I'm ready to step into the future with SteemIt!

in #introduceyourself8 years ago (edited)

Hello you all,

I was told about SteemIt by friends and I'm glad to see so many people already adopted it! To me it all sounds like a fresh born social media eutopia.

I'm exited to be part of this thinking forward alternative of those other greedy social medias.
They aren't only greedy on profit, but also on every possible personal information that's accessible.

I read on someones post: Supporting SteemIt is like supporting a cause. (shame on me for not remembering which one and tagging that person) I totally agree with that! So here I am! Now, I was told I have to introduce myself so.. here we go!

Where I come from: - - - ->

I used to be a bboy. For those who aren't familiar with the term, it means that breakdancing was more than just a passion for me, it was a way of life.

Sometimes I would wake up at night because my body twitched into some bboying position. I'm not even joking!
I would slide on my knees across the kitchen and spin on myself before opening the fridge so I could get my breakfast.

A year after I started dancing I started teaching my art(I'm a fast learner). I was 15 years old at that time and this is when I stepped into the world of show business.

I have been live on radio, tv and even internet(which was pretty impressive back in 2005).
That year I started my own crew with two.. rivals/friends(we're family now) and we were performing at the Olympic Stadium in Montréal a few months later.

During the same week-end we were front page of a local newspaper from a previous event.
By the time I was 25 I had done hundreds of shows and had been teaching for about 10 years.
I had all a teenager/young adult could value: Friendship, popularity and success. (I'm a bit more mature now)

Through the end of it, a serie of events kind of killed my passion and I slowly withdrew myself from all of it.
I was in depression for a year. I struggled with dark thoughts and was desperately looking for a reason to be.

Then it hit me: Until I figure out what my purpose in life is, I would dedicate mine to helping others.

Where I'm at now: - - - - ->

After a few years and one thing leading to another, I am now taking 911 medical emergency calls and helping people in need.

Part of my job is to go through these stressful events with them. By helping them doing what's necessary we can preserve life together.

I haven't had dark thoughts in years and I am proud of my work!
My job, however, is only the top of the iceberg regarding how I would define myself as a person.
I have new passions!

I'm trying to make the best out of this life and I always crave to Do more, See more and Be more.
This is my new way of life!

It's about bettering yourself and growing as a person by gathering different experiences and seeing wider horizons.
In simpler words, my new passions are: self-improvements (in every sphere of life) and traveling.

I am making a point in sharing the bits of wisdom/knowledge/experiences I gather on my path.
I recently started working on a webpage called Lifestyle And Wanderlust where I will share all sorts of content related to my passions.

I have a lot of other interests but you'll need to get to know me a bit more if you want to know all I'm up to!
This is pretty much it! Don't hesitate to get in touch with me. Though I'm real busy, I always enjoy a good chat!

Here are links to my Facebook and Instagram accounts. Somewhere on there you could also find Snapchat.

PS: I only post content that is mine. Articles I wrote/pictures or video footage I took myself.
Here is a video montage I rushed and uploaded on Youtube so I could figure out how to link stuff to my webpage. I intend to create more content like this in the future. In the mean time, you guys can enjoy it! :D



Saw this in my newsfeed.

I don't think you were downvoted though. When people vote for a bunch of stuff, it lowers the power of their votes. Otherwise everyone could just vote for everything and we'd all be as rich as if we set the minimum wage at 1000$/h ^^

About downvoting:
Could you just wait before downvoting me please? If it's because no one has validated me socialy yet, take in consideration I uploaded my introduction in the middle of the night.. Plus, there is no rush. Someone will confirm I'm legit soon enough. (Most likely @cob, we use to train flips together when we were.. 18ish) Also y'all can click on that link to my facebook page and see I did share my introduction there. So please staap! ahaha

Hi mate, welcome to Steemit. I am also new on here and loving the vibe. Sorry, I couldn't find you name on your post - Dee? - so I used the traditional Aussie greeting. Here's to lots of great posts in future. Cheers. Stuart Fish (steemitwithstu)

Hello Stuart,
Yes, it's Dee. It's actually a short for David. Are you from Australia? It'd be awesome to be welcomed to the site by someone from the other side of the planet!! (Canadian here). I wish you the best of luck with SteemIt. I read your introduction and I think it's a shame your health blog was hacked. Anyway, I followed you and intend to read your articles about that new blog of yours. Cheers.

Thank you sir! You look like you're a lot into Bitcoins. I may have questions for you one day. I'll check out your posts when I have time. Cheers.

Glad to help if you have any questions about the wonderful world of Crypto currencies :)

Welcome on board @dee-mcroy. I hope you enjoy your steemit experience.

Will you be sharing any of your break dance skills with the steemit community? I'd definitely like to see some moves!

Hey there,
I wasn't really planning on sharing much bboying footage but there is that old video on youtube you could watch. Make sure you read the description of the video so you understand why the colors are that weird aaha. I'm sure you'll find the video corroborates some facts I described in my introduction..

Bboy Funktion is my Stage Name. Hope you enjoy the video. It's pretty bad quality but the footage itself is pretty old (older than when it was actually posted).

PS: Stars Like Dust sounds absolutely great by the way! You sir have my upvote.


Tekka Skills Fella! This is brilliant. Thanks for sharing with me. Are you still Bboying?

Thanks for the feedback on my song btw. I'm happy you liked it :)

I'm glad you liked my moves ahaha Thanks for the compliment! Yes I still dance but no longer as a career. I got rid of anything linking dancing with any obligation. Dancing when you don't feel like it can be as bad as dancing when you need it can feel good. Feel me?

Hey Dee, firstly thanks for your follow recently. I have follow 4 followed you in accordance with my recent post, on how I believe we minnows can from shoals of minnows, to build a greater weighting. Check it out here. I'm Stuart. https://steemit.com/family/@steemitwithstu/minnows-are-stronger-if-they-swim-together

Hey Stu,
Yeah I remember you. Sorry for the late reply, I've been really busy with work these last days. Thanks for your follow. I'll check your article when I have a sec :)

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