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RE: Introducing Myself And Popping My Steemit Cherry

Welcome to Steemit. I just have to resteem your post for the vegan food photography: yay :D I started a blog about vegan food that I combine with the Traditional Chinese Diet and the HCLF-diet. I also wrote an article about it here: Check it out, if you like.

I hope you have a great time here on steemit and that you get more inspirations for your life!


I really appreciate it thank you, I love that you post both in English and German, pretty awesome. I must admit i am one to try diets and fail most of the time, i have never heard of the Traditional Chinese Diet though, it does sound interesting, defiantly something for me to read up on.

Hi Su7ie,

about the Traditional Chinese Diet: it's not primarily meant for weight loss, but to improve your health in general. The point is, that you will most likely will lose weight on the way, because you start to eat the food your body, individually need. You do not follow a weight loss plan. I personally would never tell anyone what he or she should eat, because it really depends on your indvidual health. Only a diet expert can find that out (via anamnesis and physical examination). But there are some general rules I spoke about in my article. If you want to find out, what you can do aditionally to improve your health and your body weight, I would advise to visit a nutrition counselor that has expertise in the Traditional Chinese Diet. I did so and I loved it. I got a list of single foods that are good and a list of single foods that are bad for me. It helped me a lot.

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