The PROPER introduction! A man who's cycling the world on a Steem-budget.

in #introduceyourself7 years ago (edited)

" the richest man should not be measured by the amount of money he got, but how much he needs"

It's time fellow Steemians, it's time for the proper introduction i never gave you. So relax, grab some coffee and your favorite chair(don't lie, you already sit in it) and let's begin!


Let's break the ice

My name is Mikkel Holm Rasmussen but on steemit I go by the name @holm. I am 24 years old, I am an educated social worker. I have no job and I'm quite literally homeless.

I decided a dark April day 2017 that it was time for me to take the biggest leap in my entire life, to travel the world by bike. It's probably the most frightening thing I ever did but looking back in the mirror, without doubt the best decision of my life.(and I dont even have a mirror)

This is where I live, in a small country called Denmark. With a population of 6 million and placed among giants such as the all so famous Germany, Norway and Sweden, we do tend to go a little bit unnoticed.

But sometimes you might have heard about us, from excellent topics such as:

  1. the Muhammed drawings in the name of free speech.(someone kill me please)

  2. Sex with animals was allowed all the way up to 2015 where it finally was banned.

  3. Been deemed as the most happy country in the world... yet we have the highest suicide rate. (happy people don't like to be unhappy)

What do I do in Denmark?

Mostly I just studied for social worker while having a side job as a volunteer for a really cool place called Headspace(not the app). It's basically a place where young people with trouble in their life could come in and get someone to talk to. The reasons the young people comes to talk could be both small and big: from suicide thoughts to loneliness or just a broken heart.

Besides that I do what any other Dane probably does. I was seeing friends, loving the shit out of red wine and played a lot of computer games.

By the way I am pretty sure I can beat all of you guys in a match of Counter-Strike. Just throwing that one out there. #Globalelite


What made me want to cycle the world

Many people I meet both on the road and on steemit presumes I have some crazy background story of being the most bad ass cyclist in entire Scandinavia. But truth be told I have never owed my own bike before I did this trip. In fact I'm just a average Joe who pretty much just have been doing average stuff, not really the sporty type at all.

My break up

Two years back I was in a 5 years long relationship, but suddenly I lost what I thought was the love of my live. I had done the mistake and adapted my own life to hers and 90% of my friends was known through her. So when she disappeared, my friends disappeared with her. This made me stand with few friends left and I gotta say I started to feel alone.

It didn't take long time for me to get over the fact she were not the one anymore. Suddenly a lot of new possibilities opened up for me that I did not realized I have had before.


My passion

At the time I my girlfriend left me I had started developing a passion for hiking. It was the perfect hobby for me because it allowed me to do short trips outside of Denmark. She usually didn't like if I was away for a extended period, so back then I never dreamed of doing more than maybe a week or two outside of Denmark.

Eventually I had a few longer hikes to places such as Scotland and Norway. These trips really lit my inner lust for more and I started to look onto the horizon of my limitations.

My Inspiration

I was fortunate to meet a new Group of friends, but most of them was international, coming from all sorts of places such as Romania, Columbia and Finland. They all had come to Denmark to study and had so many travel stories and plans, i could only sit and feel inspired by them. While nobody of them had made a bike tour they still had done so much more than I ever would dare dreaming of.

My inner nerd

With full of inspiration I started looking into what kind of travel would fit me. Should I Hitchhike? Take the car? Maybe the plane?
But eventually I figured that taking the bike sounds like a awesome way to do it. So I started researching everything I would need to know about tour biking.

Eventually after about a thousands Google searches and a few hundreds YouTube videos I felt confident that I now could say I'm ready to take on the challenge.

People asks me what exercises I did before I started but to be honest barely did any exercises at all. I guess I forgot about that part or was just too lazy.


10 countries and 4500km later

As I write this I sit in the warm afternoon of Greece enjoying my coffee that a nice Italian lady came to offer me(yes that's my life right now). Without having a complete knowledge of my exact distance traveled I have a gut feeling I should be about the 4000-4500km and certainly 10 countries crossed.

As it stands now I have no doubt if I feel for it i can bike anywhere I wish. There's not really any limitations anymore, it's all about where I want to go and the problem is I want to go EVERYWHERE. I'm not very good at making a decision, I wait until I have to turn left or right and then I decide.

It's funny when I first started my trip and had to tell people I wanted to bike to Greece I felt almost embarrassed and stupid because I didn't even know if I could do it. Now I talk about biking to China as the most casual thing in the world, because i am confident in myself now. People still react with the "are you out of your mind look" but I think it's just funny to watch them having that reaction, I would argue it's more insane to sit in a office all your life than a trip like this.


