70 days in India....

Somehow it's been difficult for me
to write down the details of the intense
suffering and agony I passed through
during my 70 day stay in Ruby Hospital Pune.
The excruciating pain from the severe side effects
of Radiotherapy almost " done me in " as Eliza
Miss Do- Little would put it ( from the Film " My Fair Lady" )

I returned to Nigeria barely alive on 1st July 2010,
and began to read the book THE HALLELUJAH DIET,
written by George Malkmus. ( www.hacres.com)
From it I got to learn about the 5 white substances
that feed Cancer cells namely:
1.Cow Milk.

  1. Refined Sugar.
  2. Refined Table Salt.
  3. White flour and it's products.
  4. Margarine and Butter-like substances ( chemicals
    that smell and taste like butter)

There are natural substitutes for these unhealthy foods.

I started reading lots of articles on the Internet ,
and understood slowly that the following factors combined
and contributed to depress my Immunity to the point
that the malignant cells started to multiply and manifest.

  • my poor nutrition.
  • inactive lifestyle.
  • negative emotions.
  • polluted environment
  • vitamin deficiencies.
  • certain viruses and germs.
  • cellular dehydration.
  • chemicals from waterproof and plastics.
    ( dioxins from heated and frozen plastics,
    phthalates, BisPhenol A etc )
  • Aluminium from our pots, pans, kettles.
  • Teflon from our our non-stick cookwares.
  • heterocyclic amines ( HCA) from heated animal protein.
  • acrylamide from baked and roasted carbohydrates .
    -prolonged use of oral contraceptives.
  • exogenous diestylstilbesterol, steroids,
    growth hormones and high dose of antibiotics
    used to rear poultry, fish and oyibo cow.
  • exposure to ionizing and non-ionizing radiations
    and Electro-Magnetic Field ( EMF )
    -poor and inadequate sleep

A most frightening litany of risk factors I must confess.

It is due to the mercy of God that I learnt how to
change my diet and lifestyle, with intake of healthy supplements,
to rebuild my immunity and also prevent a recurrencce
of the Cancer Attack.

Radiotherapy is an Orthodox Medical method of treating
cancer by using High dose Xrays to burn up the cancer cells,
but the normal cells also get burnt up by same Xrays.
If the destruction of the Immunity by Radiotherapy is so much,
the patient may not survive the treatment.

I give GOD ALL THE GLORY for keeping me alive in India,
But I understood that it is wisdom to honor God, thereafter,
by taking good care of my body, which is both a Tent
for the Soul, a Tarbanacle for the human Spirit, as well as aTemple for
the Holy Spirit.

If we are to reclaim our health and prevent sickness,
the first white substance we need to abstain from is Cow milk,
which is the best food for Baby cows alias Calves.
And when it's time to be weaned, the calves are taught the
way of life...to chew and eat their herby leaves and grasses raw:

Not cooked.
Not fried.
Not baked.
Not roasted.
Not boiled.
Not frozen.... ( chai, how we go do now? )

But here we all are, happily depriving many calves of their
fat-laden baby food, forcefully extracted from grossly obese
Cows, that do not eat grass.

They are fed processed food made from mainly grains,
loaded with Recombinant Bovine Growth Hormone and
Animal Estrogen plus high dose Antibiotics to make them
grow FATTER and FASTER. As well as Prolactin to make
the Cow Milk flow like a river...

And they have to exist in Farms that use CAFO strategy, meaning
Confined Animal Feeding Operation.

And then you wonder why the cows are getting Mad Cow Disease...

If na you nko ??? Now who wouldn't get angry enough to be Mad !

God help us all.


India is a country with diversity and culture.. Hope you enjoy your time in India!!

Indeed, God help us, @healthy-lifestyle. This is a serious topic although i see your attempt to 'humourize' it. And i see you are ahead of us based on your username. Hope you plan to 'shine the light' at least to the extent that you know; we shouldn't wait till it happens to us. I for one I'm very interested in natural substitutes o, though i suspect they might not be as tasty or as affordable.

Thanks for reading @boladayl. I'll be posting lots of healthy living posts especially about natural food. Knowledge is best shared.

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