An Introduce of Balai Baca - Bilingual

in #introduceyourself7 years ago

Hello Good people!
In this first post, we want to introduce a collaborative steemit account called @eduact. This blog's contributors are volunteers of Balai Baca comunity. This account will contain all volunteer activities in this community, opinions and studies on literacy, children's education and other matters concerning this comunity, as well as book reviews. It seems too mixed and unfocused, but in fact we only discuss one thing, "Action for Education".

Well, what is Balai Baca? Balai Baca is a voluntary community that focuses on increasing reading interest since an early age, especially in children who are in the foremost, outermost and underdeveloped areas, particularly in Aceh.
Interest in reading Indonesian currently stepping on number 1: 10.000, It is indeed an irony. Nowdays, The government is intensively fostering the spirit of literacy in all aspects of education. Well leave from that reason, We as youth also do not want to lose in taking the role as an agent of change. This is our way of supporting the government.


Established a Reading Park named Balai Baca. This community has been established for over two years. Precisely on 01th of August 2015. This community is purely built with independent and voluntary nature. During the last two years we have conducted several programs such as regular teaching and learning activities in our small library located in Paseh Village, Juli sub-district, Bireuen district, Aceh province, Indonesia. In addition we also have a program Mobile Library named Mugee Buku targeting to the society whose having exercise on Sunday morning. And the last is the Ransel Baca which aims to bring closer book access to children who are in remote areas. The latter program was also initiated as a travel program for the volunteers of Balai Baca. So it will bring benefit for those children in the area that we visited.

Ransel Baca Goes to Aceh Timur

Since August 2015 until January 2018, there have been 2996 beneficiaries in 26 locations with 227 participants, and managed 3460 books in all activities.

Mugee Buku in Central of Bireuen City

Hopefully this steemit account will also be a motivation to our volunteer for writing. Because Steemit is more exciting than other social media. And hopefully readers in the world of steemit will also be motivated to take part in improving the quality of education in their respective regions.

In Bahasa--


Hello semuanya.

Dipostingan pertama ini kami ingin memperkenalkan akun steemit bersama yang bernama @eduact. Kontributor blog ini adalah Relawan Komunitas Balai Baca. Akun ini akan memuat seluruh kegiatan kerelawanan di komunitas ini, opini dan kajian tentang literasi, pendidikan anak dan hal-hal lain menyangkut ini, serta review buku. Terkesan terlalu tercampur dan tidak fokus, tapi sebenarnya kami hanya membahas 1 hal, “Action for Education”.

Nah, Apa itu Balai Baca? Balai Baca adalah sebuah komunitas kerelawanan yang fokus pada peningkatan minat baca sejak usia dini, khususnya pada anak-anak yang berada di daerah terdepan, terluar dan tertinggal, lebih tepatnya di Aceh.


Minat baca indonesia saat ini menginjak angka 1 : 10.000, Hal itu memang sebuah ironi. Pemerintah kini sedang gencar-gencarnya menumbuhkan semangat literasi di segala aspek pendidikan. Nah berangkat dari situ, Kami sebagai anak muda juga tak mau kalah dalam mengambil peran sebagai agen perubahan. Inilah cara kami dalam mendukung pemerintah.

Mendirikan sebuah Taman Bacaan bernama Balai Baca. Komunitas ini sudah berdiri dua tahun lebih. Tepatnya pada tanggal 01 Agustus 2015. Komunitas ini murni dibangun dengan sifat independen dan atas rasa sukarela. Selama dua tahun terakhir kami telah melakukan beberapa program diantaranya kegiatan rutin belajar mengajar di pustaka kecil kami yang berada di Desa Paseh, kecamatan Juli, kabupaten Bireuen, provinsi Aceh, Indonesia. Selain itu kami juga memiliki program Mugee Buku yang menyasar masyarakat yang beraktifitas di minggu pagi. Dan yang terakhir ialah Ransel Baca yang bertujuan untuk mendekatkan akses bacaan kepada anak-anak yang berada di daerah terpencil. Program yang terakhir ini juga dinisiasi sebagai program jalan-jalannya para relawan Balai Baca, agar kegiatan jalan-jalan kami tidak biasa sekaligus memberikan manfaat kepada anak-anak di daerah yang kami kunjungi.

Ransel Baca Goes to Aceh Timur

Terhitung sejak Agustus 2015 hingga Januari 2018, telah ada sebanyak 2996 penerima manfaat di 26 lokasi kegiatan dengan jumlah 227 partisipan, serta mengelola sebanyak 3460 buku dalam seluruh kegiatan.

Mugee Buku in Central of Bireuen City

Harapannya akun bersama ini juga akan menjadi motivasi Relawan dalam menulis. Karna Steemit lebih seru dari Media sosial lainnya. Dan semoga pembaca di dunia steemit juga akan termotivasi untuk ikut andil dalam meningkatkan kualitas pendidikan di daerahnya masing-masing.


Welcome to this wonderful platform, I know that your organization will grow in this industry. =)


Welcome to Steemit. I think you will like it. There are plenty of people who love talking about cryptocurrencies, but lots of other interests too. Have fun

Halo dan selamat datang di komunitas. Saya mengikuti Anda dan akan menghargai sebuah tindak lanjut. Saya @REECHA melihat ke depan untuk melihat lebih banyak posting! Semoga harimu menyenangkan dan menyenangkan. Selamat datang !!!!!!!!!!!!!! @ NITESHBANIYA

Mohon upvote, comment, resteem dan ikuti @niteshbaniya
kembali berhubungan kembali untuk upvote

Hi! I’m Gutzygwin, glad to meet you.
Welcome to the steemit community.
I just gave u a follow, you can follow back @gutzygwin
Help build the steemit community to a greater level.

well hello @gutzygwin
thaks for following us, i've also followed you

Hi @eduact, good job in helping the children in Aceh. You have my full support. I have upvoted and have decided to resteem this post as part of the #newbieresteemday initiative. Also, I have started to follow you so that I can see more updates on your voluntary activities. Keep up the good work!

Well hello @culgin thank you for your support
We hope that we will do our best, just keep straight on our story
And also we followed you back


*Welcome, I wish you all the success on Steemit. I will be following you...

Source: Tenor Gifs

Thank you, I've been following you too.

Thank-you. See you on Steemit!

Nice post...!!! Thanks for sharing... 😀

Warm welcome to this community dear hope you will enjoy here, your introductory post is very nice.

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