IntroduceYourself , My name is Adam and I call myself a Natural Doctor

in #introduceyourself7 years ago

No, I don't have six pack abs. My initials are A.B.S. Hence DrAbs,


When I was growing up being fed ramen, pizza, and chicken nuggets, I developed a hobby for nutrition to control my weight and my mothers diabetes. I dreamt of creating a supplement so that I could eat as much icecream mush at bedtime as I could fit in my belly without gaining weight. Though I've stopped my daily Icecream habbit, My new dreams are no less lofty. I want to prevent cancer and autism.


By the time I was thirteen I'd taught myself how to estimate the calorie content of foods. I began to learn the rda's for vitamins and minerals and the foods one must eat in order to reach those intake levels. I may have stopped there if it were not for my father's diagnosis. He had brain cancer and only a few years to live.

With my world shattered I tried to help in any way that I could. Since my fathers doctors were busy only managing his symptoms, I tirelessly began to study the mechanisms of action for his medications and research his symptoms and their associated biological pathways in order to make sense of what was truely happening to him. His cancer, hypogonadism, heart disease, multiple strokes, and cognitive dysfunction led me to read deeply into the fields of endocrinology, neurology, and molecular metabolism. To this day I've read over a thousand scholarly articles, kept up with the latest health trends including the pseudo-scientific ones, and am capable of discerning confounding variables which affect our Health. I wish I knew what I know now when I still had a chance to help him.

It has taken me nearly seven years of independent study to feel confident in the knowledge I attained. I am a college graduate with a degree in Nutrition and I knew to eat sunny egg yolks for their choline content and studied ways to lower homocysteine before my peers or even esteemed doctors began to learn of their relevance to heart disease. There is much in the cutting edge research of the past 20 years that people need to become aware of. Although I take great pride in my knowledge, I have not been able to find a medium by which to get my points across. It is my hope that you the steemit community will accept me as your resident Natural Doctor. To be able to help even one persons day be a little bit brighter and their life a little bit easier so that I may begin to repay forward the kindess and privledge life has afforded to me

That and I have a habit of buying expensive toys for my cat
Cat Tree.JPG
Next I want to buy her net enclosure and fill it with grasshoppers :)


I plan to write stories about Cannabis health risks and benefits, Food Science, Overlooked VitD facts, Cancer, Depression, Autism, Anxiety, Nutracueticals and Supplement safety and efficacy, the Biology of Spirituality; Thoughts, Feelings, Learning and Metaphysics. Besides health, I may write the occassional story on Politics, Policies, Conspiracy Theories, and Entertainment. Today is my first day with steem and over the coming days and weeks I'm sure I'll need your help to better adjust to the platform. I will repay any kindnesses shown to me and look forward to becoming a valued member of this community



Good day to you sir

We look to have several things in common.

15 years ago I was diagnosed with a golf ball sized benign brain tumour and was highly motivated to find out how to stop it growing. These days the tumour is still there but it's just a dead lump and is slightly smaller than it used to be. And that's a lot better than the outcome predicted by doctors (dead in 1-2 years without surgery)

Thankfully I have long been a "conspiracy theorist" so learning all about the sickness industry was not a surprise.

These days along with my partner @kiwideb, we run a business mainly selling WAPF and paleo supplements, and are also a WAPF chapter. Deb is a natural therapist specialising in whole foods and kiniesiology.

One of the things I'm curious to see is if Steemit takes you ever further down the "conspiracy" rabbit hole like it did for me.

For example, like many people on Steemit, I'm well aware of the vaccination scam - but I actually tone it down on Steemit because my own theories go way further into the dark side (past autism and into cancer for example, along with eugenics and whether the process of vaccination even works at all in any form). But there are people like @canadian-coconut doing this subject brilliantly and I feel like many of my theories are so far beyond most people's comfort zones, that it's better if I just put a sock in it.

I was noticing you seemed to care if marijuana is "legal" or not - I basically would say that something being "illegal" is often just a sign that it works.

For example one of the products we were selling was apricot kernels, which are known to be effective for treating cancer. So the New Zealand "government" made them illegal. Now we no longer sell them but put people in contact with underground suppliers. This is typical, and yes, I'm more interested in the conspiracy side than the food side!

Hope you go well on Steemit, it's pretty awesome.

