Introducing me and my art!
Hey guys! The name is Toast. I’m from Mauritius! For those of you who have never heard of Mauritius (you need to be REALLY good at geography to know where it is) This is where I am.

credit for Africa - I got this years ago so i don't remember. Mauritius was on a free vector site
Aaaahh yes, I live on an itsy bitsy tropical island- the land of sunshine and beautiful beaches. And really good rum too. Seriously guys, it’s amaaaaaaaazing! If anyone’s interested, I’ll probably be posting some pictures of where I live! :)
I’m a lot of things, a future millionaire (not so much at the moment), an artist, and somewhat of a writer! I also happen to me mildly weird and quite fun to hang out with. I’ve led a rather eventful life now that I think about it… could probably write a book. If you stick around you’ll probably learn the whole story. I was kicked out of school when I was 17 (for a terribly stupid reason) and ever since then I’ve been working. That was my sudden start of adult life. Since then my life has been pretty interesting actually, I’ve learnt a lot and it just made me want to learn more. I’ve taken up quite a few hobbies, my longest standing ones would be magic tricks, origami, and drawing. I have this incredible ability to complete 90% of a drawing and then move on to another one, It’s rather strange actually.
So this brings me to my point guys… Hows the art community over here!? I’ve looked around but it seems to still be small! Here’s a picture of one of my drawings. Hopefully it might encourage you guys to show me your drawings :) So let’s #bringontheart! (i have more drawings if anyone wants to see)

You are welcome here.
Thanks! :)