How I found Steemit

Steemit happened because a certain friend who only blogged in Spanish suddenly started to blog in English and posted it on Facebook. I was so happy because he really writes great stuff so I went to check his blog out. This website called... Steemit? Seemed like a interesting website so I started asking him a bit about it. I made my own account and for the first time in my life I was going to try to be a blogger. I was so shy about it at first and I was so sure someone would send me death threat for being so shamefully bad. But that didn't happen, in fact there was no response at all.

So I tried again and I think some whale came by giving me a sweet kisson my cheek because suddenly it had quite some attention.

My friend stopped blogging quite fast but I never got to ask him why, I guess he had enough success on his Spanish blog... but I kept going. I have a personal mission to bring him back when I have reached my goal on steemit(to be able to travel on a Steem-budget!) showing him with hard proofs that it is possible!

What is this Steem-budget?

It's basically a personal goal I have set on Steemit, to get good enough at blogging to have a financial support from the very website I spend so much time on. I think my goal is very humble since I don't expect to be rich from steemit, but a good enough flow that I can keep travelling till the rest of my days on a simple and cheap life-style. Cycling is dirt cheap and as the quote I mentioned above: the richest man should not be measured by the amount of money he got, but how much he needs. It just so happens I don't need much!

It also adds a little more fun to my blogging since I will be sharing how the budget is working out and what kind of adjustments I am making a long the way.

Am I there yet? No far from, but I do see progress and that I get closer and closer to my goal. That's what matters! A great motivation to keep trying to improve the content I produce.


What you can expect from my blog

In my blog I value extreme honesty and transparency, even if it means i may put myself in a bit of a bad light. I think it contributes to the feeling of my travel and showing not everything are unicorns and rainbows! I don't want to create a Cinderella story if it ain't one.

Steemit is still a experiment for me and so is the things I write about. Obviously I will blog about my travel. But the sub-topics can be anything like:

  1. Stories about the people I meet.

  2. The nature I'm travelling through

  3. Challenges I encounter, usually I write a lot about those since they always happen.

  4. Thoughts and feelings that I wish to share, sometimes the good and sometimes the bad.

  5. Ideas to how I wanna proceed my travels or how I wants to include steemit in my adventures.

Pretty much anything I feel like blogging about I will be writing.


So that is me, Mr. Holm.

Just a average guy who decided it's time to see the world. I have come a long way but it's only the end of the beginning. Many more adventures awaits me and I'm eager to share them all with my unexpected travel partner, Steemit.

Thanks a lot if you read it all and if you were an lazy ass and skipped till the end, that's okay as well. Cheers!

Stay awesome!



Awesome post man it's great to get a deeper perspective on your story, and the three points about Denmark cracked me up haha. I really need to visit Copenhagen some time.

Haha I like to make fun of my own country although it is a really great one :)

@holm--it is indeed a pleasure to make your acquaintance. I was brought to you blog by @quinneaker, who shared your post amongst a few others on his blog.

I am so glad to have found you and your inspiration for experiencing the world on your own steem, leaving your sit-down job for the joys of adventure, and the simplicity on which you have based your life. Truly admirable! I'm excited to follow your journey and see where your wheels take you--us! Upvoting and following you. May you be blessed on your road less traveled.

Thanks for letting me know man! I really appreciate it and hopefully I will be seeing you around!

May we both be so blessed.

This is one of the best introduction posts I have seen!
I have a great amount of respect not just for what you are doing with your life and how but also the fact that you did it almost out of the blue sorta like a death and rebirth experience. You lost everything and totally re created your life anew!
I will make it a point to check in on your posts and promote you a bit to help you achieve your goal!

You might say it's the best introduction post you have seen but you certainly also made a kick ass comment. Thank you so much and I appreciate your support! @quinneaker

Well a kick ass post deserves a kick ass comment!
I plan seeing you around!
Be in touch!

Welcome to the Steemmunity! - If you make it as far as New Zealand you are most welcome to stay!

I will let you know when im getting there, haha:)!

Hope your fit... might take a while

Welcome Holm to Steemit ! Glad to see you. I hope you enjoy your time here, its a great community :) Nice post, i will follow your account, please follow me .

I will check your blog out but no promises:) thanks a lot though!

Welcome! what a great introduction!!!!Hope you enjoy Steemit! We are a great community. I am a Brazilian writer and videomaker, living in London. Here I post about photography, travelling and stories. Have a look at my profile and if you like it, follow me. Cheers!

Sure I will check your profile out man! Thanks a lot :)

welcome to steemit...
love from pakistan
lemme know if you come to pakistan

Welcome to Steemit @holm, I have upvoted and sent you a tip. Check my blogs if you are looking for tips on how to earn more Steem and SBD.

Thank you for your honest presentation holm. I think your project is very brave and inspiring.

How amazing it is to be living in a time where tech makes such adventures possible.


Amazing time indeed! :) appreciate the kind words!

Good luck. You're doing what I wish I would have done years ago. Looking forward to following your adventures.

It's never too late! Thanks a lot!

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