Introduce Yourself Hello I'm An Anarchist

Realised I'd not done one of these "introduce yourself" posts/blogs so here it is.

Well my name is Paul and as much as I hate labels I would probably class myself as an anarchist, in the sense that I don't impose my will on others and I won't recognize authority. I dabbled in many an activity as a youth in a deprived area (some legal some not) but found my love for graphic art/design when attending collage in 2004.

Some of my work:

This was for a podcast on Youtube I think

Some various before and after images again for Youtube thumbnails

Some randoms for different things

I was an 80's kid at school and mine in particular rather liked corporal punishment as a way of "deterring" students from particular behaviour. This is where I had my first taste of power abuse by the hands of teachers and dinner ladies (lunchtime teachers who supervise etc)

I remember this one time I had shouted a swear outside in the playground, one of the dinner ladies grabbed my wrist and dragged me into the boys toilet. She held my head into one of the sinks and turned the water on, grabbed a bar of soap and tried to force it into my mouth.

"you rotten little boy, this is what you'll get if I ever hear that filth again"

I must have been 4 maybe 5 at the time I certainly never swore outside again but it was things like this that put me on this path of really hating those in authority. It got me into trouble several times when I was a teenager as I would often goad police and teachers into confrontations. Although I had many more interactions with the police in the years to come which I will go into detail about in other blogs.

So yes in a nutshell that's my somewhat flimsy introduction to you all, I will try and update this at least once a day if possible.

Thank you for reading (if you got this far) and I look forward to sharing more with you


Welcome to the community!

Thanking you kindly :)

Think no vice so small that you may commit it, and no virtue so small that you may over look it.

Ciao! Ciao!


If you have written "I am anarcho-capitalist" (pseudo-anarchist) instead then you would get truckloads of $ upvotes. It doesn't matter if it is true or not :-) Steemit is controlled by wealthy pseudo-anarchist anarcho-capitalists :-)

lol I've never been into this sort of thing for the money

Well, they are lol
I'm happy to hear that you are not! :-)

About the abuse by school teachers. Bunch of f@cking c@nts (I self censor myself as some people here have rapid "swear word" warning brain dysfunction and don't want to get flagged). You could try to find other pupils from school years who were abuse too. Get together in power and prosecute those f@cks. There have been cases like that in UK.

I think many people are scared to face them, it's much harder since the school was demolished all almost all trace of it ever being there is gone

School was demolished but they are still alive.
What to be afraid of. Are they some kind of gods?
You are all adults now.

What's going to be carved on your (hypothetical) tombstone?

Welcome @enganarchist83 I hear you bro! I used to describe my schooldays at the hands of so-called Christian Brothers back in 70s and early 80s (corporal punishment period) as the "Carrot and Stick" variety of education, but without the carrot.

I could tell you some stories as I'm sure you have them too, glad times have changed...well so I'm told

Excellent post!

Many of us went to schools like that. It's no wonder societies are so messed up and backward thinking. Keep up the good effort!

Thanking you very much nice to see so many supportive excellent people

Nice works! I liked the eye and tree a lot (sorry my english level,lol)

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