#untalented: Who am I?

Hi everyone, I'm Keith, and I'm very happy to be here on Steem! I'm a big believer in Blockchain technology and decentralization. Also, I don't like making someone else rich off of my original content, so Steem makes good sense to me...


I feel that I bring a unique perspective to the party, as I identify as an outsider/ maverick/ nonconformist type. I choose to live a thoughtful, conscious and empowered life. I'm not one to 'go along with the herd' or to blindly follow trends, but happily go my own way, without suffering from FOMO. In fact, I instead thrive on JOMO!

I did the rat-race thing for years, but it never really fit me very well. So, at the age of forty, I gave up my Golden Handcuffs, and have been reinventing myself ever since. I sold my house, and have been traveling for the last three years in my VW bus, 'Pearl'. She has her own fb page... https://www.facebook.com/Pearlthebus/

Living and traveling this way gives me a unique outsider's perspective on our modern society. It also gives me the opportunity to have experiences that many people will never have.

I spend a lot of time on the fringes of society. In the summer months, I volunteer at many festivals, which allows me to attend as well as be a part of making them happen. I often see trends within these festivals that find their way to the mainstream, but it's there that I see them first. Also, I participate in work-trades, which allow me to experience and learn things that I might not otherwise.

Looking back at my life, I've always been a little outside of the mainstream. I don't watch TV or follow mainstream media, but prefer reading; books as well as online. Things I am into or have been into or have done include:

AA (Saved my life, Informs my Spirituality to this day)
Rock climbing (Only a couple of times, but it allowed me a glimpse into an interesting world!)
Whitewater kayaking ( A passion that I haven't had the opportunity to indulge in since I started traveling)
Skydiving (Just once)
Collecting records (Since I was a kid)
Ayahuasca (More about this later)
Gen x (A small ripple of a generation amid two much larger and culturally influential waves)
VW (More on this later)
Vanlife (Not sure what that is? Search Instagram!)
Meditating (Change your perspective, and everything outside changes)
Yoga (17 years. Often, I've been the only male in the class)
Grateful Dead (God bless the Grateful Dead!) (And the Counter Culture!) (Not the mainstream thing for my generation)
Punk rock (In high school, when it wasn't the popular thing to be listening to... Not so much these days, as my tastes have mellowed and matured. But I still can relate to the Punk Ethos, especially the DIY aspect)

There's plenty of other things that I could add to that list, but you get the picture, most of my interests, life experiences, and influences, fall outside of the mainstream.

Topics that I will be posting about will include Travel, Spirituality, Personal Growth, Health, Reprogramming the Mind, Sustainability/ Environmentalism, Slowing down, Independent Thinking, Listening to Nature/ Self , and thoughts on how to make the world a better place, as well as other more whimsical observations.

I'll be blogging about an experiment I'll be doing for the month of November, and I'd love for you to join me, so look for that post coming soon!

So I'd like to invite you to follow me and see the world through my eyes, as I will be posting my 'Observations from the Outside'...or 'Musings from the Edge'...or maybe 'My Life on the Outside, Looking In.'


TL,DR? Then you probably won't want to follow me...



I enjoyed this post! 🙃It was very interesting and new. Looks like your new like me and this platform is so COOL!😊 I also went ahead and Upvoted and Followed. Thanks!😃

Thanks! I am new, and you're right, the platform is cool and has a lot of exciting potential, I believe.

Welcome to Steemit, Keith. Wow! that's a lot of things that you were or are interested in. Will look forward to reading more stuff from you. Have Fun Steeming.

Thanks @firepower! I'm really happy to be a part of this community!

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