Hello, Steemit world!
Hello! My name is Molly and I’m an astrologer. For the last nine years I have been writing and publishing historical fiction and while I plan to continue, I am branching out into a second line of work, helping people through the stars. About four years ago a video popped up on YouTube in my 'suggested videos' tab. It was about the North Node. I watched it and that began my decent into the rabbit hole of learning. The North Node has truly changed my life. I went from being an angry, depressed and defensive person, (not to mention broke) to one who is happy with the life I live, understanding the opportunity in challenges and have been able to completely reinvent myself. I have studied since that date, diving deep and learning broadly. I’m a lover of all animals, but have a special connection to cats. I am guardian to four and am obsessed with their happiness and well being. (plain speak: crazy cat lady)
I live in southwestern Montana and absolutely love it. The higher I can get, the closer to the stars, the better. I am married to my high school sweetheart, who is studying for a doctorate in Meta-Physical Science in addition to his day job. I come alive in Autumn and a day without music is unthinkable. I am also a happy workaholic with several different projects in the works at any given time. Nice to meet you!
Welcome to SteemIt @bialuna! I recently discovered this amazing technology as well! And I love astronomy! You get a follow!
Welcome to Steemit Land!
hello @bialuna.. I am always interested in astrology.. your intoduction is very interesting..looking forward for your posts!!!welcome to steemit
Welcome to Steemit! I have the same interests; cats and space! (:
welcome to steemit @bialuna. so glad having your personality in this platform, looking forward to more of your posts.
followed you.
Yes, a pretty interesting introduction! Welcome on board @bialuna
Hope to get more news about the writing soon :)
Welcome to the club! Follow me at https://steemit.com/@bitgeek