Entrepreneur - Director of East Asian Affairs & Manager of Property Assets with ResoNova - Mom - Model - Dancer - Crypto Trader

Here's a little bit about me! I am a mixed Asian-American from the West Coast who spent 15 years growing up in the big city of Kunming, China and ended up in what is somehow considered a city (smaller than some Chinese villages I've seen) in the South. I started studying Neuroscience 2 years ago with the hope of one day becoming a surgeon so that I could have the connections and money to do what I've always wanted.

Since I was 6, I knew that I wanted to create a company that would help children and provide advanced medical services and training to doctors of the local area. My heart has always been for orphans, foster kids and those who were sold into sex slavery. At the age of 6, I had already drawn up the blueprints (in crayon) and generated a detailed plan that covered everything I could think of that I wanted to be able to provide.

This summer, my eyes were opened to the cryptocurrency world and the whole internet realm out there that I had always thought were only accessible to hacker tech nerds. I realized that I do not need to go to school for over 10 years and go hundreds of thousands into debt because my goal was possible and I didn't need to be an M.D. to make it happen. Instead, I could potentially create my company before my friends even finish medical school!

I quit my 9-5 job and got involved with an incredible new cryptocurrency investment company called ResoNova that is offering the first-ever cryptocurrency financial product. Hitting the ground running with full force and total transparency, they launched on July 5th and I was able to be a part of that. They offer a product that is similar to a bank bond or CD, but it is purchased in Bitcoin and has higher percent returns that pay out MONTHLY for 24 months.

Plus, if people don't want to invest and would like to trade their money on their own, that's no big deal! We have a free trading signal RSS feed that goes straight to our website (signals.resonova.com), Twitter and Facebook! That way, people can follow along and can utilize the advanced algorithms that were used to calculate the placing of each trade. We are not in business to make money, we are in business to help people, so the live trades of our trading group are posted for anyone to use!

ResoNova will give me the financial freedom I need to pursue my goal and we both share the same desire to help people, so it works out perfectly! :)

To top everything off, I dance with a professional hip hop crew, model, I have a sweet and intelligent little boy and an incredible boyfriend (who actually introduced me to crypto)!

Last but not least, I'd like to give a shoutout to steemit for following me on Instagram! I would not have discovered this wonderful blockchain-based social media platform project otherwise. Keep up the good work! I can't wait to see how this grows!


Welcome home! I hope you can fulfill those wonderful dreams of yours and tell us about your progress here on Steemit!

Thank you! I will try to post updates regularly for sure!



Welcome to the community!

Verification? See wang bots second tip. Welcome to the community! :)

Literally just got on here :D but I will definitely do verification in the near future. Thanks!

Great for you to join us!