Flood Team Six - Our Mission

Who is Flood Team Six?
We are a 3 member gaming Team which specializes in the First Person Shooting genre. Our Skills as individual members allow us to dominate the Multiplayer Maps in game series such as Call of Duty, Left 4 Dead, Rainbow Six, Pay Day 2, Killing Floor 2, etc. As the years go on, our knowledge of Game play in different games give us the experience to handle ourselves on the virtual Battle Field.
As regular people we are 3 tech geeks from the Philippines starting out this project as a side-line career opportunity. All three of us have worked in the IT field in the Philippines and Abroad for 5 years. We share all the common stories and we have decided we are FINISHED working for corporate IT which treats the IT department and its staff like trash. We are done with SLA tickets and dealing with people who want something finished "yesterday". We've decided enough is enough, and are venturing into the "great unknown".
When we come home from work we love to play video games so it was decided why not make it into something we can do and hopefully monetize. So we started this project and began streaming our game plays and created our YouTube channel. As of October 10 2017 we started uploading our game plays on to our YouTube channel Flood Team SIx. So far we have 17 subscribers so we are growing slowly. We want to improve our channel weekly knowing we are on short supply of time, however we are in no rush, we believe in quality rather than quantity.
We as a team are slowly expanding and getting our name out there not only in the Philippines but anywhere there is people with internet who just want to watch some good old fashion gaming. If you have have internet and have access to either Facebook, Youtube, and Twitch you will find us.
Don't worry, all our podcasts will be spoken in English, so don't worry about any language barrier, trust me you can understand us.
Our Members Include:
Capt Sly
Capt Sly is the tech expert of the team. With a 4 year IT Degree along with several Computer Certifications, he has helped build the infrastructure of Flood Team 6. Capt Sly will work with anything you throw at him. If its low tech or high Tech he'll find a way to make it work. With his ability of fast understanding of game play and dynamics, it is only a matter of time until he can find the weakness and destroy his Opponents.
When not gaming, Capt Sly does video editing of all game plays using Sony Vegas Pro Studios. He also uses Photoshop to create custom images for the Flood Team 6 Youtube channel and on Steemit. All content is original. Capt Sly strives to increase the quality over quantity of the content being presented to our subscribers and fans. However with limited resources and a vast amount of tech knowledge, there is no job that cant be done .
Our Software Expert in ANYTHING!!! A computer programmer and a 4 year degree hold of Computer Science. Makarov can easily understand software and help integrate programs and applications so its easier for our team to reach out to the global community with just one click. As a gamer he is the antithesis of Capt Sly. What Capt Sly can't do, Makarov will accomplish but with a better score. Reliable on the battlefield and always taking point on the map, his ability to spot and kill opponents far exceeds Capt Sly. However, Capt Sly will always have a trick up his sleeve to balance out Makarov's gameplay.Off the gaming battlefield, Makarov takes care of our Social Media such as Flood Team 6 Face book page, Youtube Channel , Discord Chat application, and various other upgrade patches needed to run the computers. Hence he's the software side of Tech Support for the team, while Capt Sly is the Hardware Support.
Mr. Clean
Our Political Expert and another 4 year IT degree holder, Mr. Clean provides us content on several fronts to help us with our streams. With a keen mind of world Events, he puts things in perspective and provide topics during our broadcast. Curious of the world and whats going on, there is never a day where there is nothing to talk about when he's in the room. Great gamer but excels mostly in supporting our team to cover our flanks. Mr. Clean loves his rocket launchers and anything that explodes. Any opponent in his line of site won't be seeing the light of day until the next respawn.We don't want to give out our real names as this will complicate future broadcasts and videos. We aim to keep it strictly anonymous since we don't want to be spammed by haters by other communities. We are a positive minded crew that just wants to achieve happiness through laughter after slaughtering our opponents on the battlefield.
Our Equipment
We are equipped with mid level Gaming Computers. All computers have been built by Capt Sly with the help of Makarov. We pride ourselves in making things work. Whether it be Low or High tech gadgets our top priority is getting our streams out and reaching out to the gamer community.

We run I7 Intel Processors with 12 - 32 gb of Ram using a GTX 730 2gb GDDR5 card from Nvidia. Depending on whose station you are using, the I7 chips remain the same but the RAM will vary. For hard drives we use SSD samsung hard drives. To conserve energy we run 500 Watt Power Supply since we don't run too many internal devices like a CD player or use a video card that needs extra power. We use what we need to get the job done.
What Software do We Use to create the Content on YouTube?
Primarily we use several software applications Sony Vegas Pro, Photoshop, Fraps, Discord, Freemake Video, and Steam to make our content. These 6 applications serves as the core of our content-production and allow our team to mingle, stream, and invite other players from all over the world to play with us and help create our product.
Here is a sample from our Flood Team 6 Youtube channel:
Where do we see ourselves 6 months from now? 1 year?
When we first started we had a hard time looking into the future only because our internet here in the Philippines was amazingly slow, but somehow the universe listened to us, and as of next week we are installing Fiber Internet Connetion at the house. So now to answer the question, we see ourselves growing and trending on YouTube and Twitch. We don't want to be just a channel, we want to be the channel that other channels go to when they are bored and need ideas. We want to be like a Internet Radio Station for everyone including those in the "graveyard shifts" all over the world. Our team has lived through the long nights in IT call centers and Data centers to know that there must be something out there to cling to for "Sanity".
A year from now? I would say we would be hopefully at a couple thousand subscribers and have expanded from just being a simple gaming streaming team to a team that joins gaming competitions around the world. Our skills would help us represent the Philippines and make a name for ourselves in the international scene. The process would be slow and very hard, but with enough discipline we can make it work.
What to expect in the coming days?
This week we have a scheduled network upgrade, we are installing Fiber Internet at the house. This will definitely help us out with starting our live streams. We want our subscribers, fans, and those just wanting to check us out to stop by and chat with us or join us on our Discord. We don't just do boring game plays we ACTUALLY INTERACT AND HAVE REAL CONVERSATIONS WITH OUR COMMUNITY. So we will be very busy cleaning up the house and getting our area ready for this upgrade. Expect daily uploads of our streams since the bandwidth for our up will be greater than what it was before. Expect a few hours of Live Broadcast on YouTube and Twitch to test out our new systems, then sometime around November 20th we will start our world premier broadcast. Hope you join us!!!.
We will post updates and schedule of events on Steemit to inform our YouTube, Twitch and Steemit Community.
We will use Steemit to promote upcoming or daily Videos to our YouTube & Twitch channels.
Stay Tuned.
Nice to meet you, @floodteam6! Welcome to Steemit!
TB Joshua
:No matter how fast a lie runs, the truth will someday overtake it.