Alright, its high time i introduced myself. my name is chukwuemeka popularly known as chuks. firstly i wanna use this opportunity to thank @ctrixx for introducing me to this great family of steemites. i am from the largest black nation in the world; Nigeria, i hail from a family of 6 excluding my parents, 2 boys and 4 girls...well we had 5 girls actually but we lost a sister some years ago. memories of her comes to me almost every day, she would forever be in our hearts, i do have this believe that everything happens for a reason. Am still in collage; abia state university ( so if you are from my collage and you re reading this post you can comment Hi). C360_2017-11-06-22-24-08-386.jpg![FB_IMG_1490817638788.jpg]C360_2017-04-01-18-38-45-614.jpgSo what do i like doing?( my hobbies) well... i don't like movies... i love movies, would blame that on my mother; when we were little, we lived in a village, our house had a very tall fence that surrounded the building, you can't see whats happening beyond the fence and you can't climb it cause of its height, so we had no access to the outside world just like a prison. My dad would always say that its for our protection. So during the summer holidays my mum would buys series of movies (like up to 20) for us to watch when they are out for work, whatever we wanted to see in the outside world, we could see them in the movies, the movies even had more interesting things to see than the outside world, though it wasn't real. Asides from movies i love writing stories; though no one has actually seen my work, i just write for the fun of it, i also love music.
Was finding it difficult to make friends in the village where we lived, i only had one friend then from child hood. we were like brothers, if anyone was to tell me then that we would separate and not be in contact with each other, i would have called the person a lair and probably charge the person to court Lol!, but well... that's life. after 12 years, we moved to my hometown; olokoro in umuahia abia state for reasons best not to speak of (maybe in another post), i had to start allover again but this time, it was different. we weren't in a perimeter-ed environment. we actually lived in a public yard where you share the same bathroom, toilet, compound etc with a total stranger, the only thing we didn't share was our pride, dignity and personality, at a point it was somehow exciting to me cause i had to interact with people, go out and meet people that are not my classmates; i actually went to the market on my own to buy things... so yeah it was exciting to an extent. we had to endure it for 4 more years before we moved to our permanent site where i live presently. i meet a whole lot of people, unique in their own ways but the most outstanding among them, who i would forever be grateful to God for meeting them are four eyed guy(he wears glasses) Emmanuel and @ctrixx, they really motivated me in ways they themselves don't know, and yes we still contact each other in as much as we are several miles away from each other in our various universities
I love to impact lives and make a positive difference in the little way i can. yes, if you ask an average guy what he wants, the answer is always obvious; money the luxury of cars, houses etc. yeah everybody wants that; i want that too, but i always say this; if My wealth can't affect the lives of people around me positively, i rather stay poor.
My country Nigeria is a very wonderful country, yes we have our challenges just like every other country out there. what makes Nigeria unique? well... i would start with a population of over 180 million people and over 250 ethnic diversities, some may say that's a whole lot of people, but i say that's a whole lot of ideas, leaders, potentials, entrepreneurs and human resources. Nigerians are everywhere and we are one of the most intelligent! hospitable and hard working set of people, diversities in culture and tradition, food languages and a whole lot more i can't mention,

I wanna thank God for picking me from where i was and bringing me to the young man i am today, i am forever grateful.
so yeah, that's just a little of me, Thank you all and God bless you.


Bro, nice introduction. I can write a full biography on your life after reading this.... Very comprehensive.. Welcome to the community and I look forward to more posts from you.

Hello @chuksomenia Welcome on the steemit. Greeting to Nigeria. Please enjoy your time here an don't forget to post quality content.


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