Here are a couple of our links:

While it seems plausible the action by which amygdalin kills tumors I have not seen any information on how else it interacts with bodily systems. There are many compounds which induce autophagy, inflamation, or cellular repair processes which also seemily affect cancer biology. Amygdalin doesn't necessarily fit into my orthomolecular medical backround of providing the right nutrients found within the body so that the body will heal itself. As to conspiracies, I am doubtful anything on steemit will lead me deeper down the rabbit holes I've already been down. I have even come full circle to the point where I have become the rabbit digging the hole. I'd take it a step further even than autism and cancer and add: heart disease, diabetes, depression, anxiety, and alzheimers even towards unfavorable conclusions such as introvertiveness and attraction though I could go on. Certainly a practical pharmacuetical business model would be to alter someones physiology and then give them marginally effective/further damaging treatments in perpetuity. Though I'm not sure if this was by design or simply the system they fell into after realizing the profitability of striving for the next marginally effective treatment. While it is certainly possible that there are those with knowledge, which I believe I now possess, which may treat and prevent chronic diseases and withold such information, I believe such people to be few and far between. Though they seem to be willing to start wars over certain resources. Could you advise me on how to create supplements?

We don't create any supplements beyond fermenting things - the legal and set up costs are huge for actually making and selling them.

For apricot externals you need to take them from fresh apricots and dehydrate them.

I would say the very same people putting all those things into vaccines are also creating the global warming scam - and that is one big rabbit hole too - you never know where that may lead you - check it out.

Something that is being covered up is that the glaciers in New Zealand are rapidly growing, and this is not unusual. I know this because I've seen them, but the media is still reporting they are melting. We also live by the beach, and that is certainly not shrinking either!

A rabbit hole you have just dug. One that leads to nowhere. There are multiple regions across the world where the disruption in air currents which provided a flow of warm air will lead to regional cooling. Cooling will happen in northern europe too. Simply because it snows and that the glaciers of new zealand are growing doesn't change that greenland a place supposed to be covered in permafrost is now a river. That the arctic has had record breaking heat and icemelt. That globally the past 10 years have been the hottest years on record. Planes can't even take off, runways are melting. I've looked for said rabbit hole and found the opposite, that the conspiracy is the denial of climate change which will allow the oil companies and frackers to continue making money as the world is devastated. Manufacturing will see a boost as seawalls and massive infrastructure are built to block the rising tides. Decrease in economies of scale by not demanding a faster shift towards renewable energies. Various regions stricken with tropical diseases, increased asthma and neurological issues from an increase in c02 and fine particulates, fracking and ruining water supplies so that one must purchase water filters which increase one's exposure to aluminum. I could go on

Got to admit I'm curious now - was that a mistake or did you really mean to flag my comment?

And do you realise you are politely replying to spammers? That is what flagging is usually used for..

alt facts are spam :P, new zealand glacial growth is because of cooler air flow coming off the tasman sea.

There is an expression "three strikes and you're out"

One - believing global warming propaganda.

Two - spreading cannabis is harmful propaganda. (and contradicting yourself in your own comments)

Three - flagging my post because you disagree with it (you are not a whale yet you know...)

I hoped this would go better, but sorry, that's it, all the best, I have no further interest in following you

"Alt facts are spam" What the FUCK???? - my question about your future learning has been answered already!

It speaks to relevance, if you say climate change is a hoax and then site glacial growth you are being irrelevant and misleading. The underlying principle being that some areas will get colder yet the majority of places will get much much hotter. Marijuana "propaganda", that's the reality of the issues which can occur from consistant thc without balanced cbd use. It's not disagreement, it's me telling you your post is untruthful/irrelevant and therefor spam(atleast the part about glacier growth, not the "coverups" or possibly laetrile)

