45 days into Steemit and positively addicted: A Dreamers intro

Hi my name is Irwin and I'm a dreamer.


And a dork as you can see from this pic. Lol

I've been on Steemit for 45 days.


Yet honestly it feels like years. Reminds me of the book, "The lion, the whitch, and the wardrobe by C.S. Lewis . A.k.a. The chronicles if Narnia. I love that book.

I've interacted with some wonderful people on steemit, and I've gained considerable respect towards them:
@tattoodjay is one person who's been there since I started always supporting my post. Very much appreciated.

@hopehuggs hosted a poetry contest that was my reminder that I could write poetry and her contest was the first one I'd ever won anything on in a long time. The 2 sbd she gave me came at the perfect time.

@aggroed comes off as a hard hitting individual, yet when reading this persons post the passion and heart for the steemit community is clear. The post on avoiding flag wars gave me great perspective on what to avoid as I progress in steemit

@worldclassplayer is exactly what the name suggest. Absolutely reliable.

@goldmatters hosted a contest where his generosity and passion inspired me to new levels. Participating in his contest was life changing. I wasn't sure if I'd earn anything yet I worked my butt off promoting and supporting the contest and the results were worth the effort.

Here are the three post that earned me 95 sbd and put me months ahead of where I thought I could be:







To see the contest and all it's entries check out #goldmoneywashere or #whereintheworldisgoldmoney

There are a couple communities that I have grown appreciation for also.

#mydailypost is a very close knit community that supports each other.

#whalepower is also a great community to be a part of.

It's amazing how fast you can progress in this community. I originally joined because I wanted to enter the crpto market and steemit provided a way to earn myself in. I put what little extra money I have into silver, so I really couldn't invest in criptos as well. My funds were to small. So why not earn some on steemit I thought.

I heard about steemit from listening to @roguemoney on youtube. They are a great source off world events.After hearing them talk about steemit I decided to give it a try. So glad I did.

My first post got me hooked. I hadn't written in so long, my creativity became electrified. Similar to Frankenstein, there was a dead part of my brain that suddenly awoke. I loved doing creative things yet never had a platform for it. I was hooked.

I have several years experience in community building from my different business ventures. I found that the same rules that apply in that field also apply on steemit. In order to grow, you must be willing to help others grow. Dreamers helping dreamers.

It's not easy being a dreamer in a world run by routine and misguided expectations. I've been a dreamer all my life. Yet in my younger days I thought the world would embrace my dream. Especially because I dreamed of making a positive impact and leaving a legacy. I thought my friends and family would be by my side, as I strived to create a business that would allow me the funds to lift myself out of mediocrity.
It did not help that when I started my quest there were diciplines I lacked and had no clue I needed. I've heard it said that the attributes of a leader are tough skin and a soft heart. That quote has proven itself right time and time again. It's too easy to grow bitter as you walk the path of a dreamer.

It's taken time to understand that my friends and family only want the best for me. They see me investing or "wasting" in their eyes money and time in things they just don't understand. Why would a broke man spend money to drive twelve hours for a leadership convention, or spend money on books, cds, and other things. It has never made sense to them. They look at my failures and see it as proof that I'm a hopeless dreamer.

One of my biggest obstacles has been keeping a soft heart. It's challenging when the people you love are the obstacles you have to overcome. It's taken me years to replace my frustration with Love. Love is ever lasting. It perservers. It's never harsh or belittling. It's never self-serving or prideful. Corinthians 13 is a biblical chapter that I've studied for years. Yet everyday is a new chance to gain understanding.

It's seems that life is set to test you. To prove and provide you with the skills you need to accomplish your dreams. Yet life is a mean teacher. She punishes first then teaches the lesson. Yet once you discover that your dreams are possible, there is no going back to mediocrity. Trust me I've tried. I've been studying business, leadership, and economics for a long time.

There are so many lies in this world. Yet there's something about truth that stirs your soul. Once you've been introduced to truth, accepting lies becomes impossible. I've had a few successes in my life, yet many more failures. My biggest problem is that I give people more value then myself. I've spent my life helping my family and my friends. Yet I've put my dreams on hold for too long.

Dreams have expiration dates. The forces of this world know that and they desperately try to distract you from your path. They whisper lies like "Don't worry you can do that tomorrow", or "Who are you to dream a big dream". Yet that's life testing you, helping you to develop the tough skin needed to achieve your dreams.

