I know a story about a man, lover of nature and used to explore it. In one of his many expeditions, he found a very large egg. He had never seen anything like it and decided to take him home. -Is it an ostrich? he asked his wife. -No, she replied. - Grandpa is too bulky. - And if we break it? -proposed the son. -It's a shame. We would lose a beautiful curiosity, "Grandma replied carefully.
-Without doubt, I will place it under the kettle that is hatching eggs. Maybe something will come out in time, "the man affirmed. And so he did.
The story tells that fifteen days later he was born in the dark, big, nervous turkey that eagerly ate all the food he found around him. Then he looked at the mother with vivacity and said: -Well, now we are going to fly.
The turkey was very surprised by the proposal of his new breeding and the explanation:
-Look, the turkeys do not fly. It feels bad to eat in a hurry. The turkey finished his lunch or dinner, his breakfast or snack and said to his brothers, "Come on, guys, to fly! All the turkeys explained to him when again: -The turkeys do not fly. You feel so bad about food. The turkey began to talk more about eating and less about flying.
So he grew up and eventually died in the corral. He died without having achieved it, what a pity, He was really a condor! and he was born with the ability to fly up to 7,000 meters.
But nobody was flying ...! He felt in his being to fly but what others said, finally took away the power to do so.
The same thing happens with us, we hear more the opinion that others have than we do, what they think we can and can not do, and then we underestimate ourselves so much that we doubt the great work that God did in creating us. How sad it is when this happens, that it has been created to win and fly high, now it is not left in a life limited by the opinions of others, by what others say you can do.
Do you think that you are not good just because you have gone through the bicycle and that there is nothing ready to achieve it, but that it is time that you find out about God to do you good? become more involved in your things, serve it with everything you have, do your best, do not let yourself die without having exploited your potential or that time passes and you say, "I do not know that you can do it", I assure you that God will surprise you because you will discover that you are the only one and capable of much more.
Do not be what others say what God has said.
"An end so that the man of God may be perfect, fully prepared for every good work" 2 Timothy 3:17