New beginnings always start small...

Hello Steemit!

This is my first post/blog of many to come. I noticed it's quite an open community and I would love to get involved. First off my name is John and I live in good ol' Minnesota, USA. I'm a huge crypto enthusiast, curious as george, and probably the coolest nerd/dork you have met. Here is me.


I'm currently in my dirty 30's. Actually I just turned 30, and adjusting to a new life... Literally. We just had a baby girl a few months ago. Here she is.


We call her the miracle baby and she sure was a gift from god. She was born on my Birthday!

She was also special because my girlfriend had major abdomonal surgery when she was younger and was expected to be sterile. But miraculusly she got pregnant and gave us a very healthy and happy baby. Here is Theresa's 3month Pic.


I love her so much, tho my life has changed very dramatically since, I wouldn't have it any other way.

I'm a late college goe'r, slow on getting the ball rolling. I went at 18/19, went broke and got a nice paying factory job like other non-college people do, so I dissapeared from the scene for many years.

But at about 27 I went back. I got my AA, and started Engineering classes at the University. When I got the news of the new addition, I quickly applied to graduate with bachelors in Elective studies degree thinking that was good enough... But it wasn't.

Now i lay carpet for the last school year because it pays better than a crappy office job. Thats a sad story...

But it gets better, I'm going to finish! I'm registered, Droped the 4G's, and now I start again in a couple weeks. Going full balls to the walls on senior Electrical engineering! Talk about a full plate: New baby, Senior year, and carpet.

Well thats a general overview of Me at this moment in life. I'll leave a few personal quotes i've picked up over the years. These are from people I've known, and have been motivating from time to time.

" Life is what you make it, not what someone makes you"

"Don't waste intelligence. Not everyone has it"

"Take this moment, like a picture in your mind... and you'll never forget."



If you could choose your own life obstacles, would you keep the ones you have?

I think that all depends on what the "other" obstacles are that i could choose from... I'm sure some could be replaced, but the ones we have are what make each person unique.

Ciao! Ciao!

Steem ahead!

I'm new too! Welcome! I'm gonna follow you.

Thanks for replying. I'm still figuring out all the inner workings of the site and I just found out how to follow people, so I will follow you also. Cheers!

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