I've heard it said that if you are not facing any struggles there's a good chance you aren't chasing a dream. I've given up on my dream several times. Yet I see the struggles my family and friends face and realize the consequences of quiting on your dreams. I've even been blessed to have moments of recognition, where I was shown what would have happened if I had accomplish the goals that were set yet never reached.

I know that Faith is a building block for success. You need a strong faith based to help you stay grounded when the storms come. I don't chase faith for the rules and practises but for the relationship and loving strength it gives me.

The biggest challenge in studying and learning is not allowing it to boost your ego. It's to easy to try to show others how much you know or to correct others based on what your studies have proven to be wrong. Yet love requires humility, and accepting people where they are. It's not my place to correct people who don't want my advise, and honestly who am I to teach them. I've learned that regret is worse then looking stupid. Regrets eats at the soul, and leaves a man hollow.

I'm struggling because I want something better. So therefore my actions have to be different and maybe more challenging then of those who don't know better is available. Yet I know that what I have is a blessing. My biggest dream is to get myself in a position economically where I can be an influence. Yet the world wants to convince me that my struggles are pointless. I keep facing the same giants. They continue to come back into my life in different waves. Yet I know that life will teach me how to defeat them.

My biggest fear is that I won't have the time to accomplish my dreams. That I've sat on the sidelines for to long. Unfortunately no matter how hard it is to push forward I don't have a choice, I know there's an economic storm coming. I refuse to be the guy that despite knowing a flood was coming, was to busy to prepare and build his arc. Yet I also don't want to be the only guy on the boat. I'm not sure where the road ahead will lead me yet steemit had absolutely made a positive impact on my life.


Welcome to steemit

once you discover that your dreams are possible, there is no going back to mediocrity

100% Yes

I'm Gonna write a post now and source this bit - it is pure gold and I 100% agree.

Thank You for the warm words of support my friend.

I believe the steemit platform will support many in unexpected serendipitous like ways - mainly because of 'writing' and self-reflection which comes through writing. Communication is generally a good thing in my opinion - and steemit supports and encourages communication.

Thanks man. Means a lot that you read through it. They say that success is the worst thing that can happen to someone who has not written there goals down. The one thing I'm realizing is that the rules of community building which are used by many organizations work on steemit.
My number one goal is to create a passive source of income. I did not like the Bots on Steem when I first started. Yet I realize that they seem to be the passive income side of steem it. You are further ahead of me on the steemit Road what is your opinion on that? My tiny success with that contest has me thinking that maybe steemit isn't my source of income.
I currently work in pizza delivery only cause the income is higher then most hourly jobs. Yet I only stay there for the income and the slight freedom it gives me, but i'm still earning the same as I was ten years ago.
I don't believe in climbing ladders. I know job stability is a fallacy. I keep my job because I can study while working. Yet time passes and my purpose seems equally out of reach.
I smile at people who value credentials, they assume their degrees mean they are educated yet education is a life long process. I know one day storied will be told of "the pizza delivery guy who. ...." As for now I just do what I can with what I have.
Do you know any good sources on how crpto currencies are built. I have an idea I'd like to follow up on yet I need to do a little research on it. It's not steemitc related though it would tie into it nicely. I love that steemit has reminded me that I do have talents and abilities. The world tries to rob they from you, and for a white I gave mine to it. :)

Wellcome to the community!

Wellcome to the community!

Glad that you had a good time at Steemit. You are starting at the right note by interacting with your fellow Steemians. Do check out my profile and I write poems and positive posts. I believe in spreading positivity one post at a time.

You have a specific #tag that you use don't you? Or am I thinking of someone else. I know you've commented on at least one of my poems.

Is it the teammalaysia tag?

welcome to wonderful community and its really nice place i also just 2 or 3 month but its like very addicted place that i feel that i am here since long time. nice to meet you and following you.

It's true huh. When you first start you are so involved you forget everything. Lol

It is a pleasure to share with dedicated people like you. Thanks for mentioning the tag #mydailypost, it's a job that we do with a lot of love. ; )

Welcome to Steem @dreamingirwin I have upvoted and sent you a tip

Thank you botty, you post some cool pictures. Love the little robot.

Thanks for the introduction, good to see enthusiastic users like you on Steem. Looking forward to reading what you have to share, Upvoted and Followed!
(If you want to some cool posts to read, you could follow me back!)

Thank you for taking the time to comment much appreciated.

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