Pain pills

Pain is often an indicator of an underlying tissue injury. It is mostly what draws the patient's attention to an ongoing internal damage, early enough for him to seek help and hence get prompt intervention.

Pain is thus an all important symptom that shouldn't be neglected, especially when it is persistent or recurrent. Being one of the earliest symptoms of underlying tissue damage, like a sentinel, it alerts the body of impending danger early enough for prompt action and intervention.

Dismissal of pain, with fragrant disregard, or "putting up" with it, could prove fatal in the long run, especially when vital areas of the body, like the chest, and the head, are involved . No pain should go unaddressed, no pain should be left to linger for long uninvestigated, else the injured tissue sending out the 911 distress signal might deteriorate into something more sinister than the initial injury.

It is also important to note that analgesia [pain relief], while providing desired temporarily relief, may not address the underlying problem, nor halt the cascade of events the endpoint of which may be vital organ damage. It is important you bear this in mind while popping those pills.


She was brought in by the cab that she had boarded on her way to the market. Inside were her motionless body, the cab driver, and neatly dressed gentle man who was sitting near to her. The other passengers had gone to their various businesses.

One look at her, I knew she was already gone. But I had to make sure. So, I gloved up. The pupils were fixed and dilated. There was no palpable pulse. No respiratory effort. And the body was already turning cold. Ergo, she was clinically dead.

What could have killed her inside a cab, and while on her way to the market? If she was that sick, she wouldn't have been so beautifully dressed up for shopping. Get the drift?

The neatly dressed young man, who was sitting near her, and had witnessed everything described what had happened. She had suddenly held her chest, making a fist in-front of it, shouting in pain, and struggling to breathe. Then she started sweating profusely, as if someone suddenly poured a bucket of water on her. Next she threw up. And before they could say Roger Carpenter, she was dead. Everything happened so fast, 5 minutes tops, he said.

Massive MI [Myocardial Infarction], what the man in the street would call "heart attack." Shit didn't even give her any warning, I thought; it just went straight for her jugular. Pity.

Few minutes later, when the family came to claim her corpse, I learnt that she'd been having RECURRENT chest pain-- that gets worse when she exerts herself, and radiates to the neck, and left shoulder-- for about 6 months, and had been popping pain medications for it, and treating "ulcer."

6 months; 24 weeks; 186 days! This woman could have been saved over, and over again. If only she heeded her body's distress call, if only she took that 911 call from her ailing heart. Pity!


Do not neglect that pain! It may be an organ in distress crying out for help.

Stop popping those pills! They only mask the symptoms, they don't address the underlying issue.

See a doctor TODAY! And get properly diagnosed.


This is why i'm here, to put in my own little contribution in this wonderful steem community to share my day to day experience as a Medical doctor as well as talk about general health issues and to ensure that WE all stay healthy.

i hope my editing wasn't so bad and you enjoyed reading this post, its supposed to be my way of introducing myself.
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Thanks for reading.

Doc. JOE


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Thank you. I really do appreciate

poor lady. . And the sad thing is, many people die as a result of this problem. sometimes the drive to work, make money and put things together just makes us unconscious of an impending pain.

Well its nice to have you here, i'm sure with these writing skills you'll grow in no time. Thumbs-up

Please guys lets welcome him the steemit way.

thank you. see you around

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