Taking A Chance To Introduce Myself!

What's up Steemit? Interaction is something I highly prefer to form between us, so feel free to communicate with me as much as you can! I'm willing to learn as much as I can on this platform, as my enthusiasm about it is even higher.


I am an Earthling, as you probably noticed. 😉
My feelings direct me in the ways where geographical locations don't really matter a thing to me. Most of the times I don't even know where I am... Metaphorically 😎

I walk (sometimes climb) through life highly motivated and ready to defend my beliefs - as I worked really hard to attain them. Below you can see picture of myself climbing a mountain, this is one of my fav pictures and I really feel you should see it. 😊

Who knows what was I thinking there, probably to not look down...

Today In Public Transport:

a man who should control tickets started physically assaulting an old guy cause he had no money for ticket and the whole train just stood there motionless - watching!

That example can be put up through many different patterns, but we will leave that discussion for some different occasion.

As beautiful energy started flowing through myself, I searched for my superhero cape and started approaching that guy! Inside myself it was somewhat like: "Fuck the system! Why is he bothering this poor guy?" But on the outside all I did was kindly asked him for an increase in his dose of respect, since his ego couldn't handle that - he started yelling at me uncontrollably. As I didn't realize how to react in that moment, I pulled out my camera and told him to smile for the picture. 😅 Was proud on myself as I handled the situation smoothly but still effectively. I would show you the picture but that guy actually run away from the train and my camera... As he was getting away and I yelled at him ( fucking clown!) this song went through my head:

Sometimes I'm really direct and I want people to take some things personal. But just sometimes... This few lyrics relate to me as I'm a great freestyler myself so I need an ego boost for the past times when I was a kid in puberty rocking freestyles:

Originality overflows from in me
And the truth is, that you wish you could live the
Life I live and kick the lyrics I kick
But bear in mind that you can't think as quick

If someone is interested in listening my songs from back in the days we can definitely arrange that.

My Goals, Niche & Preferences

I'm an expert when it comes to Public Relations and Marketing, but a passionate Crypto collector and investor. My next short term goal is forming my Community - plan is to open a YouTube channel, few Facebook groups with different focus and some of others Social media platforms I can put to good use. I as well plan to make some quality friendships here, as I feel I have finally find a community where I will become active!

Through my different media, I plan to educate and inform people over the world how to become financially free and differentiate themselves, as I feel this new booming industry is having plenty for everyone - who are willing to take it of course! 😄 Most of people tend to focus on achieving sense of security, but that is a trap and one of my goals is to drive focus on that. The first time people start breaking the illusion, many lives will change - lots of joy shall come. My feelings are signaling me that the inequality is at higher levels than ever, and I think all of us can and must contribute to make it contrary! We still posses some extraordinary tools that can help us on our way to greatness - one of them is definitely our FREE will. 😜

Sharing Some Eating Tricks

I tend to make a lot of recipes, that in my opinion have the ability to enhance me and rejuvenate as a whole. Most of the time I feel things on a deeper basis, so I need a tip top nutrition to stay in physical and mental form. 😊

You can expect all kinds of content from me! I will always aim to deliver quality, variety and original work. One of my passions is plant based eating as I'm really fond of it and I feel that is where the future lays. For some time, I have been observing and studying vibrational values of different foods, and that is something you can hardly ignore. Logic is actually pretty simple, the closer to source it was more it has to offer you. In simple terms - more is LESS 😉 This planet was actually a perfect ecosystem once, it had everything and more that every living being needed. My dream is to reverse it to that state, its a shame there is lots of influent individuals who don't share the same vision as me. Not just that, I feel like they are trying to push this ecosystem in even bigger depression, as you can probably notice in the last few years how your food and environment has changed.

Keeping That In Mind

You will probably understand my passionate vision to move to Thailand. 😍

It has plenty of sun rays my being needs so much, beautiful nature and its packed with organic fruits and veggies - basically all I need for a happy life! I don't really care, as far as I'm concerned I can eat Mango from the floor all day. But organic Mango! 😉 You can bet my business efficiency will be at least 10 times higher when I go here. I hope you will stay here so we can support each others in fulfilling our visions, I could really use some companions. Physical appearance doesn't mean a thing to me, but I'm sharing this picture so you can visually perceive me better. 😊 What do you think, can I achieve my goals? Obviously only thing that matters is my belief in myself, but still, I'm really curious to hear what do you people think. Btw I want to thank to my bro @runicar for making me feel really smooth with this editor! Cheers people and thank you for the welcome...

Hey - this is a really big coincidence but I'm also an Earthling!! We should so like follow each other!! Actually in all seriousness I love your writing styl, welcome to steemit and keep it up. Do you ever do anything with wild edible plants - surely they are the ultimate good vibrations food?! I've just spent two years in Brazil chatting to neo-hippies (among others) about pretty much just that. I should rally try to actually write more posts!

You're definitely right! :) wild plants posses everything we need and even more... They are like internal cleaning for our organs
Brazil sounds really nice, you should write more posts ;)

I should! One of these days!!

Man nice intro
I wish you luck.

excellent intro... it is beautiful article about intro life,, health

Welcome on Steemit :)

Welcome enjoyinglife !!!
So glad you started posting and joined steemit ! Can't wait to read more from you.

Thanks a lot, mate :)

Intriguing intro post. You seem like an interesting person!

Welcome to the community
dear i vote you plz you vote with follow me

Welcome to the community @enjoyinglife. I can read in your intro that your account name is relevant haha! You have enthusiasm, ideas and projects with a concern for solidarity (the old man story...), you will fit well here and you will be @enjoyinglife also as a Steemian!

Thanks for taking the time to read my post! I know time is money so I highly appreciate it ;) solidarity is my middle name, I have a strong sense of it :) hope to hear you in the future