in #introduceyourself7 years ago (edited)


Well, I'm a couple days late with this introduction. I hope everyone will forgive me. I dove in the other day with this gem...

Its a story I wrote about what brings me here. In short, I am sick of hearing the Zuckerberg's of the world dictate how things are going to work. Especially as they profit at everyone else's expense. I am absolutely disgusted with the level of corruption that has been allowed to exist in the world in general, but more embarrassingly, my home country of the United States. With that, I realize I started censoring myself on Facebook years ago, because I didn't want to get banned. . . But then I heard of this legendary place where you can be yourself, write what you want, post what you want and GET PAID FOR YOUR PARTICIPATION?!?!



I can only apologize SteemIt for not being here the first day. Then again, I'm still apologizing to Satoichi for that too and do you think I've even got a single BTC tip yet??? Greedy bastard!!!. . . NOPE!

Anyway, I'm a swashbuckling adventurer. I am middle aged and never been married. I have lived in every Western State except for Alaska, I've visited Europe, Mexico and Canada, but now call a marina in Texas home where I am preparing to refit my boat for a deep sea adventure. I work in advertising and I am fortunate enough to be able to take my business with me as I sail from port to port. Or at least that is the plan, when I push off sometime around my 49th birthday.

That is when I will begin to write my own version of Jimmy Buffett's, A Pirate Looks At 50. I could use all the help I can get from the Steam community along the way, so I'm hoping to get some help and I love to read, so I look forward to sharing my Steam power with you!

I specialize in real estate advertising and if you are in the market and your current campaign is not getting it done, contact me and I'll set you up with our video production department that does fantastic, broadcast quality commercials and we then have a solid, compelling piece of video to promote getting new clients through your door!

Ravens - Playlist.jpg
Just for fun, I might also want to share, I am also a solid singer... Like possibly should have gone that direction 20 years ago. I have an album coming out this year.
ravens front cover example.jpg

I have skied my entire life....
Solitude 3-24-05 009.jpg
While currently, I am pursuing my own Magellan style trip around the world, I have always had a wanderlust. I love the natural beauty of our planet and the environment.

Solo Flight close up small.jpg

As I mention in my capsule, I'm also a helicopter pilot and wouldn't mind one day returning to the air (I finished my school as the economy nose-dived in 2009 and as an instructor, couldn't get any students (who couldn't get any credit)), so I couldn't build any more hours.

I do still love romance and adventure and fighting the fights that are otherwise impossible. Those lost causes are something I share an affinity with as oft times, my life has felt like one. My favorite quote... From the quote smith himself, Winston Churchill, "Never, never, never, never, give up!"

Well, thanks for giving me the floor! I think I'm going to like it here. See ya round!


Welcome, kiddo! Great introduction!

Welcome aboard! Follow me at https://steemit.com/@bitgeek

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