I find your blogs stance on global warming to be rather alarming. No scientist I've heard of is asking for a complete reduction of CO2 to 0. Certainly you are aware that respiration rates of plant tissues are often reduced when plants are exposed to, or grown at, high carbon dioxide due to direct effects on enzymes and indirect effects derived from changes in the plant's chemical composition? That c02 is a greenhouse gas capable of trapping thermal radiation within our atmosphere? Whereby an increase in temperature further increases water vaper and the release of methane from permafrost further compounding the issue. That we've raised co2 levels to the point where our oceans are acidifying as they accumulate co2, As algae blooms develop and then die off and sink re-releasing their c02 into deeper levels and creating dead-zones. That the ocean and global temperatures are rapidly changing from the paterns borne out over millenia, that increased temperature has shifted natural air currents which will lead to more unseasonable rains, flooding, and droughts. Colder air blown from glacier meltwater, the disruption of ocean stratum currents and cycling of oxygen. The creation of dustbowls and increase in the rate of forest fires. If you are the one to have written that post, I ask how you've managed to overlook the blatent profiteering activities of the fossil fuel industries and have somehow overlooked that greenland is now a puddle, that ice shelves are crumbling, that temperatures are projected to increase upwards of 10-20 degrees fareignheit without a reduction in c02, that king tides are already inundating coastal areas regularly, that areas which only saw 10 floods a year by rainfall are now getting over 100. Though I do believe it possible we have technological means other than solar and wind and nuclear for clean energy generation the only people I know still supporting fossil fuel consumption are fossil fuel shills and those they've tricked with misleading science campaigns.

Yes I wrote all that and I still back it 100%

Global warming is a total con - the planet is actually very slowly cooling and will be cooler than it is now for the next 110 000 years

What I'm also saying is that oil isn't a fossil fuel - it's abiotic.

Um, "peak oil" has always meant the capacity of the suppliers to band together to limit the supply of reserves. I never lived during a time when they claimed we wouldn't have enough... I've lived during the time where we know that if we burn a fraction more of the reserves we ruin the possibility of ecosystem survival. Un-extracted reserve volume is not affected by price. Though the value of those reserves is certainly affected by the price and difficulty of extraction. Sure oil may be "abiotic" as you call it. Though organic matter or atleast carbon and hydrogen being subverted towards the earths mantle whereby it is then redistributed into said reserves over millenia seems to be the case. Nobody is still claiming we are running out of oil... certainly the most easily accessible reseviors are being moderately extracted so as to not oversupply the market.... Of course opec and russia and others collude to set a higher per barrel price by limiting supply. Just as in the US we heavily subsidize oil companies and gas prices so as to not diminish its demand at the pump. Artificially propping up the market and preventing shifts towards renewables because oil companies pay more in bribes to politicians and give them cushy jobs afterwards. It's no surpise we barely increased fuel efficiency in the past 40 years, some argue its been decreased. I don't understand how you call peak oil a con of collusion and yet somehow claim climate change to be a con when they are the same corporations and individuals working together to ensure continued demand in spite of the clear global ramifications. I'd hope you are getting paid for your service to their cause....Perhaps you can get me such a job? Beep-boop.


Hi @drabs welcome to Steemit. I do hope that you have a wonderful time on this platform, if you have any questions or if there is anything I can help you with do not hesitate to ask, I will be more than happy to help.
If you would like to stay in touch please Follow me @Fshllc

Thanks @fshllc, I look forward to getting to know the steemit community. Everyone I've met sofar has been friendly and helpful. I'll be sure to keep you in mind next time I need some help!

I am glad that you are getting the help that you need.
You are welcome to visit my blog @fshllc comment, upvote and resteem. have an awesome day

Welcome to Steem @drabs I have upvoted and sent you a tip

I saw that :), thank you. I will remember.

i upvoted you , You are doing great Job ,please keep writing for us ,Thanks best regards @sharoon

I like some of your posts, technical specifics aside I'm glad people are writing about blood pressure and vitamin d. I'm glad you mentioned the steroidogenesis aspect of sunlight though be forwarned that my understanding is that much of this comes from oxidation of sulfite to sulfate whereby sulfation leads to increased regeneration of nad+ which signals a capacity for energy utilization which in turn then signals for steroid hormone production. An over simplification of course.

Your comments are just even copy and paste them to new blogs..
This is not good STEEMIT practice/ etiquette
It is much better to actually say something helpful or useful, not just spamming, hoping to get a few pennies of upvotes.

Welcome to Steemit. I found you through the SteemMagick channel on Discord. I actually saw your post in the #satanism channel. I'm into natural health as well as Satanism. I've upvoted your post and am following you now. I hope you'll follow me back. It's great to connect with people with aligned interests!

Welcome to Steemit,
Glad to see more people like you.
Nice post, I just upvoted your post and and sent you a tip.
I help new Steemit members! Upvote this comment and follow me at @chantha! I will upvote your future posts!

Only upvote them If you like them, I wouldn't want an overinflated sense of ego :P

What are your thoughts on the new documentary What the Health?

