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RE: Introducing Myself-Alexa Nova

I find porn the most offensive abusive evil form of misogyny and this site is totally disgusting! And it makes me want to weep that so many whales have upvoted it! I guess I am in the wrong site after all!


I agree with you. This compelled me to change opinion about this site. Although at first I saw a lot of good on this site!

I love that: "Jesus loves pornstars." There's actually a lot to be said on that topic: I've done a bit of research on the matter and concluded that the bible not only never condemns sex outside of marriage, it actually assumes it's going on, wouldn't dream of condemning it, and even celebrates it. Now, everyone who's been told by a church what the bible says is going to scream that I'm a heretic, but I challenge them to find me one single passage that says it is wrong to have sex with someone you're not married to. Even the draconian old-testament law was careful not to ban this in its regulations on sex. Some might cite 1 Corinthians 7, where Paul says "Each man should have his wife and each woman her husband" and yes, this is a clear recommendation of monogamy, but it's just that: a recommendation to particular a particular people, place, and time (one that makes a lot of sense, when you factor in the context of Corinth at that time!). Also, even modern research is clear: the optimal environment for raising kids is stable monogamy, so it makes sense to recommend it for specific things.

Many scholars argue that Song of Solomon, a book in the bible which reads like a playboy article if you understand the idioms of the day, is about sex between a non-married couple.

So yes, going off of the bible, Jesus does love pornstars, and may not even have condemned their content.

Personally, I'd love to see material on Steem which reminds us that porn actors are people too, and gives them a venue to share some of their lives outside of getting reamed on camera. :) I am grossly dissatisfied with most porn I find simply because it's unnatural, unemotive fucking for the sake of fucking. There's no romance in it, there's no love in it, there's no emotion at all in it; and divorcing sex from these things leaves it empty and disgusting to me. It's like eating an ice cream cone without the ice cream. And personally, I think most men are wired that way, but many of them have just gotten used to eating dry ice cream cones because that's all that's available, and for some, all they've ever known.

There's also some seriously dark occult stuff going on in porn, where the stated goal is to divorce sex from the emotions that make it beautiful (you think the psychopaths implicated in pizzagate aren't involved in adult porn too? Think again; it's a religion to them, and they want to spread it), and I hope places like Steem become reliable sources for a better kind of porn than that filth.

Welcome to the blockchain, @alexanova, and I hope you share what's alive in you with us along with what's sexy about you. :)

Wow, that was a very well written, really awesome comment! Thank you!! I feel you 100%

LMFAO you made me smile!

Welcome to steemit don't let the haters get to you, I have no problem with porn on here as long as it's all tagged correctly.

I thought we all new steemit was about? We don't have censorship here and we don't want it, so please stop trying to push that agenda here it will fall on deaf ears.

Porn doesn't hurt anyone, people hurt people. If you don't like it don't watch it - I just don't see how this affects anyone - let alone being offensive abusive or evil.

Porn is sex with a cam in the room, sex is a way of expressing love - surely Jesus wouldn't want hate spread this way?

I would like to see a bit more content and work to go into your posts, especially given the size of the reward pool you got with this post.

I understand this is an introduction post and you probably just wanted to get it out there and see how it went, some people may have gotten a little over excited at your appearance on here.

I also think that you may have been rewarded for the possibility of you cross promoting steemit to your massive fan base, this has happened many times before and you shouldn't be copping flack because of it.

But besides that good luck with it and hope you enjoy your time on steemit :)

"Jesus loves pornstars" best quote ever

Thank you for your comment!! <3 yes I do intend on posting more quality, creative, and original content. Truth is, I don't have much professional content that I own the rights to. I need to work on building more of that. I have some, but mostly from when I had brown hair/no bangs.. so im not sure people would recognize me as the same person if I posted some gifs of the older videos I own (from past 2 years)... I do plan on posting other production company's photos/gifs of myself occasionally, but won't be removing watermark and will promote the link to the site! I will refrain from doing it all the time though. Please be patient with me, I've had a very hectic/busy day handling a million and one business things and I'm also a single mom... but, I do plan on posting more as soon as I'm able to! <3

Jesus loves people! And as long as the person is alive, he can repent of sin!

Good morning, I think Jesus does not care if the person does porn or not. At his time, he saved a prostitute from being stoned. As there were also people of all races and homosexuals, and he did nothing against them. So for Jesus, in understanding me, no matter what you are or no longer being anything, what matters to him is whether you do good to others.

Ya'll are far to close minded and judgmental to exist in this day and age anyways after reading your narrow minded beliefs and watching you try to push them on others.

You are in fact on the wrong site if you think coming into someone's post and berating and judging them for their profession and sexual preferences. No one forced you to read this girls intro post, nor comment on it.. If it offends you the best thing to do is mute her and ignore it rather than show your true colours of judgement and bigotry.

What's disgusting @elewarne is your attitude towards people and lack of acceptance of others.

Well said. Completely agree! Thanks for that!

Cheers lovely.

Don't let the old narrow minded hag get you down.

You wanna make porn, go for it. Fuck anyone who tries to tell you otherwise!

Freedom of speech and action is the foundation of democracy. Until porn directly affects you, keep your complaining to your self. If you don't like it don't watch it.

Your offense means nothing to anyone. Go fuck yourself with a sharp stick and go back to your safe space

use the mute button or leave steemit.
This is a free speech no censorship site not a only what elewarne likes site.

Your comment is based in emotion and failed logic.

  1. Porn is a woman dominated industry with women getting paid far far more than men in it today.
  2. 100s of millions of women watch porn
  3. Most big name porn studios today are owned and run by women
  4. Alexa does not have a pimp she is a camgirl which means she is in business for herself and gets 1099ed at the end of the year.
  5. I find your over emotional feminist based comment one of the biggest forms of evil. Totally Disgusting!

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