Let Me Introduce Myself Properly

I joined Steemit in August 2016, wrote one blog and forgot all about it until 2 months ago. I never introduced myself properly and I would like to amend that today.

Happy times in my studio. Just about to climb to the roof to watch the sunset

My name is Jan. I was born in a country that does not even exist anymore. Maybe that is why I feel like my whole life has a fairy tale touch to it. The world in which I grew up is all but gone. All there's left of it is a lingering swan song, a sweet aftertaste of a long lost love.

I had the best childhood in the world. I grew up with my 3 brothers in the midst of communist regime and occupying Russian army. I was clearly the rebel, since day one. Teachers didn't know what to do with me because I excelled in every subject, but I rebelled against every rule.

With my older brother in front of a house where we all grew up.

The rivers, meadows and forests were just as much my home as the house where our mom cooked her divine meals with the little we had. We explored the huge metallurgy factory and other gems of our neighborhood in a fearless, often dangerous way. This was the world of accidents, fires, ice, blood, physical punishments, raw beauty, cruel pain and uncompromising love. I would not trade it for anything in the whole world.

Black sheep as I was, I ran abroad alone, still a teenager. From that day, life forged me in ways I barely imagined in my dreams of adventure. I came back home 5 years later, marked by missions on 3 continents, calmer, with few more scars, more composed but still full of pride and opinion.


Traveling seems to be my fate. I left promising career behind to get lost in the world, so that I could finally find myself. It was through seeing the beauty in the wide world and in the eyes of people in the four corners of this Earth that the shell of past pains around my heart softened, opening up ever since. Pleasure hunt and conquest of impossible adventures slowly changed to spiritual journey.

Sunset in Kakadu, Australia

I had to travel many countries, learn languages and customs, follow masters, climb mountains, sail the oceans and cross jungles, fall in love, get my heart broken and break hearts in return to realize that the thousands of miles I've walked, hundreds of beatings I've taken, dozens of people I loved and lost, were not supposed to fill me. They were just pointing me towards that one single step into my heart. To a place that is filled to the brim. To that place that cannot shut down, it can just be forgotten. To that place that just wants to give, because it has realized its fullness.

If you can't resolve a problem- why worry. If you can resolve a problem- why worry?

In 2011, I have become full time artist (one year after moving to Vancouver). I paint to express the wonder and gratitude of creation I feel, as authentically as I can. I wish to take people out of their suffering and drama, when they look at my art, and come back home, to their hearts. I believe that one moment of such grace can change one's whole life.

From my exhibition/fundraiser in Vancouver Chinatown, summer 2016.

In 2016 I started to sell worldwide and my international following keeps on growing. I hope to use this blessing to build a foundation that would further promote the message of Oneness, and the end of illusion of Fear and Separation. Awakening the inborn genius which every single human carries within.

Follow your dream! <3

Things I do not buy- fear, coca cola, hierarchy, politics, media, so called "patriots" who fight for my "freedom" with bombs and guns, belief that we can't thrive without money, non-critical science based on general acceptance of status quo (i.e. majority of current science...),worry, blame, arrogance, fast food, plastic bags, meat, celebrities, TV.

Lovely children of Myanmar.

Things I love (list shortened by couple pages...): elephants & humming birds, laughing at my own ego, hugs, ripe pineapples, spontaneous laughs, random acts of kindness, long nights in the studio, manual work that makes me sweat, Gene Keys study, meditation, owning less, magic, silence, simplicity, when train in India comes on time, green smoothies, charity work, yoga under the sun, sunsets in Maui, rainbows, people who're not scared to be who they are without second thinking how they look to others...etc.

Steemit- I am not here to become whale or to enrich myself. I am here with romantic hope of igniting a spark in your heart, that might light a big-ass fire of Love. Thank you from the bottom of my heart for giving me a chance.

Much Love to All of you!
Thank you for following me,

Jan @jankasparec

The One I love.


GREAT to SEE you! "Officially", I guess, welcome aboard the Steemit Train! You are already a great blessing to us all by being on this platform with us.All for one and one for all! Namaste :)

Walking in your footprints dear brother Eric. Much Love. Namaste

Great post Jan! People want to know the man behind the paintings.

Thanks Randy! I guess it doesn't hurt to reveal a bit more of my past. Thank you. BTW that Flower picture is from Panama

Hopefully we will see you here soon!

So proud of you @jankasparec! Please keep shining, and bring the beauty of truth and love to us:) You deserve to have our love and support for sure because you first love us. Thank you!

Thank you my love @gladysmak ! You know it better than anyone! Love you!

Upped and resteemed! Thank You for sharing Your life story with us! My favourite part of this post is deffinitly ''things i do not buy'' ... so powerful said! Keep up the good work brother! Namaste!

haha thanks sister. I'm glad your list of do not buys have many of mines in common :) big hug!

Hehe my list is your list, bro! Hug you back!

Great introductory post Jan! Thanks for taking the time to formally introduce yourself :)

Great introduction! Thanks for share a bit of your life and congrats for your artworks ^_^

Hey Jan. Great introduction and artwork! You seem like a really interesting and positive guy. Good luck with your efforts! Upvoted and I followed you as well.

you are a true artist! followed followed followed

Thank you @rmach brother! Your words warmed my heart!

Keep doing your magic!