Also, I have been on a vegan/vegetarian diet for a couple of weeks and find myself eating a lot of carbs to get full. What do you recommend I add to my diet to limit the amount of carb and starch intake?

You know, I havn't seen it yet. Though after seeing a couple of people talk about it already I think I'll go check it out to see if it's all it is cracked up to be. My suspicion, like most other things, not based in science enough for my tastes. Short answer: Chickpeas because of their high tryptophan content add a handful. Try hummus and falafel. These you should find more filling as you eat them more consistantly. Care not to over do it though on the chickpeas, a rapid increase in tryptophan can excerbate latent infections. Long answer: Part of feeling full is satisfaction from the meal(stomach expansion, presense of simple sugars on the taste buds) which take around 20-40 minutes after you begin eating to kick in while the other part is energy availability which tends to show up after about an hour and a half of digestion. Carbs generally signal for satisfaction because they enhance insulin which pumps proteins in your blood into your muscles, all except the amino acid tryptophan which doesn't compete as well for uptake into the brain as other amino acids do. Tryptophan is then utilized to make serotonin and other important metabolites like melatonin, dmt, and niacin(vit b3). So i'd recommend you don't overload your system with too much protein at once so that your body can't uptake tryptophan into the brain (supposedly more than 35 grams) and especially if you havn't contracted your muscles in a way which would increase your muscle protein needs more than for baseline protein turnover :). Whoever told you to limit carb and starch intake doesn't know the science. In fact the brain utilizes around 20 grams of sugar an hour and it's dificult to provide this through metabolic processes without eating carbs or starchy vegetables in your diet. Besides that, cold/ resistant starches and soluble fibers like inulin are utilized by the gut to make butyrate which you wouldn't wish to forgo longterm as a vegan who doesn't get it from butter. Check out inulin rich foods and toss some of them into your diet at the very least if you feel the need to avoid carbs and starches, though I would recommend you keep them in your diet.

Wow, a lot of great information here. You already did, but had you not I would ask you make a post expanding on this thought.

Correct me if I'm wrong, what I think your saying above is it is okay to increase my intake of rice and bread in the absence of meat?

I do exercise regularly and a higher intake is ideal, but careful not to over do it.

I'm against vegetarianism and veganism. Though I suppose one could supplement with sunflower based phosphatidyl-choline, vitamin k2, and vitamin b12. I'm an advocate for consciensious omnivory. Meat and a few types of cheeses and eggs and fish have nutrients you can't find elsewhere. Again these are Choline, vitamin k2, vit b12. Carnitine and Creatine too. To get enough protein: I highly enjoy the quorn poducts especially their chicken nuggets :P. Bible ezekial 4:9 pasta, Also, corn and popcorn, peas, quinoa. Blackbeans, cowpeas, lentils and of course chickpeas. Pumpkin and watermellon and sunflower seeds. The best advice I can give you is to eat natto. Also to drink fresh young coconuts from non-gmo trees. Trust. non-fermented soy is bad, avoid it like the plague. Jury is still out on tempeh, Natto is perfect it's why the people of japan were healthy, it's not their seaweed consumption. If you've eaten your natto and drank your coconuts you should have no issues eating seitan(gluten) or lectins on the regular. Chia seeds and hemp leaves! How I wish I had access to hemp leaves. Whole wheat spaghetti and peas makes a good dish, complementary proteins and what not. Peas and corn. Corn and beans. I'm too in love with parmesian cheese to ever be a vegan. That and I know we are supposed to cook bone-in meat stews and soups. To eat small and midsized fish like trout, halibut, salmon, and light tuna. To eat egg yolks and cottage cheese and brie and gouda. You do you though. Kale and spinich(lutein and zeaxanthin) LOTS of brocolli(choline and chromium).

Meat and a few types of cheeses and eggs and fish have nutrients you can't find elsewhere. What kind of cheese?

non-fermented soy is bad, How do I know if it is fermented?
Where does one fine this magical Natto ?

So much good information here. Just need to format a little to make for easy reading. Thanks for digging into this with me. :)

Thank you for sharing this story. Looking forward to reading more.

I'll try to be quick about it :P, anything in particular you'd like to hear about first?

Welcome @drabs aboard the steemit express. This is a great platform to express yourself just like any other social media outlet except this one pays its users for interacting with each other. Post good content and your rewards can be limitless but always stay true to yourself.

Checkout this post and give me some feedback on it


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