Hi Steemit, I am Gunawan, a filmmaker who doesn't (really) like to be called a photographer... (in English and Bahasa)

in #introduceyourself7 years ago (edited)

Halo Steemit Community,

I am Gunawan, originally from Aceh, Indonesia. Everyday I busied myself with videography and film-making, occasionally airing as a radio broadcaster as a hobby. Armed with my DSLR camera began to be introduced the world of videography since 2013 ago. So, call me a filmmaker, not a photographer please .. that's another story :)

Everyday I'll be happy (even needed) to meet people, (maybe a new friend), it's like a low-bat phone meets a power outlet; recharging energy. Therefore I (should) have many stories .. it should be ..

For a long time accustomed to recording moments and stories through pictures and sounds, now let these stories also noted through words and letters. With steemit I'll like to hare a lot; about life, inspiration, experience, thought and of course about videography. Can not wait to share it! Please give me your support and guidance stemians :)

More about me can be found on my Facebook and Instagram account with similar ID; 'gunadi sbr' (FB) and 'gunadi.sbr' (IG).

Shout out to @rahmanovic and @heriafriadiaka who introduced me to steemit!

OK, let's do this !!!

4edit MG_8910.jpg

Halo Steemit Community,
Saya Gunawan, asli dari Aceh, Indonesia. Sehari-hari saya menyibukkan diri dengan videografi dan filmmaking, sekali-kali mengudara sebagai penyiar radio sebagai hobi. Berbekal kamera DSLR saya mulai menekuni dunia videografi sejak tahun 2013 silam. Hmm, saya rasa saya seorang sineas lah, bukan fotogafer ya.. itu lain cerita :)

Setiap harinya saya senang (dan butuh) bertemu dengan orang lain, (mungkin orang baru), itu seperti hape low-bat bertemu dengan stop kontak; recharging energi. Oleh karena itu saya (seharusnya) punya banyak cerita.. seharusnya..

Sekian lama terbiasa merekam momen dan cerita melalui gambar dan suara, kini biarlah jejaknya juga tertera lewat ketikan dan kombinasi aksara. Melalui steemit juga ingin berbagi banyak; tentang hidup, inspirasi, pengalaman, pemikiran dan tentunya tentang videografi. Can't wait to share lah! Mohon dukungan dan bimbingan stemian semuanya.

Lebih banyak tentang saya bisa ditemui di akun Facebook dan Instagram dengan ID yang serupa; 'gunadi sbr' (FB) dan 'gunadi.sbr' (IG).

Terimakasih kepada @rahmanovic dan @heriafriadiaka yang memperkenalkan saya dengan steemit.

OK, let's do this!!

#introduceyourself #introduction #indonesia #aceh


Great to have you around. Looking forward to seeing more of your content, Followed and Upvoted!
(Follow me back and together we can improve the community at Steemit.)

Welcome to Steem @gunadi.sbr I have upvoted and sent you a tip

Thank You @bottymcbotface! really appreciate it. Still learning how he sistem works tho :)

welcome to the community, @Gunadi.sbr! Wish you much luck! Cheers! Follow me at @khunpoom

Welcome to the community:). Be sure to follow @trapyogi

Thank You @trapyogi sounds good :)

Welcome to Steemit! It's good time to start create Steemit better :)

Thank You @dobroman lets do this!

Nice to meet you, @gunadi.sbr! Welcome to Steemit!

Thank You @god-is-love. Feel free to share me anything useful :)

Welcome @gunadi.sbr aboard the steemit express. This is a great platform to express yourself just like any other social media outlet except this one pays its users for interacting with each other. Post good content and your rewards can be limitless but always stay true to yourself.

Checkout this post and give me some feedback on it


Thank you for saying n sharing these @slickhustler007!
Noted :-)

nice to see you on steemit, bg. Hoping I can learn much on it.


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