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RE: HELLO STEEMIT! I'm Aidan Klimenko--a professional photographer and filmmaker living in a van and exploring life throughout the Americas for the past 4 years.
Welcome to Steemit Aidan! What has been your favorite nation park so far?
Ahhhh such a tough question! It honestly changes day to day. An easy answer is Yosemite--probably one of the most impressive places on this planet. But if I were to choose "lesser known" park, I'd have to say either Death Valley for it's expansive and harsh deserts or The Redwoods, for it's lush and massive trees. All in California... :)
Here's a favorite from the Redwoods:

and a favorite from Death Valley:

Damn! Misty fog in a forest redwoods looks amazing!
Thanks! Yeah, a favorite park for good reason :)
How do you go about traveling in very hot areas like Death Valley?
its not easy. lots of water and being strategic with your time--as in, not hiking in the middle of the day...