be able to direct you to where/how you can find the information you seek.

And now, Ladies and Gents

To get the animation train going, check out this pretty sweet post by @zord189 featuring some really good comprehensive videos about how the whole animation pipeline works in advertisement and 3D feature animation (Dreamworks) respectively.

It's a nice introductory overview to two of the industries in which animation is used. Depending on what, where, how, and what for the animation is being done though, pipelines can differ somewhat.

A gaming studio will have a different pipeline than a studio specialising in advertisement. And a different one yet again in Visual Effects and Feature Animation.

Btw, In case you're unclear on the difference between VFX animation and Feature animation:
When it comes to VFX, think Planet of the Apes, The Hobbit, Pacific Rim, Avengers, X-men, etc. or really any Hollywood movie nowadays.
Feature Animation is everything Disney, Pixar, Dreamworks, Sony (Hotel Transilvania), Bluesky (Ice Age), McGuff (Despicable Me) etc.
VFX animation is "realistic" whereas Feature animation is various degrees of "cartoony".

Oh dear, but I'm getting ahead of myself.

Thank you for reading, and I'm looking forward to sinking my teeth into this beast and getting to know this community. <3

Cheerio Steemit! Until the next time.

If you can dream it, you can do it.

- Walt Disney


Hi and welcome to the steemit world!! <3
:D @zeroooc is indeed a good friend! It reminds me of how my dear friend @bella-volen-art had to convince me again and again with her grace and patience to join in as well, untill she left me no choice ;D (thank you Bella!)
Great having you here, I am eagerly looking forward to your posts :)
Best of luck,

Yay! thank you @shlomit! :D
It's good to have good friends, isn't it?! haha
I was a bit sceptical at first and it did take him a bit of convincing but I trust him explicitly so it didn't take long in the end. Also, the more information I have the less scary something seems.
Lets see where this journey takes us! :D woohoo!
Do you have anything you'd be interested in seeing from me? It'd be interesting to know what impression people got after this post (basically, did I do it "right"? haha)
No stress though, I'm already happy anyone is interested. <3
Hope you have a lovely day,

I must say, you read so adorable! I already am waiting to meet you in an Austrian steemit meetup ^_^
I would love to see your work! I love animation as well and would really be interested in your style and seeing what you've done. Especially since your good friend already bragged that you've done some pretty amazing things ;) (and your illustrations in the post are so cute!!).

Hahaha! thank you! XD
I have to admit, for some reason people often seem to think I'm "cute" though I promise I'm not one of those "Kawaii" girls like in Japan who do it on purpose >_> hahaha

I would totally love meeting some forward thinking awesome people at an Austrian steemit meetup, unfortunately, depending on when it would be scheduled, I'll most likely not be in the country. :(
My job has me moving around a lot, as I hop from studio to studio to build my career, and I'm currently based in Montreal, in Canada.
Though thankfully home for Christmas & NewYears at the moment. :D
But who knows? Where there's a will, there's a way, as they say

Oh, how awesome! ^_^
Enjoy your holidays back home and have a great time in Montreal!

Ich bin beeindruckt! Such a nice introduction! Use the tag #steemit-austria that we find your future posts and join our Discord channel.

Invite link

Werd ich gleich ändern. und mir euren channel anschaun! <3

Wonderful introduction Jill! Welcome to the steemit world! I absolutely love your autobiographical illustrations here - I can imagine it so well! :D
This post is amazing! :D
Can't wait to see more of you and your work on here

Aweee thank you hon! I'm super happy you like it <3
I don't think I'll be able to do all posts like that because it takes quite a bit of time, but I want to keep this format up with some of the longer ones, and maybe the explanatory and tutorial ones. I hope people will like it. Images always explain better than words in my opinion. XD

Also, make sure you use #steemit-austria in your tags (you can still edit it)! So that our Austrian friends here all see you. Also drop them a line on discord introducing yourself! They are very nice and welcoming and can show you around: https://discord.gg/WJYg7y

Thank you! totally will do <3

great introduce,welcome @jillustrations we are here to help each other
please visit @febby & @endatu If you want learn some article
regards stemians

Thank you for the warm welcome @febby <3

Same as with u @jillistrations we are a newsteemian . I hope we all grow up together to 😊

Welcome... enjoy the ups and downs, ins and outs... focused or not you will be welcomed and methinks successful with your fun intro and attitude!

thank you so much @kyusho <3
I have to say that getting all these encouraging comments on the first post is very motivating. I'll do my best not to disappoint ;D

Du hast einen sehr coolen Zeichenstil, gefällt mir! :)
follow hast du ;)

aww yaaaay~~~ dankeschön! ♡

Welcome to the platform! Upvoted and followed. And in case you're looking for inspiration to sketch something - I am running a paid contest in an attempt to get a new avatar for my profile. So far it's... interesting. Look for it in my profile if you're interested. I would love someone of your caliber in the comments there... And again - welcome! Looking forward to reading your stuff!

yaaay! thank you @techslut :D ..... that... feels weird writing that. haha I mean I'm a potty mouth myself but I rarely come across someone calling themselves a slut so outright XD nice haha
that sounds interesting! I'll definitely check it out.
And thank you for the high praise <3

I am Israeli. We start dropping fbombs at age 12 or so. If you have doubts, watch Gal Gadot drop them on live television in the US and blush hard. :)

Sweeet hahaha man, I fucking love Gal. She's amazeballs. <3

Welcome to the rock show. What a great introduction! :D
As chance would have it this seems to be just the place for people with whacky "skillsets" like ours (for once!). It's fairly simple, you get out what you put in. I'd be amiss to thank you for the very kind shoutout too! Like most creative endeavours persistence over resistence will be key to success and having fun while doing it I hope ^^

meow and gl hf ^^

Thank you hon! whoohoo! I'm looking forward to the adventure :D

Aspera ad Astra

Whoop whooop! thank you my frieeend <3
and thanks for not letting up ;D
I'm crazy busy preparing my journey back to Montreal atm, but I'm itching to write another post.
Hope I'll have time to get to it soon.
well, maybe I'll just do a small one for inbetween.
love ya

Hehe yeah, they don't always have to be elaborate :)
The adventure continues!

Hi there!
Some very entertaining and creative introduction, it's great that you
joined Steemit! You've got some serious talent and skills. I'll make sure to check out the zord189's post, thanks for the part on animation. All the best and good luck! Klaudia

whoohoo! thanks Klaudia! :D
If you like animation, hold tight, I'll be putting out some more animation related content soon! ;)
Art is easier to post for me since I have a big back-log and everyone understands a drawing, if that makes sense haha. I don't have to do any explaining XD
I think I'll do something this weekend, when I have a bit of time to really work on a structured post.
All the best! thanks for checking out my stuff ❤

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