Hello from Novosibirsk


My name is Alice. I am seven years old, but soon will be eight. l live in the city of Novosibirsk. This is my home town. I study in the family form of education, so I have a lot of time to play games, learning and exercise gymnastics, also I am interested in studying English.
My dad found your wonderful site www.steemit.com. I will describe my everyday amazing adventures on Russian language with my mother and I will translate them on English with my dad. I will share my events and projects for you! I will happy if you support me.

Goodbye, until we'll meet again.

As long as I wrote this text I was eight years old))

Follow me @eltactico.


Привет :))

Welcome to Steemit :)

Hi @eltactico and welcome to Steemit :)

Welcome to Steemit! :))

Thank you all!

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