Finally! A community where I can be me and make new friends. My name is...

And he stood in line... nervously waiting for his chance to walk up to the podium. Thoughts ran through his mind of what to say... Will the crowd boo? Will the crowd like him? Will he walk out to an empty room bar a solitary janitor named Scruffy cleaning up the remains of what seemed to once be a vibrant hub of people. Or should he just picture the crowd naked to take the edge off? He walked out to the stage with a million opening lines swarming through his mind and took the microphone and said;

"Hi Steemit. I'm Chris."

Who am I?

I am Chris/Groot/Sparticus. To avoid sounding like a poorly presented ad-hoc 90's dating tape outlining a fondness of long walks on the beach and a hope to oneday escape the tyranny of my mothers  unfair rules she places over me while I live in her basement, I'm just going to stick with being myself and who I am.

Im 28 and Australian. Ive been playing music the majority of my life. Ive done drums, guitar and vocals across punk and metal bands for the last 15 years and now I'm moving slowly into the space of being a producer. In parallel to chasing the dream of being a successful musician I work as an analyst at a company where I... press buttons on a computer... write reports... drink coffee and discuss Bitcoins.... and essentially just be everything that 14 year old me would describe as 'selling out to the man.'

My Story

I was born and raised in Australia. This means I've survived many dingo attacks and I have forgone car ownership instead to take the green option of riding my kangaroo to work (its very common down-under). Music is my passion and I've dedicated most of my life to the craft, and intend to continue giving all my free time to continue doing what I love. 

Are you just here to shill your shitty music?

Ive left the band I was playing in on my own terms and reasons back in November last year, and am taking some time to just be myself. I haven't been able to write what I've wanted, or express my own views without being under the stigma of 'only post whats looks good for the band' for many years..... so now, I just want to write whatever I feel, and its not going to be links to my music.... unless its a cool band I've found and I want to share it.

Why now?

Ive always wanted to write but haven't wanted to invest in my own website. Facebook has changed from 'a place for friends' to 'a place for sponsored ads, memes that have died months ago, and cringe comments from relatives you just dont have the heart to unfriend because you know they'll make a scene on their bi-annually appearance to a Christmas dinner.' It has just become too cluttered, and its taken away the control of me being able to see all the content that my friends and people I follow post. I saw a work colleague using Steemit and when he explained it was about quality of content, I figured this would be the place write my first blog.

What will I be posting?

I'll be posting about the music industry, my lifes observations, and just my own twisted expressions to whatever might be going on with this planet we humans call Earth. I'm here for a laugh, and to become a part of the new community that values quality content and participation.

PS. I don't live in my mums basement, but I do like taking my dog for walks on the beach.


Welcome to steemite mate!

I love your intro.

I hope you only ride vegan Kangaroos to work.

My Kangaroo is a vegan and refuses to eat anything else.

We don't get many Dingoes around here though, the Drop Bears wiped them all out years ago.

Hey thanks!
We try to only ride the vegan ones. The carnivorous Kangaroos get a bit bitey. Haha :P

Welcome to Steemit, good to see another musician joining up good luck.

Thanks @gyro I can see Steemits music community is in its foundations, but I really want to be along for the ride and contribute as much as I can to help it grow

Chris, welcome! Wishing you a lot of luck with steemit, buddy!

Welcome on board, Chris! Looking forward to your posts and writing! Upped and resteemed!

Thanks @holgerwerner I made sure I followed you!

I followed you back, @backstagepass! And hope to get a sightseeing tour in case I come visiting your beautiful country! Where do you live in Australia?

Im just outside of Brisbane. You have to check out our beaches if you come over!

Oh great time to learn Surfing! That's really something I wanna do!

Its great man. I want to try snowboarding one day but it never snows here. I think theres like 1 little region up a mountain range that gets some, and its cheaper to fly overseas then to pay their hotel and skii pass rtes

I've never been snowboarding either, but it's also on my list. Have you visited the Southern Alps in NZ?

Ive only gone from Christchurch to Queenstown on south island, but I didnt get to go to any slopes. Maybe this winter im thinking about it. Its so overdue haha

Hey! Sometimes you just gotta sell out to the man, that's life, sadly.
Also in case you'd ever think of doing a solo project or any of your previous band members or who has recorded your music are okay with it or something, there's this thing called Dsound, which is basically like Soundcloud but on the Steem blockchain, so upvotes here and there (tracks might crosspost to your Steemit blog) will pay you (just until the post is 7 days old, so keep in mind establishing a followerbase first, etc).

By the way, thanks for the follow, man.
Sure gonna keep an eye out for your posts too.
Really liked the intro post.

@kristves Hey thanks for that. I've started seeing Dsound popping up under the music tags alot and Ive been listening to quite a few uploads. Your right how it looks super similar to soundcloud, which is not a bad thing haha. Ill keep my eyes peeled for your posts too!

Be yourself and get the dollar counting.

Awesome post @backstagepass, great to find another fellow Aussie on the platform. Look forward to reading your posts for your take on the world (even if not musically inclined)

Us Australians need to stick together @thescholarlyowl

Welcome, Upvote & following my new friend!

Thankyou! Great photo from before as well!

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