Introduce Yourself

My name is Michael Calabrese and I have been on Steemit since August, however I have never gotten around to introducing myself to this wonderful community. The momentum Steemit is gaining is incredible, and will only accelerate as more friends join.
I currently reside in the Colorado Rockies, a place unlike anywhere else I have ever been. I moved here with my brother in November to pursue a winter of snowboarding on some of the most incredible mountains the United States has to offer. I also worked 2 jobs, but that is a different story.
Before living in Colorado, I resided in various parts of Pennsylvania and New York. Although these states are part of the same country, the culture could not be more different from West to East. For example, state regulators still struggle to allow even medicinal usage of cannabis.
Meanwhile, thousands of citizens are violently taken from their families for use of a plant which is clearly not as dangerous as they think. Everything is peachy here in Colorado. I can take a fare-free bus (tax paid) anywhere in my county, violent crime is down, and people are generally happier. It is amazing to think this even the same country. All they had to do was stop threatening people with violence as a means of affecting their behavior.

As for me, I am a 26 year old who sees the human race advancing towards a world of total peace and freedom. Humanity is pulling itself from the shadows of ignorance into the light of knowledge and love. I believe it is bad to coerce people into or out of any behavior.
I believe that when you vote, you are coercing your neighbor into seeing things your way. For what happens if you don't agree with how the newly chosen ruler wants you to live your life? You will be ripped from your family under the threat of violence and locked in a cage.
Currently people are being locked in cages for plant use, plant use which is posing no problems to the people of Colorado. I am very grateful have had the opportunity to attend Anarchapulco 2017. It was a life-changing experience.
I am also a huge fan of cryptocurrency. Today's "money" is not money by definition. Dollars are literally points of debt, created from nothing and lent with interest, that we quietly pretend to be money. Historically every single time a ruling class attempts such a con, it fails utterly. This is one major reason why I admire the transparency and soundness of much of the crypto market. Currently, I hold Bitcoin, Litecoin, Ethereum, Ripple, Monero, Steem, and Dope Coin. I see crypto as the future of how we trade. Blockchains will replace banks.
As far as religion/spirituality goes, I am constantly trying to learn more about what this is and what we are doing here. Are we supposed to be doing something? I don't know if I'm supposed to do something, but I think I should. I believe there is more to everything than what we can physically sense. One thing is for sure, this life is so incredibly short and tiny compared to the vastness of everything.

If you enjoyed this little introduction, please upvote.
Thank you for reading!
One Step Beyond.jpg


cool, welcome @funderground. upvote and Follow.

Thank you & likewise!

Upvoted & following. I love the anarkey sticker on your board! Where can I buy one?

Thank you! I was given the sticker at Anarchapulco this year, all I have is this facebook link :

Welcome to Steemit!

I can see you've already been to Anarchapulco and have a good grasp of the crypto community. Steemit will be the perfect platform for you, I'm sure you'll have lots of fun!

Thank you friend, this is a great time to be alive for sure!

welcome to steemit @funderground. so glad having your personality in this platform, looking forward to more of your posts.

followed you.

Wow, that is very nice. Thanks Frank4Jesus, followed back.

Colorado is the best state in America, I really can't figure out why I haven't moved there yet. I miss being able to snowboard, and the riding I did out there was 1000x better than what I was used to back in New England. Followed you for more, follow back if you are so inclined.

I agree, it's sweet out here! The idea of moving out here was on my mind for a couple of years before I finally made the decision, but it was so worth it. We just got over a foot the past couple of days here in Summit, A Basin here I come!

sweet, I've been thinking about it for a bit too, so maybe I'll be there in a year or two. Enjoy the freshies

I was just in CO back in March trying to expand my snowboarding skills lol Its challenging, but a lot of fun! I followed you :)

Thanks Taylor! I followed you back. Good for fpr getting on the board, it takes a lot of guts to start. We just got a fresh foot+ :), I'm gonna go some!

Thank you, I also look forward to your posts!

Thank you, we are so lucky here to still have snow. My brother and I just shredded yesterday!

Really nice intro, I too look forward to that time where violence and coercion will be a thing of the past. Welcome!

Thank you Walter!

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