Let’s Help Each Other Live Our Dreams Sooner Than We Can Imagine! Introduction to ICanLiveMyDreams
Regardless of the dream(s) you want to achieve this year or within the next five, please say to yourself...
That's right, you really can accomplish your aspirations faster and easier than your greatest expectations because of the support from your fellow Steemians, including me.
Before telling you how in more detail, let me first thank you for reading this blog.
You could be checking out thousands of other posts on Steemit right now, so I really appreciate you for choosing mine.
I'm Larry Lee, and this is my first post on Steemit, which has the most supportive members of any social networking platforms.

Jerry's extraordinary enthusiasm for Steemit compelled me to join for three reasons:
- To connect with like-minded people from around the world, like you.
- To learn and use valuable insights and wisdom from you and other fellow Steemians to enhance my life physically, mentally, emotionally, spiritually, and financially.
- To share ideas and experiences to help you and other Steemians become more successful.
Regardless of your age, sex, occupation, nationality, religious belief, or place of residence, I believe...
Perhaps one of your aspirations is to make plenty of money to provide you and your family with an amazing lifestyle.

Maybe it's to generate a passive, monthly income to enjoy a comfortable life without having to work for a demanding boss ever again.
Perhaps you want to travel around the world and live to the fullest each day.
Maybe you desire to help as many people as possible improve various aspects of their lives.
Perhaps you want to have the money, time and health to do whatever your heart desires.
If so, that's fantastic!
By supporting each other on Steemit, we will help one another accomplish our dreams faster and easier than we can do it on our own individually.
As you, other Steemians and I embark on our exhilarating journeys to become healthier, wealthier and wiser, we can impact the people we love or care about, as well as those we haven't met, in a profound way.
Even though various differences among people from around the world have caused us to be divided on certain issues, please remember...
All of us are living on earth as brothers and sisters.
While we may reside in different nations, speak different languages, have different skin colors, adopt different religious beliefs, do different occupations, belong to different political parties, consume different foods, wear different clothes, or have different levels of health and financial wealth...
As mentioned, we can turn our aspirations into reality quicker and easier than each of us can do it on our own by supporting one another on Steemit.
In addition, when we focus our collective energies and efforts on helping each other realize our dreams...
The American anthropologist Margaret Mead said...
Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has."

We're living in challenging times right now as there are many major conflicts happening within our countries and around the world.
Although there are lots of things in life we can't control, we can enjoy the present moments as much as possible by focusing on the positive aspects and being grateful daily for what we have.
As Kay Lyons shared with us...
today is the only cash you have - so spend it wisely."
Reading my post this far tells me you aren't enjoying your ideal lifestyle right now.
Perhaps you don't have enough money, time, or health, or a combination of these resources, to do the activities or get the things you want or need.
Maybe you're experiencing tremendous challenges and each day seems worse than the previous one, making your future look extremely bleak.
If I've touched a nerve, don't worry.
Regardless of your current difficulties, you have the power to change your situation and create a better life for you and your family, starting today.
The late, great Bruce Lee stated:
As a Steemian, you have the opportunity to discover and use the ideas, principles, and secrets from me and your fellow Steemians to improve your life financially, physically, emotionally, mentally, and spiritually.
Besides sharing with you my own experiences of being on earth for almost half a century, I will reveal incredible insights and wisdom from some of the most respected people and experts in the areas of health, wealth and success, from past to present, such as:
Abraham Lincoln |
Abraham Maslow |
Alan Goldhamer |
Albert Einstein |
Anthony Robbins |
Aristotle |
Arnold Schwarzenegger |
Aryana Rollins |
Asara Lovejoy |
Barbara Mahaffey |
Barry Farber |
Benjamin Franklin |
Bill Bartmann |
