Hello & Namaste Steemians! I'm Shweta - a plant powered fitness geek and a proud supporter of doing whatever makes your soul happy :)


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I’m Shweta. Your average Computer Engineer turned MBA graduate. A hospitality marketing consultant by day and a fitness coach by night. Fitness has been a passion for me, since close to a decade now. Much of what you are going to read in my posts may come as a surprise. Much may even challenge or shock you. Some of the information may be dismissed as being impossible, and some of it can simply transform you, so please stick with me on this one guys.

My fitness journey:

Back in the day, when I was running around trying to get a degree, I just couldn’t be bothered to eat right or exercise, and before I realized it I became grossly overweight. It started affecting my physical, mental and emotional health, but the final wake up call for me was when I started having issues with my periods and was diagnosed with PCOS.

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I made up mind to set things right by my body and started making lifestyle changes, one at a time, towards a healthier me. I switched to a plant based lifestyle. Got active and started working out in different ways so it didn’t get monotonous and as a result I managed to stay consistent.

Slowly but surely I lost over 23 kgs (51 lbs.) during the course of 2 years and have managed to maintain it ever since.


On my journey, I also became a certified Personal & Group Trainer, and a Pilates instructor. Now recently, I’ve started my Crossfit training twice a week, and really look forward to those sessions as well.

Personal journey:

I got married right after my MBA graduation, to the most amazing and funny guy ever. We have known each other since ten years now and I still fall for him more everyday.

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We recently moved from Mumbai to this quaint little coastal town of Dapoli, where my husband, who is in the real estate space, is currently constructing a mammoth second-home project (with the most amazing and breathtaking view btw). The transition has been pretty neat. I find myself enjoying the “hygge” vibe that this place has; there is a certain slow-ness and charm to it.


With this blog I hope to:

  • Provide relevant information about how to stay on top of your health game. It really doesn't need to be so complicated and confusing!

  • Clarify most, if not all, existing myths and misconceptions about Health, Nutrition and Food.

  • Provide a holistic, natural and simple way to stay fit and well. This is the way nature designed in her millions of years of evolution and experience.

  • Emphasise that vibrant health is possible. In other words you can achieve your maximum potential of wellness, by understanding the basic principles of health and nutrition.

  • Establish that our lifestyle choices make an impact on food security. This in turn make food safety the most important issue of our times.

One of the biggest challenges for me has been to balance and integrate theory and practise, taste and health, faith and rationale. I hope this blog will help to bring you on the ever adventurous journey and discovery of yourself and your own capacity for staying well.

See you around. :)


Welcome, Shweta! I was diagnosed with PCOS about a year ago so I understand that struggle and how important it is to pay attention to what it is that you're putting into your body and realize the effects it can have.

Hello Shweta, and Welcome to Steemit.

It sounds like you have a lot to bring to this platform.

Coincidentally, I just introduced another new Steemian – @celestialcow – to a good Steemian friend of mine – @fitinfun. Both of them also focus on health / diet issues, and both of them write interesting posts. I recommend that you check out their blogs.

It's good to hear that you could move out of Mumbai. (I lived in Gurgaon for 4 years, and I was glad to leave ... ☺ )

Below are a few basic points of advice re posting on Steemit.

  1. Longer posts are more lucrative than short posts. If you make a post of 20–30 paragraphs, it's more likely to earn rewards.
  2. Include some photos, images or graphs, to complement the text.
  3. Make sure the text and photos are formatted properly, so that your post looks attractive and appealing.
  4. Be yourself.
  5. Be interesting and informative.
  6. Create quality content. Steemit is intended to be a platform of quality content. (You will see many insignificant posts with meager content and no quality. Most of those of posts [called “shitposts” by Steemit whale Stellabelle] will earn few rewards and soon pass into oblivion.)
  7. Get online and start curating. Read various posts, comment on those posts you find interesting, and upvote those posts. That’s the best way to attract followers.

Hope this helps for now. Good luck, and Full Steem Ahead!

Thanks a ton for the tips majes.tytyty. Also looked at some of your killer photography posts. Looking forward to seeing more :)

Thank you, especially for the compliment re "killer" photos. They're only snapshots, but I do try to make them decent compositions. And photoshop helps.

By the way, if you're going to post photos, make sure you refer to this link (below) about enlarging photos and images on Steemit. (You may have seen it on my blog, but so few people use this great feature, and I'm trying to teach all 500,000-plus Steemians about it.


Wow great transformation! Curious to learn more about fitness and a healthy lifestyle from you! Followed :)

Thanks unfixable, I see that you try to eat pretty healthy too :), really appreciate the support! Will keep you posted.

Hi love your intro, thanks for making me a friend and checking my intro
Just upvoted and followed you! welcome to the community!
Hope other people interested in vegan activism will check me out.

GREAT to SEE you! I guess, welcome aboard the Steemit Train! You are already a great blessing to us all by being on this platform with us.All for one and one for all! Namaste :)

Thank you lopezdacruz, looking forward to it! see you around as well :)

hi @fitvegan welcome to steemit. loved your post. looking forward for your blog.
I am new here to. do stop by on blog and say hi.

Hi pritpatel! great work on your first post too, enjoyed reading it :)

Welcome! Glad you're here.

Thanks iamzerg! Glad to be here.

Hey Shweta! Welcome to Steemit! :)

Hello and Namaste! Nice to see more vegans on Steemit.

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