introducemyself haloo !!!! I am a designer [ ENG IND]


Halooo community steemit

 On this day I officially joined to be one part of this community and this time I will introduce myself first, my full name Hayatun nufus I come from aceh one city that came from Indonesia born 1 january 1994 child to 1 of 4 siblings And the only woman in my family and this year I hold a law degree as one of the best graduates in the university.

Now let me introduce myself further, my hobbies make cookies and read books I also love the world of modeling and I like to design my own clothes patterns for my own use or for my friends even though I studied in the law majors It is not an obstacle for me to continue to develop my way of drawing

Well on my blog I will showcase the results of the design that I created and also provide a way so you can create a design for yourself or others later if you like and comment on my work nantiknya,

Up here first introduction myself, please follow me to see my next post

[ IND]

  Halooo komunitas steemit  

 pada hari ini saya resmi bergabung menjadi salah satu bagian dari komunitas ini dan kali ini saya akan memperkenalkan diri saya terlebih dahulu,nama lengkap saya Hayatun nufus saya berasal dari aceh salah satu kota yang berasal dari Indonesia lahir 1 january 1994 anak ke 1 dari 4 bersaudara dan perempuan satu-satunya di keluargadan tahun ini saya memengang gelar sarjana jurusan hukum sebagai salah satu lulusan terbaik di universitas.

 Sekarang izinkan saya saya memperkenalkan diri saya lebih jauh , hobi saya membuat kue dan membaca buku saya juga  suka dunia modeling dan sangking sukanya saya mendesain sendiri pola-pola baju untuk saya pakai sendiri atau pun untuk teman-teman  saya  walaupun saya kuliah di jurusan hukum itu tidak menjadi hambatan bagi saya untuk terus menegembangkan cara mengambar saya  

Nah pada blog saya ini saya akan mempamerkan hasil dari desain yang saya buat dan juga memberikan cara supaya anda bisa membuat desain untuk andai sendiri maupun orang lain nanti nya semoga anda menyukai dan memberi komentar terhadap hasil karya saya nantiknya , 

Sampai disini dulu perkenalan diri saya , mohon ikuti saya untuk melihat postingan saya yang berikutnya    


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@hayatunnufus your welcome to this wonderful community. I wish you the best.

Your welcome. keep steeming. Please duo make out time to visit my blog to read my recent article, they might interest you.

Your welcome. keep steeming. Please duo make out time to visit my blog to read my recent article, they might interest you.

Hi @hayatunnufus, welcome to steemit. This is a great community. I hope you are comfortable and feel at home here. Let's be friends. Follow, vote, comment and resteemed me @cutrahma

hai @cutrahma I'm from aceh too, why dont u follow me too, to share anything sesama aceh laa

Welcome here @cutrahma !! Nice post, i will follow your account, please follow me at @sanu

Welcome to steemit @hayatunnufus selamat bergabung

Welcome to Steem @hayatunnufus I have upvoted and sent you a tip

Thank you for the help

Welcome here @hayatunnufus !! Nice post, i will follow your account, please follow me at @sanu

Truly a universal social media platform and I welcome you @hayatunnufus to the Steemit community. Cheers!

Thanks for your support

Hello fellow steemian! @nezbong here! I am pretty new myself and just wanted to welcome you to the steemit platform. Let me know if you need any help figuring stuff out. I know it was hard for me at first. I am uprooting your post and following you. Look forward to keep up with your progress!


Hi Hayatun nufus

Thanks for your support