Bill Harris |
Bill Staton |
Bob Doyle |
Bob Proctor |
Bob Scheinfeld |
Booker T. Washington |
Brad Sugars |
Brenda Davis |
Brendon Burchard |
Brian Grazer |
Brian Tracy |
Bruce Lee |
Buddha |
Burt Goldman |
Caldwell Esselstyn |
Carl Aylen |
Charles Faulkner |
Cheri Huber |
Chet Holmes |
Christian Mickelson |
Colin Rose |
Confucius |
Craig Ballantyne |
Dalai Lama |
Dale Carnegie |
Dan Green |
Dan Kennedy |
Dan Miller |
Dan Millman |
Dan Sullivan |
Dave Ramsey |
David Allen |
David Bach |
David Hawkins |
David Ison |
David Viscott |
David Wolfe |
Dean Ornish |
Debbie Ford |
Deepak Chopra |
Denis Waitley |
Dennis Higgins |
Diane Sanchez |
Dick Sutphen |
Dolf de Roos |
Dominic O'Brien |
Don Miguel Ruiz |
Don Richard Riso |
Donna Faiman Cercone |
Doug Hall |
Doug Lisle |
Earl Nightingale |
Eckhart Tolle |
Ed Foreman |
Eleanor Roosevelt |
Elizabeth Gilbert |
Eric Thomas |
Esther Hicks |
Frank Kern |
Fredric Lehrman |
Gabriel Cousens |
Gabrielle Bernstein |
Gabrielle Bosché |
Garth Davis |
Gary Chapman |
Gary Null |
Gary Renard |
Gary S. Goodman |
Gary van Warmerdam |
Gayle Delaney |
George Silverman |
Gerald Epstein |
Gerald Jampolsky |
Greg Karp |
Gregg Braden |
Guy Kawasaki |
Hans Christian King |
Harry S. Dent |
Harvey Mackay |
Harville Hendrix |
Helen Keller |
Helen LaKelly Hunt |
Henry Ford |
Hippocrates |
Howard Martin |
Howard Stephan Berg |
Jack Canfield |
Jack Groppel |
Jack LaLanne |
Jack Ma |
Jack Norris |
Jack Zufelt |
Jackie Chan |
James M. Kouzes |
James Ray |
James Waldroop |
Jarret Adams |
Jay Abraham |
Jeff Novick |
Jeffrey J. Fox |
Jeffrey Thompson |
Jerrold Mundis |
Jesus Christ |
Jet Li |
Jim Britt |
Jim Camp |
Jim Cathcart |
Jim Loehr |
Jim Rohn |
Jim Warner |
Joan Borysenko |
Joe Navarro |
Joe Nuckols |
Joe Polish |
Joe Sugarman |
Joe Vitale |
Joel Fuhrman |
Joel Kahn |
Johann Wolfgang von Goethe |
John C. Maxwell |
John Cummuta |
John Eliot |
John F. Kennedy |
John La Tourrette |
John M. Oldham |
John McDougall |
John Powers |
John Robbins |
John Wasik |
John Wooden |
Jon Kabat-Zinn |
Jonathan Niednagel |
Jordan Goodman |
Joseph Mercola |
Josh Kaufman |
Julianna Hever |
Kazuo Murakami |
Kelvin Boston |
Ken Blanchard |
Kendall Summerhawk |
Kenneth Baum |
Kenneth Wapnick |
Kerry L. Johnson |
Kevin J. Todeschi |
Kevin L. McCrudden |
Kris Belfry |
Langston Hughes |
Lao Tzu |
Larry Janesky |
Larry Winget |
Laurence D. Martel |
Laurence G. Boldt |
Lee Pulos |
Leo Buscaglia |
Les Brown |
Lise Bourbeau |
Loretta Malandro |
Lou Adler |
Lou Holtz |
Louise Hay |
Luanne Oakes |
Lucinda Bassett |
Mac Anderson |
Mahatma Gandhi |
Marc David |
Marci Shimoff |
Marcus Buckingham |
Marianne Williamson |
Mark Earlix |
Mark Hyman |
Mark Stengler |
Mark Twain |
Mark Victor Hansen |
Mark Young |
Marshall Goldsmith |
Martin Fridson |
Martin Luther King Jr. |
Mary Kay Ash |
Mary Ellen Tribby |
Matt Furey |
Matt Lederman |
Maxwell Maltz |
Mel Robbins |
Michael Boylan |
Michael Bernard |
Michael Broder |
Michael Gerber |
Michael Greger |
Michael J. Gelb |
Michael Klaper |
Michael LeBoeuf |
Michael Masterson |
Michael McMillan |
Michael Mosley |
Michael Port |
Michael Wickett |
Mike Rodriguez |
Milana Leshinsky |
Mother Teresa |
Napoleon Hill |
Nathaniel Branden |
Neal A. Barnard |
Neale Donald Walsch |
Neil Fiore |
Nelson Mandela |
Nick Hall |
Nick Vujicic |
Nido Qubein |
Norman Vincent Peale |
Og Mandino |
Oliver Wendell Holmes |
Oprah Winfrey |
Ori Hofmekler |
Pamela Dunn |
Paul Hannam |
Paul Pearsall |
Paul Zane Pilzer |
Paula Oleska |
Paula White |
Peggy Anderson |
Peter Diamandis |
Peter McLaughlin |
Peter Montoya |
Peter Rowe |
Peter S. Cohan |
Peter Thomson |
Plato |
Ric Edelman |
Rich Schefren |
Richard Bandler |
Richard Banks |
Richard Carlson |
Robert B. Stone |
Robert G. Allen |
Robert Herjavec |
Robert Jordan |
Robert Kiyosaki |
Robert Kriegel |
Robert Maurer |
Robert Morse |
Robert P. Miles |
Robert Pino |
Robert Scheinfeld |
Robert Schuller |
Robert White |
Robin Sharma |
Roger Dawson |
Roger Love |
Ron Roth |
Scott Jurek |
Seth Godin |
Shannon Duncan |
Sidney Friedman |
Socrates |
Stephen Covey |
Stephen E. Heiman |
Stephen Edwards |
Stephen Pierce |
Stephen R. Covey |
Steve Covey |
Steve Harvey |
Steve Jobs |
Steve Pavlina |
Steven Hartman |
Steven K. Scott |
Steven Pressfield |
Stuart Wilde |
Sun Tzu |
Susan James |
T. Harv Eker |
T.Colin Campbell |
Terri Levine |
Thomas Edison |
Tim Ferriss |
Tim Grover |
Tom Bilyeu |
Tom Feltenstein |
Tom Morris |
Tony Alessandra |
Tony Jeary |
Tony Manganiello |
Usain Bolt |
Valter Longo |
Viktor Frankl |
Vince Lombardi |
W. Clement Stone |
Warren Buffet |
Wayne Dyer |
Zig Ziglar |
How many of these amazing people have you learned from?
