Who am I?steemCreated with Sketch.


My name is Alina and I'm a social worker and part-time 'artist'. The main emphasis of my work field is to provide a basic supply for homeless people. As an artist I'm very interested in creating drawings, paintings, digital arts (for e.g. photo editing), collages and animated short-films. I'm also into photography, even if I didn't have time the last years.

Recently I try to be active on deviantArt on a regular basis but unfortunately I'm not able to manage this every day. You can also find some of my works on Redbubble. By the way, it's not as simple as I thought to get attention and sales on Reddbubble.


I've chosen these two photos although they're about 9 or 10 years old. I like them because it's a mix between the art I do and my personality, something like a symbiosis. I really hope to find people with the same interests as me on steemit. I really looki forward collecting positive experiences with like-minded people here.

© by alina315

Find me on: deviantArt / Redbubble / Vimeo / SoundCloud


Welcome to Steemit :) Where in Austria are you from? Check out @lianaakobian, she is another young artist from Austria! Greets, @theaustrianguy

Dankeschön @theaustrianguy! Ich komme aus der Steiermark, du? Und danke auch für den Tipp.

Hi there welcome to steemit @alina315 how long have you been working as a social worker? =)

Thank you very much! I have been working now for almost three years. Do you also have points of contact in your daily life to social work? Or is it just a field of interest?

Welcome to Steem @alina315.

Do read A thumb rule for steemit minnows - 50:100:200:25 for starter tips.

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All the Best!!!

Dear Alina, welcome very much to steemit, I wish you a great stay around. What kind of social work do you do? Looking forward to your posts. Greetings :) Yaraha

Vielen herzlichen Dank! Wie ich gerade gesehen habe, bist du aus Deutschland. Ich arbeite als Fachsozialarbeiterin in einer karitativen Einrichtung, welche ihren Schwerpunkt in der Grundversorgung von obdachlosen Menschen hat. Liebe Grüße.

Gern geschehen! Oh super, auf deutsch sind diese Themen immer gleich etwas einfacher für mich zu diskutieren ;-) Lebst du auch in Deutschland?

Ja das stimmt. Ich komme aus Österreich! Bist du auch im sozialen Bereich tätig?

Achso =) Ja ich arbeite zur Zeit in einer Wohngruppe für Menschen mit Mehrfachbehinderungen (Schwerpunkt sind kognitive Beeinträchtigungen) da der Job jedoch leider sehr ausbrennt wechsel ich demnächst. Wie läuft es für dich beruflich? Sind deine Arbeitsbedingungen zufriedenstellend?

Meinst du mit ausbrennen, dass dieses Arbeitsfeld am aussterben ist oder dass die Bedingungen immer schwieriger werden?

Also in meinem Bereich (Betreute Wohngruppen für ehemals obdachlose Männer) bin ich sehr zufrieden, da die Teamgröße in Relation zur Bewohneranzahl ziemlich passend ist. Ebenso wird uns bei der Arbeit sehr viel Gestaltungsspielraum geboten. Allgemein jedoch kann ich sagen, und das ist vermutlich auch in Deutschland der Fall, dass soziale Arbeit mehr wertgeschätzt und ebenso auch entlohnt werden sollte.

Achso, sorry für die unkonkrete Beschreibung.. Der Job brennt mich psychisch durch die schlechter werdenden Arbeitsbedinungen aus.. Klingt super was du von deinem Arbeitsplatz berichtest, wie lange arbeitest du dort denn schon?
Ja die soziale Arbeit sollte hier definitiv neu bewertet werden.. LG :)

Erst seit einem Monat, also ein noch relativ neues Setting für mich.

Das was du schilderst ist (leider) gut nachvollziehbar. Da sollten die Rahmenbedingungen definitiv umgestaltet werden. Ich wünsche dir jedenfalls viel Glück und alles Gute für deine berufliche Zukunft! Lg

Hi and welcome to steemit. I like what you did in the photos. Love the different approach. Curious to see what else you do. Following!

Thank you very much for your kind words. I am delighted to read, that you're interested in art!

Welcome to steemit hope you enjoy it here! :)

Thank you, I hope it too!

Welcome to Steemit! This is great platform for artists.

Why did you pick Redbubble over say Etsy? Would you recommend running a Redbuble shop for an artist? Or is it worth just sticking to a few platforms?

Thank you!

To be honest, I picked Redbubble because of the cheaper shipping costs to Austria and probably also because of the website design (even if they're similar somehow). But I guess that both websites have the same qualities, maybe Etsy is more well-known, I really don't know.

Well, I collected too little experience for being able to give an advice. I think that the best way to sell things online, is, to be very active on every social media platform. Then you get attention and probably also some buyer. However, at the moment I'm not successful in it, maybe because I really don't have time and nerves to post a work of mine on every goddamn social media platform haha.

I relate to your last point; as I wonder if I should go all out on like 5 platforms, and 3 selling platforms or just stick to like 1:1 approach.

Thanks for the reply. Cheers.

I would try to spread but also keep the focus on all platforms (even if it's difficult sometimes). You're welcome!

Hi @alina315 welcome to Steemit this is an awsome post! I'm looking forward to seeing what more you have to share as I love photography as well thank you for this introduction. Also if you would like to connect with new people on Steemit, our members are supportive and want to help, please use the hashtag #newbieresteemday in your posts. Visit us Come Join Us!!! (Newbie Resteem Initiative) and follow @newbieresteemday also don't be afraid to reach out I'm @goodguyty👌

Hi Alina how are you? Really nice intro and artwork, i love it ! I would like to connect with other cool steemians, artists and musicians. I’m posting music tutorials and other things related to music (and bitcoins:p). I’m the founder of the free music school communicasound. I'm really pleased to meet you. So i give you my vote, follow you and i will be happy to read your next posts in the futur. If you want, you can do the same and follow me. It’s important to have a family in Steemit :) Greetings from Paris. Peace.

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