Hello Steemian, this is my first intro (Lecturer & Entrepreneur)
(Saya, Sufri Eka Bhakti, lahir pada tanggal 24 Februari 1982 di Lhokseumawe, Indonesia. Nama panggilan saya di rumah adalah Ayi. Saya anak pertama dari 2 bersaudara. Nama adik perempuan saya adalah Audie).
My last education at Universiti Sains Malaysia, as post graduated student (Master in Communication and Multimedia), through scholarship and fellow programme, it changed me alot. But, I can say that the best education I ever had started from home through my parents. This was when Bunda (mother in Aceh) and Ayah (father in Aceh) taught me the principles in life and values that I still hold strong until this very day.
(Pendidikan terakhir saya di Universiti Sains Malaysia, sebagai mahasiswa pascasarjana (Master in Communication and Multimedia), Beasiswa pendidikan ke Luar Negeri ini memberikan saya begitu banyak pengalaman berharga. Tapi, saya bisa mengatakan bahwa pendidikan terbaik yang pernah saya miliki dimulai dari rumah, melalui orang tua saya. Ketika Bunda dan Ayah mengajari saya prinsip hidup dan nilai yang masih saya pegang sampai hari ini).
Graduation Ceremony at Universiti Sains Malaysia, Convocation Hall in 2012.
Praise be to Allah, I’m a lecturer in faculty of communication, IAIN Lhokseumawe and also role model of young entrepreneur as founder mini bookstore called “Adika Media” in Aceh, currently operates now. Adika Media Ultima is my company established on February 24, 2013.
(Alhamdulillah, saya sekarang adalah dosen di fakultas komunikasi Islam, IAIN Lhokseumawe dan juga seorang pengusaha muda yang merintis toko buku kecil dengan nama "Adika Media" di Aceh. Adika Media Ultima adalah perusahaan yang didirikan pada tanggal 24 Februari 2013).
I'm interested in many things such as movies and music (filming, recording and editing), books (reading & selling), sport (Tennis) and travelling (Backpacker).
(Saya tertarik dengan banyak hal seperti film dan musik (filming, recording and editing), buku (reading & selling), olahraga (Tennis) dan traveling (Backpacker).
I'm glad to have here with steemit community in Indonesia and around the world.
This is my first posting. Best Regards. Thank you...
Selamat bergabung @elsufri, salam @rezqiwahyudi
Terima kasih @rezqiwahyudi
Welcome to Steemit! With new Steemian’s, I always have 3 pieces of advice for success. Be kind, be consistent, and be persistent. I hope you enjoy your time here and be sure to check out DTube and Dsound as well. These are the video and audio platforms that are based on the Steem Blockchain and are great additions to your Steemit world. As well, I hope you will look over some of my content and consider following along! Kindest regards.
Thanks. appreciated it !
Good work
Yeah.. Thanks. Keep in touch.
Thanks for your generous.
Hai, hallo @elsufri.. Selamat bergabung di Steemit! Suka anda datang.. telah kami upvote yah.. :-)
Hai juga, thanks ya..
welcome to steemit .... greeting from indonesian (^_^)
Thanks,,keep. In touch
hi there...nice to meet you
Thanks... Glad to know you here too @adika-media