Who has impacted you the most?
If the folks who have helped you significantly aren't listed, please tell us their names, so we also can benefit from their wisdom.
Sharing even just one of their brief quotations could affect us immensely.
If so, congratulation! You're among a small group of people in the world to be doing so.
Unfortunately, most individuals only are working toward realizing our ultimate lifestyle today. Worse, some of us currently are facing enormous obstacles.
If one of your main reasons for becoming a Steemian was to help as many people enjoy a more fulfilling life, that's fantastic!
Please share your knowledge and experiences by writing your own blogs and commenting on your fellow Steemians', including mine.
If your primary goal of joining Steemit was to learn how to overcome your current setbacks and turn your dreams into reality as quickly as possible, that's great, too!
You can use the strategies and secrets from other Steemians and me to take your life to the next level faster than you can do it on your own.
Though my username is ICanLiveMyDreams, the "I" in ICanLiveMyDreams also refers to YOU. So whenever you see, "I Can Live My Dreams," imagine living your dreams regardless of the obstacles you may be facing at this time.
Following me on Steemit means you're a member of "The Dream TEAM".
While Steemit uses the term, "Follower", I consider you as my "Team Member" instead and I will value your feedback on my posts.
Again, my channel's focus is to provide useful information, advice and tools to help you and other Steemians live your dreams as quickly as possible.
If you're experiencing gigantic challenges right now and you don't see a light at the end of your tunnel, please understand you can shatter through all your roadblocks and attain your aspirations sooner than you think.
Confucius, the Chinese ethical teacher, advised:
Even if you've heard this enduring suggestion many times, seeing it again compels you to hold tight to your dreams no matter what challenges you're currently tackling, right?
Please watch the following video to discover why you really can achieve your aspirations in spite of your current difficulties.

Together, we WILL blast to success and help each other live our dreams faster than our wildest expectations.
Until the next post, enjoy the rest of your day!
Larry Lee
P.S. If you provide quality content on similar topics as mine, please comment and I will follow you (even if you don't join The Dream TEAM). This will let me share your precious knowledge and experiences with my team members and other Steemians.
Hii @icanlivemydreams, Nice to Meet U
by #aceh Steemit Community
Welcome to Steemit, @icanlivemydreams!
Hope you enjoy being here!
This message was written by my
bot.Thank you!
You're welcome. Have fun!
Welcome to sTEEMit @icanlivemydreams and thank you for inviting us to join dream team! I see that you're a wealth of knowledge and would surely be able to have a possitive influence for most. I'm not sure if I missed it, but any/all photos not your own should have a reference, else risk being flagged for copyright. Never mind this friendly reminder should you own all images :)
Goodluck with your steemit journey and, as you may have gathered from my ID, I'm a dreamer myself! Let's all push foreard in reaching these!
Thanks dreamiely for:
I love connecting with other dreamers like you and look forward to learning from you.
The images I'm using are either copyright free or purchased from Shuuterstock or other websites that own the licenses.
Have a wonderful day.
And I look forward to learning from/with you too :)
Loved reading.....
Thanks for reading!
Glad you enjoyed the post.
U won my heart with this post and the title is just on point. Indeed, a fraction of my support is needed for you to realise your steemit dream; likewisely, i also need your support to achieve my aims here. This is the best article i have read so far. Have upvoted you and will also follow you...
I thank you for posting sych a beautifil post Twarms my heart
You're welcome and thanks for reading my post and commenting!
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