
After the just concluded Pan African Universities Debate Championship, TAAB101 decided to stage up an Interview with the Second Best Adjudicator of the Tournament and this is how it went:

INTERVIEWER: It's a pleasure to feature you today. Tell us a little about yourself.

E. GBEVE: Emmanuel K. Gbeve is my name, let me add the Hailord, thus where I get my motivation actually. A second year accounting student at the Islamic University College,Ghana.

INTERVIEWER: Well, So you just emerged a record breaking FIRST WEST AFRICAN to win SECOND BEST ADJUDICATOR in the PAN African Universities Debate Championship, How does it feel like?

E. GBEVE: From all my posts, all I say to friends is, Its been The Lord since day one . Sincerely though this is my first time of going for The Pan African University Debate Championship,I did a whole lot of loop hole fixing, I did much personal studies and learning through the internet and had much Books in PDFs and slides from Best and Africa recognized Debaters _David Ejim, Alhadar,and many other experienced ones, So if I could talk of how it feels like, *I would say it was not a luck but a hard work and God's favour, and even if some say it's a luck, I defined luck as when ones preparations meets an opportunity

INTERVIEWER: What was your Initial Motivation to Debate and what has kept and Inspired you till this achievement?

E. GBEVE: My motivation for Debate was an impact from My former school Debate President Mr Alhadar

Though It's been just a year in the Debate Society, it was something good than bad to me on two different bases

*Learning while having fun with friends from all over seconding it was a place for me to share my ideas for developing humanity, the society, Africa and the entire world as a whole.

Actually these are just some of the things that kept me up till I made it this Way.

INTERVIEWER: In your years of debating, what is the greatest obstacle you ever faced?

E. GBEVE: Faithfully it was and it is still funding for tournaments I go to It was the head ache. Actually I pay my registration,transportations and feed myself out of my own savings.

INTERVIEWER: Where do you see yourself in 2 years from now?

E. GBEVE: Sincerely as we are talking I've registered for the Manchester and London Debate Open 2018, So I believe with much studies and experience gathering and the same God on my side, I will be the World's Best Adjudicator.

INTERVIEWER: Great! In your everyday life, what has debating been able to do for you?

E. GBEVE: It has helped me in building a social network of good and nice friends almost all over the world.

INTERVIEWER: What is it you would like to change in the West African Debate Circuit?

E. GBEVE: As we are talking, I've just won the Recruitment Officer for West Africa under The Africa universities Debate Association, I will use this platform itself to change the Social vulnerable perception of what the society is about and will do my possible Best to get every tournament funds through application for sponsorship from Companies around West African and Beyond

INTERVIEWER: Words of encouragement to the upcoming debaters and to the world at large.

E. GBEVE: Debate and British parliamentary Debate is a game of intellectuality, While having fun as I said earlier on, You are still learning and creating a good social network among friends.

INTERVIEWER: It has been a nice flow having you featured on TAAB101 today, We hope to stage up another Interview with you when you actualise your dreams of becoming a World's Best Adjudicator and in your future achievements. Thank you very much.

E. GBEVE: Thank you for having me.

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