Why am I a vegetarian?

12 years ago I became a vegetarian. The reason this happened is amazing. I happened to look, the excerpt from the movie "Turn Not There". In the morning I could not eat smoked chicken, it seemed to me that people behave the same way as cannibals from the film, which I saw the day before. I was on the same day, read on the Internet about vegetarianism and realized that these ideas are close to me. Among the known vegetarians I found Shakespeare, Franklin, Tolstoy, Leonardo Da Vinci, Einstein, Dalai Lama, Confucius, Mark Twain, Bernard Shaw and many other famous people who have left their mark on human history. In the early years, I did not eat meat, fish, eggs, poultry, and when I cooked my cereals or ate vegetables, I felt free. I've never been fanatical. I almost do not eat dairy products, I hardly use leather products, I almost do not drink tea and coffee, I do not drink alcohol, I do not smoke or eat bread. Why do not I drink alcohol and do not smoke? Vegetarianism is not just a diet, but who has come to vegetarianism meaningfully understands what the principles of love and compassion are. It is impossible to love the World, but to destroy yourself. Why do not I eat bread? I began to notice that our food is a dependence on the senses. We seize stress, we get pleasure from eating, initially food is a way of obtaining energy, even if it is not the best, but any other application is not natural. And bread, develops this dependence, filling the stomach and not giving anything in return. Why do not I drink tea and coffee? In these drinks, many substances that affect our body are destructive in small amounts, but daily. I know that we can receive energy for life and creativity not only from food, and this idea inspires me. I have many friends who eat meat, drink tea, smoke ... I do not think that I should be with them at a distance, everyone has their own way and their development. It's a pity that in Russia, there is no variety of fruits and vegetables because of the climate. But in the autumn I try to make blanks for the winter, usually I buy sweet pumpkins, sweet carrots, beets, dry quality apples and tomatoes from Uzbekistan. I prepare different berries.
Today I made myself a juice of sweet pumpkin for breakfast and cooked porridge from oats, with the addition of grapes. Soon the winter will end, and on sale there will be good vegetables and fruit. Sometimes I look at reposting from the southern countries and I want to visit these markets. )))
Friends, sorry for the poor knowledge of English, I hope, soon I will begin to teach him more deeply.
Thank you for attention. Dmitriy.


That breakfast sounds insanely awesome 👍👍👍

Welcome also friend!

Thank you. sorry I can not buy you juice))

Haha no worries👍

Bienvenido! Welcome to this platform.. Amazing story. I'm not vegetarian but that's a juice i'd like to taste! Greetings.

sorry I can not buy you. But in your country you can drink different juice. Thanks for the greeting)

Being vegetarian is actually good 4 health more fibers = great intestines just watch out ur B12 level lastly I will upvote and follow ur post from now on hoping u do the same..let grow together😃

Thank you. glad to get acquainted, I will also sign and will follow. I've never had a lack of B12.

welcome to steemit comunity i hope you enjoy here :-)

Of course, it's interesting here

Thank you for your kindness

It's so difficult for me ! but I wish success to you.

It comes with time. There is nothing easier. I wish you to find your comfortable way of development.

Прекрасная статья, мне нравится как вы пишите, хорошие причины для вегетарианства :) Я так поняла вы почти веган, как и я, за небольшими исключениями) У меня есть статья о том какого это быть веганом в России, интересно ваше мнение, согласны ли =)

я нашёл её и прочитал. вы увлечённо пишете, без халтуры). У нас большая пока ещё страна и она разная. с точки зрения питания, на юге проще, хотя юг у нас маленький да и не совсем юг. Я жил на юге Казахстана, на границе с Узбекистаном знаю, что такое настоящий солнцепёк)). С точки зрения менталитета, Санкт-Петербург более лоялен к любому из возможных проявлений свободы, культурный центр)). На Кавказе видимо с эти сложнее. Но у нас не самые плохие условия. веганы позитивны по природе и нам надо быть благодарным за то что нам даёт щедро Вселенная. Да я почти веган, иногда попадаются кожаные вещи и иногда в мой рацион попадает молочка в виде греческого салата с брынзой, допустим в кафе))

это очень здорово, будем дружить :)) Про Питер наслышана, юг - шашлычный мир, как мне кажется. Ростов - ни туда ни сюда)

А вы откуда? я из Татарстана, страна вечно зелёных помидоров. Но летом я в дегидраторе всегда сушу на зиму узбекские помидоры))


Wow! I didn't expect those people to be vegetarian! Btw the pumpkin looks delicious!

Thank you friend). I specially went to a remote village to buy it. First I tried, I picked a variety and bought 50 pieces for the winter))

That was wonderful. I agree with you about eating bread, drinking coffee but I do it anyway. I try to keep things in moderation. I know it would be the best to just eat a clean diet.

I also did not go all the way. I want to receive pure energy from the universe and learn how to carefully spend it, not squander it, but use it wisely. But we all still have ahead.

Great post steemit is all the better for having you in its community

thanks for the welcome

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