Starting Over After Prison - Introduction

I was just released from maximum security prison after serving 3 years for selling drugs. I’m a smart guy and I know the difference between right and wrong. I did what I did and paid the price and I’m not here to cry about it. I’ve been to prison before, even at the federal level, but this time being older I really reflected on my life and where I want to be. I was an inmate in at the James T. Vaughn Correctional Center in Smyrna, Delaware where on February 1st, 2017 we had a hostage standoff where a correctional officer was killed. Here’s a link to the story:

I get the need to have law and order and I believe that if you commit a crime, you should be punished. I get that, but following the incident us inmates were treated very badly. In no way did I support the incident, yet my fellow inmates and I were all treated as we were involved. I thought that what happened was horrible. I knew the officer that was killed. He was painted as an honorable person when he was far from it, but he didn’t deserve to be tortured and killed. We were/are inmates and broke the law in order to be sent to prison, but that doesn’t mean that we should’ve been exposed to the immoral actions of the correctional officers and prison officials for the days, weeks, months to follow. It’s like they were trying to show us they could be more savage.


I was placed in solitary confinement immediately following the incident due to a complaint I previously filed in District Court about the lack of medical care that was available. This was pure retaliation, but what could I do? I mean us inmates should be given at least the most basic of medical attention. The media was heavily covering the story of the uprising and the prison was trying to prevent any information about the prison conditions from being leaked. I wasn’t able to send out mail or use the phone, and I was locked in a cell 24 hours a day and denied visits from my family. I was told that I was “under investigation”. I never did anything that should have warranted this. We were routinely “roughed up” by the guards without justification. The officers were in charge of preparing the food after the uprising and it was routine to have to pick the roaches out before eating. I cringe to think of what was in it that you couldn’t see. I’m not going to get into describing specific incidents for fear of further retaliation. I’m on probation and the probation office is an extension of the Department of Corrections. I’ve experienced more corruption in the system than I ever had on the streets, and I do not trust it.

We have a huge crime and incarceration problem in the small State of Delaware. Some of you may not be able to point out Delaware on the map but check out these interesting facts:

The United States has the highest percentage of its population in prison in the world, ahead even of countries like China and North Korea that are notorious for locking away political dissenters. All in all, close to 1.6 million people – that’s 1 in 200 Americans – are currently serving time in a federal or local prison.

Delaware, being the second smallest state has an area of only 1,982 square miles, but has a population of 897,934 and 6,739 prisoners, for 0.75 percent of the population incarcerated (and 3.4 prisoners per square mile on average).


So if you break this all down, the small state of Delaware ranks third in locking people up in the world and most of you have probably never heard of it.
The biggest city, Wilmington covers an area less than 17 square miles, but check out the murder stats:

Wilmington Shootings.png

Wilmington Shootings1.png

Our city was dubbed “MurderTown USA” and there was going to be a tv show starring Jada Pinkett Smith based around but government officials fought hard to not let the show be created:


We have a big problem everywhere in the US with no real solution. Crime is increasing exponentially at staggering rates. Drug use is out of control and most of the issues stem from that. Politician after politician with empty promises give us no hope. Do you stay and try to help your hometown, or run for the hills? I ask myself this every day.


I’m introducing myself to the community with this post because I’ve been checking it out for the past week or so and felt like I want to start contributing. If I were to sum up what sort of posts I would be likely to share in the future, they would be related to cryptocurrency, the internet, food, buzz, marijuana, and life topics. I really like crypto’s. I had the opportunity to get into bitcoin back in 2010 but stupidly chose not to thinking it was just a fad. I’ve read everything I could get my hands on about crypto’s while I was away and I’m really intrigued. I’m trying to build my life back after losing everything due to my incarceration. I used to build web applications and software and have a few ideas that I want to possibly develop. Under no circumstances will I sell drugs again. There is an expression that I’ve heard that says, “I’d rather be a square than live in one.” I can definitely relate. I am in the process of obtaining my medical marijuana card due to complications that I’ve received from being shot in the head. That could be another story for later maybe, but I’d rather not dwell on the negative. I was a grower that deeply believes in the medicinal aspects of the cannabis plant. Maybe some can find my experiences inspiring, who knows. At any rate, I hope this community accepts me. I look forward to contributing here in an attempt to earn some extra money to get back on my feet because I definitely need it. Thanks for taking the time to read this, and God Bless!



The more I learn about our prison system, the more I'm appalled. Great writing and welcome on board!

Welcome to Steem :)

I am glad to be here!

Welcome to Steem @crypticrecon I have upvoted and sent you a tip

Much obliged my friend!

I am so happy that this chapter of horror is over for you @cryticrecon. Although I have never "served time" in the tortuous manner you have, I have come too close for comfort. I was dragged through a year-and-a-half trial nightmare for a victimless 'thought' crime - no harm was done, no drugs, violence, weapon, threat or theft was involved. I was a victim of an entrapment checkpoint by state police and 7 1/2 yrs later I am still paying $$$ to regain the ability to live a life with more than zero quality. For example, just a week before I submit a required annual application for simple re-licensing - NYS jacked the app fee 400% to $100. Thank you for your post, you and I have important perspectives to share on the angles of injustice 'the system' employs and corruption of predatory policing - to fundraise / tax the people under the guise of "Serve And Protect". I hope to write what will probably be a 4 part post on this topic on how good citizens can easily be targeted and funneled into system of modern indentured slavery, their life effectively destroyed. Welcome & hang in there man, please continue your efforts to shine a light on this serious matter.

Hey man, you're out now and blessed that you will never take your freedom for granted again! good luck to you.. i am trying to get some more followers and you seem cool..i will be publishing lots of cool stuff soon and would really appreciate if you take a chance on me..

Thank you and I'm following you now...make me proud!

welcome friend on steemit if you want to earn more se my intro post
which i post tomorrow and see how i explan my self and how much i earn on it.its really helpfull for you my friend if you learn something so help other
in this way i am happy is not about money its about your inner good person .

Thank you. I will check it out. I look forward to learning much more here.

welcome my friend i am here for you feel free and come on my blog and ask anything

First off I'd like to say I'm very sorry that you were treated this way. We all take chances when we do illegal things and eventually they catch up with us. What you went through was unfair punishment when compared to the reason you were imprisoned.

With that being said, you sound like a rather well adjusted person even with all you've been through. Wishing you the best of luck on your return to "polite" society, and I'm looking forward to more posts.

Thank you for your kind words. I look forward to sharing because it's kind of a therapy for me. It gives me an outlet to share without necessarily being criticized.

I too believe that I was treated unfairly considering I had a non-violent drug offense, but our experiences only tend to make us more interesting people. I have much more compassion now for my fellow man as I've seen them at their lowest. I met people, good people that were on death row. Since the state has abolished the death penalty they are in with general population. I see the good in these people regardless of the choices they made. They are inspiration to me because 99% of them wake up every day happy and they have hope. Yes, thank you on my return to our "polite" society. I hope to post some good things very soon.

Awesome...reading it now

Nice to meet a humble person. I wish you luck.

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