I Am Ahab. (Introduction Post)

I have been on a long journey. Unaware of what lay ahead, I trundle on. All that occupies my mind day in and day out is that whale. I must kill him. I fear he also feels, in some sense, the same about me. Yet it is as if he mocks me. That whale could destroy me at any instant, but has yet to do so. Is he taking me further out to sea for an ulterior motive? Do I even stand a chance against this beast?

Welcome to Steemit Land! Great to see you continuing to post more often now!
I wish you the best! and hope to see you soon.
omg Are you seriously starting this shit again? For real?
Things were going so well.
Welcome to steemit. Have fun!
There is no time for fun. Every waking moment must be spent hunting the devil whale.
Devil whale?? WTF man? I don't even know you!
welcome ahab :) followed
Follow me with your mightiest spears and harpoons. The beast lay beneath, and we must be ready.
@goofyu - please dont listen to this maniac.
Welcome to Steemit! :)
Welcome to steemit community.
I’m @jyoungking2 Start by following people and they will do the same.
Good Luck