My Presentation to Steemit (My First post)

Hello everyone, this is my first post on Steemit

I greet the whole community of steemit, I hope that the blessing of God is always with you, it really took me a while to get into this page or social network, it seemed incredible to me that such a page existed, that they would reward the knowledge and talent that own each user.

My children were the ones who told me about steemit and they convinced me to open my account.

I want to introduce myself, I am Pedro Ibáñez I am 51 years old I confess that I do not show them, well my wife says to me, I am very charismatic, joker, cheerful with a very noble heart.
I live in Venezuela Zulia State.

tell you that I grew up in a united family, although we were poor, so much so that at the age of eight I had to go out to work with my older brother who was ten years old at that time, we went to the squares to clean shoes to be able to support my younger brothers and my parents, who were already old and could not work, I was doing that until I turned 18 and they hired me in a car wash, and then I worked in a gas station, also a driver of a taxi.

Until something very important happened in my life, I received Jesus Christ in my heart and started going to a church that changed my life, then I began to prepare to be formed as a pastor or reverend as they call us in other regions and sent me to Pastoring in a small town called Santa Cruz, there I am still working on the work of God, the year after I went to that place I married a beautiful woman, and she gave me four beautiful children the first birth was of twins, they are called Pedro @pedroi And the other is called Carlos, @ carlos25554 the third is called Israel @israelbass, and the youngest is called Jonathan, @jonataneliu are a blessing from God, from very young I took them to music schools, because I saw a lot of talent in them and today they are great

Musicians Pedro is a pianist and he sings very well, Carlos is a percussionist, he plays drums, Israel is a bass player and Jonathan plays piano and cuatro which is a typical instrument of Venezuela to play bagpipes, llanera music. They are also part of this community of steemit has an account called musiclas and they are the musicians of the church, they take out their own songs and they are about to release their own album.

I have been working as a pastor for 25 years, attending about 200 people giving advice and especially teaching them the word of God, it is a strong work of spiritual formation, because we always see that intellectual formation is more important than spiritual, man is triune spirit soul and body, we worry about taking care of our body by feeding it well taking our vitamins, exercising it so that it is in shape, the soul that is the seat of our emotions, will and intellect, we prepare ourselves we go to the best schools to train and train us, but that there is with the spirit, many times we do not take into account this area of our lives and that is why despite all the successes achieved or having a lot of money we feel empty because we need to feed the most important area of our lives that is what spiritual.

This area can only be satisfied when we recognize that we need God and we seek Him, God is spirit and when He comes to our life lives in our spirit when we seek Him to fill that void that may be in our hearts, that is my job to teach Gentle the word of God to nourish the spiritual area and I will be sharing with all of you that spiritual food.

I also like agriculture, I tell you that I sold my car and bought some land, due to the hard situation we are living in Venezuela, there is scarcity and the basic necessities are at a very high cost, for that reason buy land I am cleaning the bush to plant banana, yucca corn and I want to make paddocks, to raise livestock, because land is food and I want to solve this need for my family to have to eat and to help all those in need, because when I was child I lived many shortages of having to ask to be able to eat and today I want to have to give. And help all those people especially children who do not have to eat.

Soon I will be sharing with you all this experience of agriculture.

Well, I say goodbye to all of you until next time.



Hello and Welcome to Steemit. I hope you will enjoy Steemit as much as I do. See you around! :-)

I wish you the best! Hope you gonna have fun with our community and see you soon.

thank you friend

Welcome to steemit

Hello pedroisrael! Welcome to join the steemit community. Steemit is a social media that rewards you through interesting writing and comments. I think you have the ability to provide interesting writing in the next post. Your good job will be appreciated The spirit of work and good luck!
Best regard @fataelrumy

friend grace for your advice

Thank you :)

Very well written post ! I am very glad you are joining steemit. You will find plenty of interesting people here ! :)

P.S. Thank you for putting in the work for this introduction :)

thank you friend

Hi Pedro, welcome to Steemit. God always heard your prayer. This is why I am here help you start with a proper way.First thing first, read the Official website FAQ until you truly understand what is Steemit and the way it is. (

Your effort here will be rewards on your sincerity sharing. Be humble and never let greed control you.

Have fun exploring and posting your experiences in Steemit. Enjoy!

thank you friend

welcome and welcome to join friends on steemit platform hopefully what you aspire to achieve

thank you friend

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